Adventure Time S8 Episode 24-27 (Part 5-8) REACTION

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  1. Darc
    4 months

    To be fair to the humans on the founder Islands. Until the time of the kingdoms and stuff humans would likely not have survived out in the apocalyptic areas

  2. DrawingFyreFox
    5 months

    Fun Fact: When Martin comes back to Ooo by crashing his ship. His ship is called "The Minnie" having it written on the side, refering to his wife Minerva. He also tells Finn he was born on a raft. That there was a tiger and he had to go do Destiny stuff as it showed the colossus coming from behind a giant wave.

    (S6 E07 The visitor)

  3. Diggly
    5 months

    About Martin becoming a complete douchebag after the incident, some people think that he could’ve gotten brain damage because of a bonus artpiece showing Martin being rescued by some pirate dudes and his head being all busted up. So he probably reverted back to his old ways as a result.

    1 replies
    1. Throwback
      5 months

      While that's a fair reading, I think, for me, I think it's more compelling if he WASN'T changed by a head injury.

      Martin lived his whole live as two-timing swindler, betraying others solely for himself. That was his whole thing. He was "The Rascal." Even during his first meeting with Minerva, he was trying to scam her. It was only after he started to date Minerva, that he truly started to grow, and actually be a better person. And for around 9-12 months, Martin WAS a good person; he even set up a legitimate business. Classic Tragedy Stuff. For 30-ish years of his life, he was a swindler. Then, for a little under a year, he wasn't.

      But then he lost his wife, he lost his home, and he lost his son. Stuck on his own, he likely fell back on what he knew to survive: by being a con artist. There are also little bits of dialogue that seem to indicate that Martin remembers. "I always planned to come back for you,... That's true" (said with a tone of regret) "You burn enough bridges, the only direction to move is forward".

      Dude probably intended to come back initially, but he knew that he'd always have some schmuck coming after him, which would put both of them in danger, not to mention The Guardian thing. On some deep level, Martin internalized the notion that he could never go back; that bridge had been burned; and that he'd never amount to anything more than a swindler. He could never have "the good life". He would always have to be on the run, from place to place, stepping on sucker after sucker. Add 16 years of it and you probably get a douche like Present Martin.

  4. jdyt_69
    6 months

    man this is so good im crying

    i wish they upload the next season fast i know they have a lot of shows to watch but still

    i fucking love this series and reactions

  5. Jaya
    6 months

    Adventure time really grows into such a masterful story

  6. JustCallTre
    6 months

    So, something interesting is, when martin told finn about saving him from the raft, from some of the exaggerations he was lieing, but the raft himself, and honestly even the tiger was technically true

  7. Daniel
    6 months

    And thus ends another great 8 parter from Adventure Time :D

  8. Magic
    6 months

    There's multiple theories for why Martin ended up the way he did. Although I do like the theories that he got amnesia or brain injuries after the guardian incident, I'd also like to believe that Martin just kept moving forward. He probably gave up hope looking for Finn and just went through so much stuff in the land of Ooo. In the season 6 finale, FInn asks him why he keeps running from things and he responds with "You burn enough bridges, the only direction to move is forward". I think its part of his character that he's a scoundrel who tried to enjoy a family life but things just kept going wrong so he continues to move on. He's a really facsinating character to breakdown.

    1 replies
    1. Jaya
      6 months

      In story terms, you're either the parent that would do anything to be with your child or you're not. And as macho as guys are it's usually the mother

  9. Bam_blaster
    6 months

    Ok just a heads up next season starts with a 8 parter

    1 replies
    1. Nathan
      6 months

      There's one episode before the 8 parter. Not sure what they are going to do, maybe 3, 3 episode uploads or hopefully a 5 episode then the finale

  10. Jabriel
    6 months

    Martin got amnesia atleast that’s the theory, when the guardians eye exploded it gave him amnesia. That’s why when merten was the leader of that small village he said he couldn’t remember anything about fin but he had a feeling he knew something. Hope that was easy to understand I feel like I could’ve explained it better

    1 replies
    1. Jaya
      6 months

      Dads leave their kids irl every single week

      1 replies
      1. Sydney
        5 months

        That's your issues. Some dads are great, like mine.

  11. xman
    6 months

    I believe it's implied the reason Martin is so awful now is because he hit his head after the confrontation with the guardian and has some brain damage. He does remember some stuff. Like when he was telling Finn about how he was on a boat, the way he sat around him(and even said "have you seen anyone sit like this" or something) was the same way he sat around baby finn, he said "there was a tiger"(the lady's tiger), he said talking about finn's mom stressed him out, and he told Finn "I always planned to come back for you, but I didn't. Thats... true" almost like it shocked himself to know he's telling the truth.

    1 replies
    1. BonnieBunny89009
      6 months

      Yeah, I want to believe the theory it's a brain injury of some sort, because it's definitely true that a brain injury can absolutely change someone's entire personality. I know this firsthand from a family member who suffered a traumatic brain injury and all of his beliefs and certain ways he acts are changed. Perhaps that's why I want to believe the brain injury theory, since I have personal ties to something like that. It's a simple explanation that makes sense and is theoretically the most likely cause.

  12. Arifur
    6 months

    YAY lore episodes!!! Finn's parents are very complicated people, which is why I like them so much.

  13. Kacey
    6 months

    I seriously think Martin got brain damage from that explosion and suffered severe memory loss. That why he barely remembers Finn and can't seem to focus in anything. But, he has been a con-man for so long he will never forget that

    1 replies
    1. Jaya
      6 months

      Dads leave their kids irl every single week

      1 replies
      1. UsrNmTkn
        5 months

        I think you need to process this with your therapist rather than posting unfounded remarks about fathers under comments on a reaction channel.

  14. Taylor
    6 months

    It’s important to realize Finn takes after both his parents. From Minerva he got her empathy and need to protect those he loves, and from Marty he got his independence, recklessness and need for freedom.

  15. Ringo
    6 months

    There is no cannon reason why Finn is afraid of the ocean but the events of him being on a raft as a baby might have affected his phobia.

  16. Asad
    6 months

    The last 2 minutes of the last parter still makes me tear up. What's even crazy is that this scene is in the same show where a deflated talking dog says 'where da bones.' These last 4 episodes being simultaneously the funniest and most emotional episodes of the series is a testament to how good of a show Adventure Time is.

  17. Icy
    6 months

    Now I hope you all understand why this is my favorite mini-series and yeah humans are safe but stuck really on one island for now. but more advanced tech. Also what happened to Finn's parents always hits the feels for me.

    Also if you didn't notice on Founder's island there was a statue of Tow Bread Tom, the man who was in steaks as he lead the humans out off the main land that Marcy knew. So she unknowingly helped save humanity, by protecting him and those humans.

  18. Ricky
    6 months

    Holy carp! i just realised Dr Gross was the woman who was making hybrid animals below beutopia!

  19. Asad
    6 months

    Also only now I am starting to realize how gay Frieda and Susan/Kara are.

    1 replies
    1. Vilmu
      6 months

      Yeah, it very much feels like one of those "we are not allowed to explicitly say it, but we are definitely implying it" cases.

  20. Asad
    6 months

    To this day me and my mates randomly yell out 'Where da bones'

  21. empress
    6 months

    I hate how much they hate him

    1 replies
    1. SillyDingus42
      5 months

      Even though they made all those comments prior to getting the info that you already had? Or like, maybe you realize that but it was still hard to watch because you *do* know?

  22. .qu4n
    6 months

    I think when the guardian blew up, it gave Martin some brain damage

  23. hurryupmode
    6 months

    Everyone's posting the brain damage theory, but I think after spending so long away from the one good influence in his life, he just fell back into his old patterns again.

    I mean, he DID say in an earlier episode: "Once you burn enough bridges, the only way is forward."

    2 replies
    1. MartianElegy
      6 months

      When Finn asked Martin about his mom in that one episode, we saw that he was having a very hard time remembering what exactly happened. He was only able to tell Finn very vague details and at the time it sounded like something he was making up because of how absurd it sounded. I think that helps support the brain damage theory

    2. Stash
      6 months

      I really like that interpretation--that once Minnie wasn't around Martin anymore, Martin grew into the con man role again. He gradually fell back into old habits, starting with small indulgences until it got easier to do more and more selfish things. There could be an element of fear, too, of not wanting to get attached to anything and seeing relationships at a surface level for fear that he'd lose out on such an immense emotional investment again. I just like that idea better; it feels like a stronger character-driven narrative because Martin is making actual decisions or is self-destructing rather than suffering from brain damage which is 100% out of his control. The brain damage plot/theory/hinted-at element feels a little too close to "and then the main character fainted so we could do a scene change" for me to be perfectly content with it, but ultimately, I'm just playing around with theory, not stating that "this is definitely what happened". Idk, I just really like a character who does objectively bad/shallow things to desperately avoid the consequences of their actions only to be shoved closer and closer to those consequences (like Lord Macbeth or--on some level/kind of--Catra).

      1 replies
      1. SillyDingus42
        5 months

        I personally think that it was a combination of brain damage (at least some), all of your ideas, AND being driven mad due to guilt over losing Finn. I don't think it was as simple as just brain damage, but I also do think it was a factor. It fed into his old ways, the patterns that felt most familiar for survival.

        You also gotta remember that he had to fend for himself from there, without the support that Finn had. Finn at least had Jake with him the whole time, Jake who can do all sorts of powerful things. Martin had to survive entirely on his own, warped by brain damage and equipped with the tricks of a con man – leading to your idea that he just kept slipping farther and farther into shady situations. Add in the feeling of running from his past (guilty, can't go home because he's a fugitive and ashamed he lost Finn, etc.) and I think it helps explain how we got to the selfish Martin we originally met.

  24. ShaiGuy
    6 months

    Its implied that when the guardian exploded, he got brain damage and lost his memories. He was a con man but he changed for the better for Finn and Min. Its tragic really.

  25. DRedd
    6 months

    There is a piece of supplemental art of Martin being found by pirates and he's bleeding from the head. This has lead to a lot of speculation that the injuries he sustained messed him up. Either giving him amnesia or just damaging his brain in a way that made his memories fuzzy and ruined his empathy.

  26. Anza
    6 months

    One theory I'm behind, cause it was my thought process as well the first time I watched the eps, is that when he was blown off trying to stop the Guardian to protect Finn, he got some sort of brain damage/amnesia that 'reset' his brain back to before he met Minerva, and whatever happened after that, he grew into what he became which was a worser version of the idiot he was before, he did seem to have SOME really vague recollection of what happened to Finn (the episode The Visitor, he had a mashed up recollection of the raft and vague remembrances of that he was trying to save Finn, he also named his ship "The Minnie", after Minerva obvs, and he also said trying to remember his past made his head hurt, which to me solidifies he has some sort of brain damage/trauma from the incident) Though what went between him falling into the ocean and him ending up in The Citadel is anyones guess (it had to be a cosmic crime remember, leaving the island wouldn't constitute that) The Min and Marty eps always makes me tear up, at what could have been. Martin really had changed, it just wasn't in the cards.

    also, now you know why Finn used to have a phobia about the Ocean :)

  27. Ryujin
    6 months

    I feel like Martin might have suffered a head injury or at least gotten some form of amnesia since there’s no way that the same man that fought the guardian to protect his son would act the way current Martin acts

  28. cyborggamerpro
    6 months

    Before y'all watch Adventure Time Fionna and Cake. You HAVE to watch Adventure Time: Distance Lands. Trust me you won't regret it.

  29. Rebecca
    6 months

    Creators confirmed that basically Finn‘s dad suffered brain damage from what he did to the guardian. That’s why when he tells this version of the story to Finn earlier in the series it’s weird and jumbled. He honestly doesn’t remember everything. Basically he’s mentally and physically traumatized and it brought out all the worst aspects of himself to the point that he’s a different person.

    1 replies
    1. Icy
      6 months

      source for the confirmation on that?

  30. darkus
    6 months

    i like the theory that martin got brain damage in the guardian fight and lost his empathy

  31. Asad
    6 months

    Ruff is pretty much right. Martin's past caught up with him. The reason he never went back is because he thought that Finn was dead and he didn't have the courage to go back to his wife and tell her that he got their son murdered. It's also implied that he got brain damage from the blast. There is also a popular fan theory that the reason present Martins is such a scumbag because when he made it to the outside world he realized that there was no danger and the Founders had been brainwashing humanity to keep them on the island. All of these reasons led to him becoming such a distrusting person who only cared for himself. There is a second part of this theory that I don't want to talk about for now because it has heavy spoilers for the new Fiona and Cake series.

  32. Sincerely,
    6 months

    yeah after the main show is done then u guys gotta watch distant lands and all that. please remember distant lands eps are before the Fiona and Cake Series.

  33. sceden
    6 months

    giant's eye explosion is what happens to finn's dad to change. there is comics about it more informative, dont remember name tho.

    1 replies
    1. Kenny
      6 months

      Martin just got brain damage from when the Guardian's eye exploded in his face. If you go back to season 6 Ep 27 “The Visitor” Finn asks his dad where he came from, Martin tells a story that sounds made up but in hindsight it’s him vaguely remembering what happened that day. “You were born on a boat in the middle of the ocean” and “I think there was a tiger or something.” They even show the Guardian while he’s trying to remember.

      1 replies
      1. xman
        6 months

        Another small detail is how Martin sits around Finn. I believe in the episode you're talking about, Martin sits around Finn and says something along the lines of "have you ever seen anyone sit like this?" It's actually the same way he sat with baby Finn in the min and Marty episode

  34. sceden
    6 months

    kinda sad u skipping every intro when its unique and will last only for 8 episodes

  35. britti
    6 months

    Are you guys going to react to Adventure Time Distant Lands as well? It's just 4 episodes that take place after the main series

    3 replies
    1. Reaper
      6 months

      They gotta, right? They seem to really love the show so I don't see them just completely ignoring the bonus stuff. As long as they know Distant Lands 3 and 4 should be watched 4 then 3. I wish I knew that before I watched it. 3 makes such a better ending to that mini series.

    2. Ranginald
      6 months

      I doubt that's even a question

    3. Ryan
      6 months

      Ooh I hope they do (after adventure time but before Fionna and cake distant lands is mmm real good)

  36. Dylan
    6 months

    Big story, let's gooo

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