Young Justice S3 Episode 9-10 Reaction

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  1. Michael
    30 days

    You guys want to know the funniest thing about Aqualad’s actor, Khary Payton, when it comes to this season??? He voices literally EVERY SINGLE black character EXCEPT Static, Cyborg, and John Stewart 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Brian
    1 month

    There was a comic series in the 80s I read called Batman and The Outsiders. The Team Consisted of Batman, Black Lightning, Geo-Force, Halo, Metamorpho,  and Katana (lady with the sword on the island with Metamorpho.)

    1 replies
    1. Brian
      1 month

      Of Course, i typed that before i finished watching and as soon as i posted they mention Katana's name a bunch.

  3. Mb.
    1 month

    yo I'm not stopping til y'all check ninjago out super fire and worth it to me.

  4. CJ
    1 month

    Everyone reacts to that Amistad scene the same way 🤣 🤣. Also, I think this version of Cyborg's father is a lot less a dick compared to Justice League War 🤔.

  5. LeaDKKB
    1 month

    cyborg aka Victors voice actor is hawks from My hero academia ( i really love his voice)

  6. mcwilson_1
    1 month

    Cyborg's dad is voiced by cyborg

  7. Veil
    1 month

    You have to admit that the Light understand that killing the spouses and children of Justice Leaguers would be a nuclear option. If they did that, the heroes would go berserk and would be willing to kill them.

    1 replies
    1. Comuniity
      30 days

      The Light has read Injustice lmao

  8. t.rakh
    1 month


  9. MegumiMary
    1 month

    6:00 okay but Conner had a point: you can't live in a bubble- you need to exit your own echo chamber to hear what the other political side thinks

    This is the biggest issue plauging America right now is too many people have sectioned themselves off into their own echo chambers.

    I will ocasionally look to see what politics the other side is consuming and try to understand why they believe what they believe- shows like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver actually do the best job of this a good portion of the time with some of their deep dives

    If we all took the time to try to understand what the other side was thinking and why they were thinking it (even if we don't believe it or agree with it) then maybe the world wouldn't be so divided and bigoted

  10. Ramba_Ya
    1 month

    granny goodness was in the teen titans

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      1 month

      i think you’re confused ming her with Mother Mae-Eye

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