Young Justice S4 Episode 11-12 Reaction

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  1. bbenzo.
    13 hours

    Traci 13’s such a strange concept for a developed character. A character created for this show, she’s clearly an homage to TT Jinx, which is cool since DC clearly wants everyone to forget what OG Jinx was like, but the moment she gets her own arc it becomes super obvious how much of a Self-Insert she is. With that context, you can see that her entire arc is quite literally the writers trying to justify creating a new character and making her a hero instead of keeping her a villain or using the OG Jinx, with the whole “urban magic? what does that even mean” line feeling like a question someone ACTUALLY got asked during her conception😂

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      13 hours

      Wait I wish I could delete, I never realized Traci existed outside of this show😂

  2. Ramba_Ya
    1 day

    yep im triggerd

    1 replies
    1. Ramba_Ya
      1 day

      also notice ho they have. enough problem with the guy being muslim but as soon as zatannas dad is critian huge problem 

      2 replies
      1. CJ
        1 day

        Did they? not arguing just asking 🤔.

      2. Ramba_Ya
        1 day


  3. david
    2 days

    I love that flashback where Klarion says two earth who's idea was this, when he split the earth in the first season one when then adults were in one and the kids were in the other and only Shazam could communicate with both 

  4. TheLostChimera
    2 days

    Religion in the context of the DC Universe (multiverse, reallly) is a real complicated thing, but I guess when isn't it? Superman was born on an alien world, and yet he's a devout Christian. There's a Muslim Green Lantern. The hero Spectre is the physical manifestation of God's wrath, and the Phantom Stranger is in some continuities Judas Iscariot. Wonder Woman is varyingly friends and foes with the whole Greek pantheon. Billy and Mary's Shazam calls upon power from a mix of Greek, Roman, and biblical figures, while Black Adam's Shazam calls upon Egyptian gods. The son of Sun Wukong recently got introduced in the comics. There's also a ton of original religions, from the New Gods to something straight up called the Religion of Crime.

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      13 hours

      There’s a hierarchy chart somewhere online lol

  5. Kye
    2 days

    yall being triggered by the simple mention of Christianity .but yelling "woke" is crazy. I get past trauma. and even though this is fiction, you shouldn't knock others beliefs down. Some people find comfort in a higher power and there's nothing wrong with that,

    1 replies
    1. kekkers
      2 days

      You do get that they're joking and making fun of people who call stuff woke. 

      1 replies
      1. CJ
        2 days

        I was gonna say lol. I don't think they where knocking anyone down or said anything that gave off that vibe 🤔.

  6. Aaron
    2 days

    At the very least, the Greek Gods are real in the DC universe.

    2 replies
    1. vividlearner744
      17 hours

      God is also real he's called The Source (creator of the dc multiverse) along with Heaven (The Silver City) and Hell. Lucifer left hell to run a bar in LA on Earth-666

    2. Kristjaan
      21 hours

      But Christian God is also real in the dc universe 

  7. CJ
    2 days

    It's a bit a ood that Nabu is portrayed as annoyingly stubborn here lol. In earlier seasons he was stubborn but still a lot more corporative 🤔.

  8. CJ
    2 days

    022:46 Exactly, I've said for longest time that in these DC and Marvel superhero stuff that any religion probably wouldn't be disproven necessarily, it would just raise a lot of questions that the show doesn't have time to ask or answer. It would probably be harder to be a skeptic in these worlds 🤔.

    1 replies
    1. Down
      2 days

      Exactly, it’s harder to deny religious deities don’t exist when actual sorcerers have been witnessed performing real magic, and actual demons have been seen walking the earth. The entire planet witnessed Superman die and come back to life.

  9. Javonte
    2 days

    Us viewers maybe can see Beast Boy's depression but they can't. Not on the characters.

  10. Javonte
    2 days

    I mean for people who crap on y'all they are either right or wrong depending on what they meant. Like you don't got to be a know-it-all who's read tons of comics to be considered a DC or Marvel fan. Just constantly interested and enjoying DC content is good enough to be fan. 

    You guys are just obviously not hardcore fans. Not your fault. Maybe it's just not in you to keep up with a lot of info in your head with these stories and characters. I'm like that with anime. Hahaha

    2 replies
    1. Deondre
      2 days

      They should watch the og justice league shows, half these "random" characters are in there and get introduced 

    2. Javonte
      2 days

      Example: You guys will shout "WHO TF ARE YOU?" at character mentioned or seen many times ago lol. Riddler back in season 1 lolOr how you guys still get Ultra-Humanite mixed up with Malah or Grodd depsite Ultra-Humanite having a recurring role. 

  11. idziman
    2 days

    That second end scene has me thinking that Superman's thinking, "I didn't want it to come to this, but I think we're gonna have to call on Batman's friend, Constantine."

  12. Michael
    2 days

    Did you guys seriously not see the time codes that tell you how long ago each encounter with Klarion takes place???

    2 replies
    1. DKThunder
      2 days

      I mean, they appear for less than 2 seconds each, and their eyes are drawn to the ACTION being showed on screen, so it's not that surprising.

      1 replies
      1. CJ
        2 days

        Yeah you may not always notice them on a first watch 🤔.

    2. Michael
      2 days

      I swear reactors are never beating the “doesn’t pay attention” allegations 😂😂😂😂

  13. JulianV
    2 days

    look at the first letter of each episode and start trying to guess what it spells

  14. Robert
    2 days


    1 replies
    1. CJ
      2 days

      But without seeing GTAS will that mean anything for them 🤔. 

  15. JulianV
    2 days

    the bus has been in the show since season 1

  16. King
    2 days

    WHen you have the Word of Power/Shazam powers, you can live your whole life in that form, you're also immortal in that form. That is how Black Adam lives and has been a god king for thousands of years. What happened with Black Adam though is that living that way seperated from his mortality and humanity made him devalue mortals and human beings, so the fear was that mary would eventually end up like him after she started  refusing to return to her human form and looking down on mortality.

  17. sombra_hacker09
    2 days

    The running bus gag being karlion the entire time is honestly the best thing this show has done 

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