Avatar The Last Airbender S3 Episode 5 REACTION

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  1. capkyros
    16 days

    The episode where Toph can see.

  2. Stella
    5 months

    You know, each time I watch a reaction to this episode it goes one of two ways. Either the reactor is totally weirded out, or they are throwing a laughing fit throughout the entirety of the episode. It is a strange episode when you watch it for the first time, but later you realize how significant it is. It has important characterization and personal development for our villain gang, shows how miserable and incapable child soldiers are when they are confronted with society and every-day-life. And it provides insight in Azulas psyche, all the things her father took away from her and how much her upbringing messed her up.

  3. Jamie
    11 months

    ngl i love Zuko but like his relationship with that one girl felt like the most forced shit i have ever seen. its so awkward whenever they're on screen together. 

  4. .mojeanie
    1 year

    I love this episode! Yeah, it's the "beach" episode, but I love it. It shows that even with their background they honestly don't know how to act in a normal setting.

  5. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    Ok, I understand that you guys are mad at Zuko for betraying Iroh, but cut him some slack the dude is mentally going through a lot of shit right now alright.

    1 replies
    1. nickstro0305
      1 year

      He's a fictional character

  6. reina
    1 year

    Episode 6 is missing

    1 replies
    1. dxnimalz
      1 year

      it's on the site its just not showing up on the side

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