Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 13 (Boom Solo)

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  1. I loved all of the animated series you mentioned in this video, but I do find myself returning to Gravity Falls as a series I can throw on anytime, find the humor and story-telling amusing, and never tire of it.

  2. Summer camp island is one of those shows Boom I promise! it’s similar to all of them. it’s not very known I only found it like 2 years ago but it became one of my favourites instantly and I know alot of people will enjoy it if you all give it a chance.

  3. Glad you caught that it was weird al, and the self reference about ducktective. Not sure if you caught the “twin brother was the twist” joke at the end. So glad you’re enjoying. I’m curious, by the end, which of the 3 (this, owl house, or amphibia) is your favorite. Oh? That’s what I get for commenting before you finish talking. Glad to hear this might be your favorite.

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