Adventure Time S8 Episode 1-4 REACTION

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  1. Thomas_Stilinski
    1 year

    i aspire to be as unbothered as jake

  2. Juan
    1 year

    Broke his crown: Another great episode of PB, Marceline and Simon, Marcy invites PB to a dinner with the Ice King so that she can relax (we already know what happens when PB is in hermit mode), we see them together interacting with the Ice King , who after so many adventures is semi-reformed, but something happens to him and he starts acting strange, PB takes him to his laboratory (after knocking him out with brute force ??), PB and Marceline enter the crown through a reality machine virtual (which we saw for the first time in Pajama War, when PB and Finn were strengthening their friendship) and enter "a digital simulation of the crown", thus they meet Dinosaur Gunther (the first wearer and who created the curse of the crown with the wish), and after seeing other bearers (like Santa) and Marceline meets Simon again and they catch up [when Simon asks if Marcy has a boyfriend PB turns away, and when Marcy says no more PB stops turning around with a smile :3]. There they find "a digital copy of Betty, now Magic Woman. And after stopping her and being expelled from the Crown, the day ends well for everyone and PB being a Nerd in a good way.

    1 replies
    1. Juan
      1 year

      Don't look: On this occasion Finn faces another test of maturity, in this case self-esteem, they meet the Hermit (his species is unknown, remember that there are many mutated beings similar to humans and the skeleton seems to be a few decades old. ) around him he is surrounded by objects (probably people who trying to help him or steal his eyes ended up as objects for eternity, hence the dramatic music when the snow globe breaks), from here Finn has the hermit eyes that change ONLY the appearance of the people, Jake is a college student because he is his older brother figure, BMO is an angel because he is pure and Shelby is a Nerd in the bad sense, there he meets the Ice King, who is only converted into Simon but remains the same. crazy (in addition, Finn perceiving him as someone damaged leaves him with his underwear and not with the suit from the episode "Betty" of 5t), and he sees PB, as an aside after everything they have experienced, Finn considers PB one of her best friends and one of the "Bros" giving her that masculine appearance BUT Finn also considers PB attractive and in his subconscious there is still "her past of failed romance" resulting in a "A Tomboy breaks hearts ×.×". Then Finn meets Nepthor and perceiving him as a microwave turns him into a simple one, there Finn's insecurities appear and when he sees himself in a mirror he perceives himself as a monster "Like a horrible father in the form of Martin", then Jake He comforts him and takes him to the others and there everyone The Ice King, PB and Jake remind him of his values ​​and qualities, increasing his self-esteem and freeing himself from the eyes, and in the end BMO is saved by the eye pai, yup a full episode and brilliant.

  3. crowstheomega
    1 year

    Finn looks like he got the Six Eyes

  4. jemx27
    1 year

    I just looked what eps are next and I'm so excited for more Keith David!! 

  5. Miguel
    1 year

    Season 8!!!!! Yusssssssssssssss <3 BILLLYYYYY

  6. Wheremoon
    1 year

    I don't know if you caught on but when Finn see's himself as a bad person he see's himself as his father.

    1 replies
    1. Vilmu
      1 year

      Yep, the monster form resembles him.

  7. Anza
    1 year

    just a heads up if you keep the 4 eps format, eps 12 and 13 are a 2 parter if you dont want to split those two up, and starting with eps 20 till the end of s8 is the 2nd Arc, with the 3rd Arc starting immedietely with s9 ep2, eps1 being a linking episode. :)

  8. darkus
    1 year

    In the episode where we first meet Betty Simon punches marcelines ex

  9. Callum
    1 year

    Yes, finally more Adventure Time!

    1 replies
    1. Miguel
      1 year

      I live for these episodes :,)

  10. FaalofMan20
    1 year

    Again, Max has incorrectly set up the episode order completely wrong; you're actually still in Season 7 with 13 episodes (including this one) still left! The season doesn't end until Preboot/Reboot. You should really consider following the episode list instead of relying entirely on Max.

    2 replies
    1. Jamie
      1 year

      the episode lists also have preboot and reboot in mid season 8. also, if those were the finals of 7, 8 would only have like 14 episodes

      1 replies
      1. FaalofMan20
        1 year

        The creators have properly confirmed that Season 7 ends with Preboot/Reboot. Season 8 would actually be quite long at 28 (it includes the Islands miniseries). The productions state that the series has 9 seasons but because of CN's bizarro airing at the time, they mutated the series to having 10 seasons.

    2. Callum
      1 year

      The episode list says this is season 8, so does Wikipedia and the official Adventure Time wikia.

      1 replies
      1. FaalofMan20
        1 year

        The creators have properly confirmed that Season 7 ends with Preboot/Reboot. Season 8 would actually be quite long at 28 (it includes the Islands miniseries). The productions state that the series has 9 seasons but because of CN's bizarro airing at the time, they mutated the series to having 10 seasons.

  11. sceden
    1 year

    Wrong thumbnail again lol. cant wait for next episdoes

  12. Icy
    1 year

    Evergreen never wore the crown so he wouldn't be in there, but everyone who has and was the Ice King is in there.

    the lard did go to a different dimension remember some dimensions are linked also so is the crystal dimension

  13. Asad
    1 year

    I just noticed the first episode is literally Marceline taking PB to meet her parents (or pseudo dad in this case).

  14. nick
    1 year

    funny how Simon says he would have liked to be there to punch Marceline' old boyfriend when she dumped him and the first thing Simon did back in the episode where he briefly got his sanity back was to punch Ash in the face

    1 replies
    1. Veritas
      1 year

      I never noticed this, wow!

  15. The
    1 year

    Evergreen never wore the completed crown so nope

  16. Jgorch13
    1 year

    you guys, i the thumbail is wrong, you didn't watch that episode

    3 replies
    1. Jamie
      1 year

      out of curiosity, what ep was the thumbnail of before they changed it to the right one? lol

      1 replies
      1. p.eachyweachy
        1 year

        It was Fern

    2. Nathan
      1 year

      Same thing happened with gumball a couple weeks ago. Whoever edits I guess mixes up which recordings the screencaps come from

    3. Icy
      1 year

      but it gives my hope they have it recorded

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