Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 19 (Boom Solo)

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  1. I thik Dipper choosing to stay with Mabel was the ‘right choice’ but I also like that Mabel came around and made sure that was *truly* what Dipper wanted.

  2. So much Greg Cipes in one day.  Crazz, the purple haired boy imagined by Mabel, is voiced by Greg, who also voices Beast Boy.  I would absolutely love for a 4th show that fits in with this, Owl House, and Amphibia.  It is a very specific style of show that these 3 have hit where no others have.  There are story epics, there are well told story arcs, and so on, but these 3 just feel a specific way that, while recommendations can be made that are similar, still don’t hit quite right.

    Again, just a heads up, but don’t worry about cryptograms for part 3, since parts 3 and 4 are one full episode.

  3. The post-credits scene is one of my favorite gags of all time – partly because of the poignant quote, and partly because it’s such an unexpectedly hopeless response to the nightmare around them 😀

  4. If you are looking for more Gravity Falls, in a few months a new book, “book of Bill” is coming out. Also there is journal 3 that has some more lore/ goes more in depth on the world of GF.

  5. You and the guys could watch “Inside Job”. Alex Hirsch was an executive producer on that show. It’s only 2 seasons and way more grown-up, but IDK,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought it was a fun show.

  6. So glad you noticed Jon Stewart, he was a huge fan of the show in part because Kristen Schaal was a Daily Show alumni (I imagine that was the same reason John Oliver played Wax holmes in season 1) and he even gave it a shoutout in a Daily Show interview

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