Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 14 (Boom Solo)

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  1. AustinAuranymph
    11 months

    Loving the Nugirt poster Sean

  2. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Day 3 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  3. DementisXYZ
    11 months

    I'm sorry, Sean, that comedic timing was truly golden.  "Oh, the mayor having a bad day?  Oh yeah, it's definitely a bad day!"

  4. Petrichor12
    11 months

    Funfact: Tad Strange is voiced by Cecil Baldwin, the main character of the podcast Welcome to Nightvale which premiered on the exact same day as Gravity Falls.

  5. Residentfan 1
    11 months

    2:07 oh my god! He killed Ferdinand! That bastard!

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