Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 63-64 Reaction

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  1. Aspen
    54 minutes

    fun fact: the text on plo's ship near the end translates to "plo's bros"

  2. idziman
    6 hours

    Do you guys really understand the difference between having to do something while under the pressure of being pursued versus having an opening to give your undivided attention to it? I'd never thought I'd see the day where you guys unironically agree with Akainu's sense of absolute justice, all you needed was to get it spoonfed to you by Anakin and Tarkin

  3. tavisa9
    12 hours

    At least in the old canon, Mace had trained at least two apprentices. He had taught them both Vaapad, and both consequently fell to the Dark Side afterwards. He’s considered the only true master of this particular form, and may have had some bearing on why he did not attempt to train Anakin.

    I’m speaking strictly from old canon, but Vaapad requires much more aggression than any other form. The Jedi has to dip into the thrill of the fight, of winning, without losing themselves to it. It takes the dark side energy directed at them, draws it in, then redirects it back to the source. 

    Him reflecting Palpatine’s lightning back into him was both a physical thing, but also him redirecting the dark side just as his lightsaber redirects the lightning.

  4. MrMathMatical
    13 hours

    yeah, don't listen to people who tell you to skip to a certain series. Those people are stupid. Star Wars, especially the shows, assume you have watched each series in release order. So they will add say a character from Rebels in The Mandolorian. but they wont give you an introduction, they assume you have watched rebels and know who they are. They will also be a spoiler heavy series Ahsoka in particular. You'll also miss several easter eggs and small details like a name drop here and there or a quick cameo etc. So its best to watch release order so clone wars, rebels, bad batch. then Mando seasons 1&2, Book of Boba Fett, Mando Season 3, then Ahsoka. The live action shows overlap timeline wise, so it can get a bit messy when doing a chronological watch. But this is just my opinion and suggestion on how to watch Star Wars, you can agree with me or you can ignore me. You guys do what you think is best for you. I just know there are things you'll be more excited for if you watch release order. But either way I look forward to seeing you guys continue the story regardless of what order you watch.

  5. Rick
    15 hours

    Eco was from domino squad, now fives is the last remaining member 

  6. hakairyu
    15 hours

    I think the problem is Mace sees the things he dislikes about himself in Anakin.

  7. Taz
    15 hours

    Reason they struggle using the Force is because you need to be concentrating hard, which is difficult when half the time jedi are blocking laser bolts. Like you brought up Luke lifting the ship out the lake but he struggled to do that with a absolute clear mind, and his force power is like top of the verse so you can understand why the average Jedi isnt pulling crazy stuff off.

  8. Matthew
    16 hours

    Why do you guys even have a comment section if you don’t read them? Cuz you guys are wrong about a LOT of stuff and assume a LOT. I get not wanting to be spoiled you seriously miss so much. 

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      15 hours

      They literally read the comments all the time. They’re in here replying all the time and constantly bring up our points in the videos. You must be a really new member if you don’t know this.

      1 replies
      1. Slaya806
        13 hours

        2 of them in this video say they don’t read the comments on clone wars 

  9. The
    16 hours

    The limit of  their force abilities in combat is 100% just plot, but if I had to make an excuse, I would probably say it is about concentration. They are already preoccupied being shot at, making it hard for them to think. This is where having a magic laser sword comes in handy, because that is something ingrained in you. To use the force takes focus. A lot of times, especially in training sessions, you can hear the Jedi implore their pupils to concentrate. 

  10. Aaron
    16 hours


    I haven't played Destiny, but there is a MMORPG where you do just that, but you can be one of two kinds of jedi, a trooper, or a smuggler for the light side; and one of two kinds of sith, a trooper, and a bounty hunter on the dark side. It's Star Wars: The Old Republic(different from Kotor).

    It's not the same genre, but it is the same idea.

  11. SD
    16 hours

    Well, not that you’re probably gonna see this lol, but to be clear, Ahsoka’s killing at the end is acceptable under the Jedi code. Jedi are allowed to kill in self defense and in defense of innocents. 

    1 replies
    1. tavisa9
      11 hours

      That was my immediate reaction. Yoda telling Luke, “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack.”

  12. PJ
    16 hours

    It's funny, the Jedi, whom also have the ability of foresight, cannot predict Anakin's future. They know he is connected to the "Chosen  One" prophecy which is why he was allowed an untraditional anointment into the Jedi Order despite being too old and having emotional attachments. It's because of all this that they *fear* his training and power when he's quite susceptible to the dark side (which is something the Jedi Council would never admit because fear and jealousy is a hypocrisy to them). I also (in my own headcanon) believe Mace Windu, as a once young Jedi prodigy, has some unspoken resentment/jealousy towards Anakin, but that's just me.

  13. Matthew
    16 hours

    It annoys me when people say “just use the force” as if it’s as easy as reaching out your arm to grab something. You need total concentration and inner balance for the force to work at all. 

  14. Red
    17 hours

    So to answer all Questions 1. The reason they don't use the force as much is because it requires energy to use. And be pretty crazy to do in the middle of gun fights. 2. The reason why it took so long for the reinforcements to arrive is because it does take time to travel to different systems it's not an instant thing. 

  15. Aaron
    17 hours

    Mace has a purple lightsaber because Samuel Jackson wanted a purple lightsaber. They can retroactively try to make it make sense, but that is the reason.

  16. Petrichor12
    17 hours

    Welp, these episode surely won't come back for several important reasons years in the future. 😆

  17. The
    17 hours

    A lot of the mistakes made by the council comes down to arrogance and hypocrisy. Of course, AFTER orderer 66, when they are forced into hiding, away from their big shiny temple and their high status in society is taken from them is when they start to see where they fed up.

  18. PKKite
    17 hours

    Throwing a Saber works well against other melee combatants and unexpected attacks. But if you throw a Saber in a gunfight you have 0 defense. Very few Jedi have the strength or ability to block one bolt (like yoda with lightning its a technique called tutamimis) yet alone dozens. So if a jedi threw their Saber they have no way to reflect bolts as a defense and would easily get shot. 

    Jedi instead learned the art of reflecting bolts and even bouncing them back at opponents as a defensive method of attack when blaster tech became normalized and their opponents were small pirate groups, mandos, or other armies rather than Sith or Dark Jedi who used swords/lightsabers exclusively. 

    2 replies
    1. Brandon
      15 hours

      I feel like it would be more effective for Ahsoka to do since she has 2 lightsabers. She could still block with one while she throws the other. 

    2. TEG
      17 hours

      They weren't talking about throwing their sabers though. They were arguing that throwing sticky bombs + force control would be unstoppable.

      1 replies
      1. PKKite
        16 hours

        They mentioned multiple times before that comment that they would just throw the Saber that is what I'm referring to not the one time they mention using a force grenade throw (which the jedi basically already do since their strength is force enhanced usually they just throw farther rather than focusing on floating a grenade over) 

  19. Icy
    17 hours

    The "clone in the back" you pointed out was Commander Cody the one who is usually paired with Rex, he is right under Obi-wan like Rex is to Anikin

  20. delta3064
    17 hours

    RIP Echo 4 dominoes squad clones down, 1 left fives

  21. Fulcrum
    17 hours

    Icko noooo!

  22. sombra_hacker09
    17 hours

    First Droidbait then cut up then heavy now echo 

    Fives is the last domino left 

    1 replies
    1. TEG
      17 hours

      It's "Hevy" btw Not "Heavy"

  23. RoseMetal
    17 hours

    Going by the cannon at the time this show came out cause idk what disney has tried to change. The purple lightsaber dosent have anything to do with balance of the force, sith have used purple too. It's just a particularly rare form of kyber crystal. Also mace dosent really use any dark side, he just uses more aggressive force then normal jedi and is the only one able to ride that edge without tipping into darkness 

    1 replies
    1. delta3064
      17 hours

      No it's a dark side balance thing, they added it over the years, mace uses vaapad a lightsaber style that uses controlled dark side use

      1 replies
      1. PKKite
        17 hours

        That's new disney Lore. The old Lore is purple was just due to the crystal mace used which was not a kyber crystal but a crystal from his home world this is from the EU books. The light dark thing makes no sense since lightsaber colors being based on the force was never really a thing till disney and bleeding crystals ect. (Red sabers used to be due to artifical crystals used for them). It also makes even less sense disney changed this since we have dark jedi and sith who have not used red sabers it's purely a aesthetic choice. Such as Exar Kun who was a lord of the sith with a Duel blade blue Saber. Also we know multiple Vaapad users who don't have purple sabers

        1 replies
        1. delta3064
          15 hours

          Still doesn't change that it's canon now and it's not a bad change, it just adds to the story and maces character. And the lightsaber color thing is cool, you may not like it, but it adds depth for me and I enjoy it

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