Ratatouille Reaction

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  1. masterlowkii
    4 months

    thank you boom for making the doctor who reference

  2. Alice
    6 months

    Lady and the tramp next??!

  3. Jaya
    11 months

    this movie still slaps. really feels like the most live action pixar story

  4. Jamie
    11 months

    I feel like you would like Hamilton since it’s full of songs and you all seem to enjoy when things have songs in them.

  5. Juan
    11 months

    If you want more Pixar, I'd say Incredibles, Inside Out, Monsters Inc., and Coco. Dinsey: Treasure Planet, Atlantis, Dinasour, Brother Bear, Tarzan, Hunchback, Reck-it Walph, and The Great Mouse Detective are outstanding/underrated films. Live Action: Kingsmen and Transformers. Dreamworks: Sinbad, Spirit, Prince of Eygpt, Road to Eldorado, and Rise of the Guardians.

  6. sam16621
    11 months

    I highly recommend " The Fox and the Hound". A very underrated movie. Please.

  7. kikko78
    11 months

    please see the hunchback of notre dame

  8. CobraCartoon
    11 months

    This movie always makes me hungry. I’ve never been much of the cooking type but when I do, it’s usually made of weird combinations since I like weird flavors. My family claims I can’t cook but, everytime I’ve made something, they scarf it down. The theme of this movie is really something I like.

  9. Andre
    11 months

    This was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I'm glad I got to relive how i felt about it through you guys and I felt just like how Ego felt. Glad you guys enjoyed it

  10. DementisXYZ
    11 months

    Since we've now done a Brad Bird film, how about another? Incredibles or Iron Giant?

  11. kekkers
    11 months

    The Difference between A food Critic and a random person on the internet. Is that a Food Critic has studied how food is made and knows how to explain what's good and what is bad. They know what's fresh, all of the details about how things are made.

  12. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Fun Fact: Rats can't vomit. So Linguini's soul was so bad that Remy evolved to have the ability to vomit because of that soup.

  13. Anna
    11 months

    You guys are making some of the best choices for movie reacts <3 So glad to be a Patron. And you should definitely check out Rango at some point!!

  14. bertzieblu
    11 months

    I loved Ratatouille the first time I watched it and even until now :) All the food look so delicious and it made me want to eat a vegetable dish as a kid because I thought it was just a bunch of colored pepperonis (lol) Would be cool if you guys check out more Pixar movies like Luca or Onward!

  15. Clockwerk9000
    11 months

    glad you guys liked it! when i watched this movie for the first time when i was 9, it actually inspired me to go to college for cooking where i got my culinary arts degree and work the food industry now so this movie is very near and dear to my heart

  16. Alexander
    11 months

    Hope to see The Incredibles or Inside Out

  17. Residentfan 1
    11 months

    Man that collective disappointment when Eric called Twitter “ The X.” Agreed tho. That was pretty bad

  18. GainingGamer
    11 months

    REALLY GO FRENCH WITH peter sellers pink panther movies

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      11 months

      I'm jealous of that big storm, it's still wintery here, I prefer rain over the colder stuff ? the movie reactions have been ???

  19. GainingGamer
    11 months


  20. KingJulian
    11 months

    Hell yeah I love this movie, hope y’all will check out treasure planet sometime, now that one’s an underrated classic (at least compared to other Disney movies)

  21. .qu4n
    11 months


    1 replies
    1. KingJulian
      11 months


  22. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Ya'll should watch A Bug's Life

  23. Darc
    1 year

    Ego grew up poor, probably didn't have much in terms of food and so heard of all the glamorous amazing food in the classy restaurants. Eventually getting to the point of reviewing them and was thoroughly disappointed every time by things that were oversaturated among other things. And then he tastes something simple and actually delicious that took him to his childhood

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      11 months

      So he had his own personal Paris Syndrome

  24. Melissa
    1 year

    I loved this film since it came out. I have been to Paris multiple times, since I lived overseas, and I can confirm, the city smelt like piss and there are a lot of Gypsies and plenty of rude people. Yes some parts are nice, but I always recommend to hit the touristy spots then get out of the city into the countryside. Those small towns are the best. That's true for any country.

  25. GiantDadsShadow
    1 year

    there is a great small comic that the creator of steven universe made about this movie

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      1 year

      are you talking about "to zee left?"

  26. Kendorable
    1 year

    If you like Will Arnett, you gotta watch Bojack Horseman!

  27. Kristian
    1 year

    Huge Bree W for the vampire diaries blanket.

  28. Hamma
    1 year

    Bugs Life is another great Pixar film and one of my favorites. You guys really should check it out

  29. BigBo
    1 year

    SOrta Stupid team, please find a time to react to the 3rd season of Ducktales, it is the ebst season by far and you definitely will love it. I am starting a challenge to write it under every video untill you will have some free time for it! Hopefully, it won't take long :sweat_smile:

    1 replies
    1. BigBo
      1 year

      damn, last thing was embarrasing. I wanted to imply Grinning Face with Sweat emoji, but it didn't work

  30. Nathan
    1 year

    Please react to brother bear

  31. Internet Zing
    1 year

    Please watch Tarzan!!!!!

  32. spookyBud17
    1 year

    You guys should watch the book of life if you love coco

  33. Colonel
    1 year

    So which one won to go first? The boys or Rick and Morty? Either of those are FINE choices :)

  34. Joshy
    1 year

    You should watch Monsters Inc

  35. Rez
    1 year

    Please watch The Incredibles 1 and 2

  36. Dinamo89
    1 year

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986), movie that traumatized children.

  37. Jessi
    1 year

    Ratatouille is made of the same ingredients shown in the movie...but it's not all layered and pretty usually. It's a big bowl of summer vegetable mush! Yummy! (Squash, zucchini, eggplant, and tomato with thyme. I always plant too much of all that in the summer...so, we have it a lot ?)

  38. Wheelmagic
    1 year

    If you guys liked this movie, you’ll love “The Bear” on Hulu! It’s such an awesome show!

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