Why He Was Fired – Sorta Stupid Podcast #22

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  1. Diamond
    1 month

    Fun fact, turtles head butt each other cause they wanna mate. Specifically the color black. So they're not racists, just horney๐Ÿ˜

  2. _Owwls_
    4 months

    Bree from another women your outfit looks fucking chill and comfy as hell and your very pretty and have a great voice ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿ’™

  3. Lexi_animeweeb
    4 months

    I understand getting frustrated answering the same question like so many people would ask me in 2 hrs "How was school?" and I would get to the point of where I would just say "Fine" and that was it and they would ask why did I only answer with one word maybe give them details and I would be like I've already answered it a million times so I got tired of answering. Like its annoying answering the same question so many times.

  4. SevKnife
    4 months

    I wanna say that I am proud that I was one of the first people to point out that Nick Looked like dollar store Adin Ross. 

    1 replies
    1. nickmanus
      4 months

  5. rin
    4 months

    Is there any other way to watch their love is blind stream I was sleeping the first few times๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1 replies
    1. boom
      4 months

      Not currently.

  6. TheOneManGuy
    4 months

    Dont know if someone said this alreadu but the love is blind cups are so you cant tell how far along a conversation is because they cut the videos in a certain order for viewing so it would strange to see a cup have varying water levels throughout a conversation

  7. Spencer
    4 months

    at 53:03 the baffled look Bree and Ruff have with Sean and Erik going nuts is the funniest shit LOL

  8. ManiacKuzco
    4 months

    Bree I love the color of your hair!!! And your eyebrows and eyeshadow look amazing ๐Ÿ‘. I love the ADHD energy in the room, I am entertained the ENTIRE time. Love your content and the way you guys have fun it's refreshing to see. Glad to be a Billy!

  9. Msr9272tce
    4 months

    as a parent eric and sean trying to give advice to bree and ruff is hilarious. bree please keep being an awesome mom, we all love you. also y'all have been great, been a really ridiculous 2024, more funerals than celebrations and y'all somehow provide some light. so thanks. sorry for being corny

  10. Slimymic
    4 months

    Tbh Sean your streams don't really need a Mod they are just chill as hell ๐Ÿ˜‚

  11. hurryupmode
    4 months

    Real talk, Fiddler On The Roof is probably one of my favorite stage musicals, along with Oliver!,  My Fair Lady, and Les Miz.

  12. Cannon Fire
    4 months

    Guss sends his love! Can't thank you guys enough for featuring him ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’œ

  13. Caroline
    4 months

    As a lesbian I can confirm, Bree is the hot one ;) 

    However, out of the three of you boys---Sean would be the one I would choose as "Most Likely to have Taken a Women's & Gender Studies/Feminist Class." 

    Y'all are super cool & funny, I'm so glad to be a Billy! Love you guys! 

    (PS: Bree, you're so hot & cool! I love the new hair!)

    1 replies
    1. kitrembo
      4 months

      Haha he does give off that vibe and why I seem to like him a lot! 

      If you havent watched his HeartStopper reactions, they are soooo cute!

  14. Mister
    4 months

    this is the only podcast i watch. you guys are really cool and are funny as hell. keep up the good work. i haven't subbed to a patreon in years but yours is so worth it. id be willing to be a mod too if you need one btw. Billy Forever 

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