Young Justice S3 Episode 7-8 Reaction

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  1. George
    1 month

    My Main issue with this season is the focus on the new characters. Specifically the relationship between Brion and Violet just felt like the Connor/ megan relationship from season 1

  2. Stuff1235
    2 months

    I really really really hope you guys consider watching the older Justice League or Justice League Unlimited shows. They are so good and are literally what I think about whenever I think of the DC heroes. Those shows are what I grew up on when it comes to super heroes and have, in my opinion, the best interpretation of the Justice League and it’s heroes.

  3. Scarlet
    2 months

    Also around the ending about Diana not wanting to lie under oath, that's just her character she just doesn't like to do it. I wouldn't get so hooked up on that

  4. Scarlet
    2 months

    Trust me it's not that hard to follow, just finish the seasons and it'll all make sense, also if yall don't know who a character is just look em up real quick to get the basic lore and info so you have an idea what's goin on. It's not gonna spoil anything, the comics and shows/movies been out for years now lol. Great vid<3

  5. Michael
    2 months

    Seriously guys, let the show cook. This is only episodes 7-8. 

  6. Michael
    2 months

    Lmao guys they literally said in the first episode that the League has become too removed from the people they’re supposed to be saving. And that’s because Lex has had the UN placing so many restrictions on them. They don’t know about all these threats BECAUSE the Light is making sure they don’t.

  7. Krispin
    2 months

    I can see Eric with Chlorokinesis like Poison Ivy only because of the mary jane lol. Hero Name: Aloe, or Aloweed.

    Sean might be more of a technomancer. Hero Name: Versatile | Or like Kung Fu Panda – a good way of course. Hero name: Boom

    Ruff - a speedster. Jetstream

  8. wynosaurus
    2 months

    You know how there's more than one Robin? There's also more than one Batgirl, Spoiler and Orphan are both Batgirls, funnily enough Spoiler was also a Robin. There's a recent comic called Batgirls about Spoiler, Orphan, and Oracle if you want to check out some stuff with them

  9. Phoenix
    3 months

    The thing with the Vandal Savage episode, it was clearly a made to pay homage to the Vandal Savage voice actor. Miguel Ferrer voiced Vandal Savage. That's why the episode focused on death but how its not the end and that there is like a life beyond and such. It's a speech to a great voice actor (who also voice Deathstroke in Judas Contract, and a bunch of older DC stuff). If you skipped that episode (you wouldnt miss anything in the grand story) and just watched the next 2 for your reactions, it wouldn't feel as odd as you guys talked about. I was worried for this bit and kind of hoped it would be a special 3-episode reaction but at last (nothing wrong with that though). Yea, there's the bit with the training but again, not really that important and was just there to pad runtime as they said goodbye to a great man. It does help to show the origins of Vandal Savage but in later episodes (unsure if it's in season 3 or 4) we get an entire like mini-arc with Vandal Savage and his origins and role in humanity's evolution. The episode also said that, and explained quite well, that the invasion was on the edge of the solar system and the Justice League due to the Light was extremely crippled in various ways, which is why they didn't seem to "notice" this invasion force.Did actually quite well in explaining away a good plothole (why didnt the JL get involved?) on an episode that was created on short notice and randomly inserted.

    I know y'all don't have the time, but I really hope/wish that you rewatch episode 6 and 8 before watching episode 9 and the rest, to get a refresher without the Vandal Savage episode getting in the way. Again, y'all are busy with a million other things so I honstely don't expect it but I think it might've done some good for the future confusion or wariness. At the very least, write off the Vandal Savage episode as you continue to watch and enjoy, since it was just an obituary (a very beautiful one).

  10. Swordfish
    3 months

    I love Eric, is it worth fighting him when he's high/not paying attention. He's cooking on the fact that characters from S2 aren't being utilized in S3, but Static had a 2 year training gap with Black Lightning, that was established in Lightning's explanation as to why he's leaving and apologizing for leaving him mentorless

  11. KrocTik
    3 months

    So fun fact, after this Clayface actually turns over a new leaf. IIRC he was last featured in a companion comic between seasons 3 and 4 working with Will and his company under a new name.

  12. Obsidianfox
    3 months

    I can actually see Boom having earth controlling powers and being a villain called the Terra-fier

    Ruff I can see having some kind of explosion power like Gambit/Rex Splode or even explosive sweat like Bakugo. Maybe something simple like the name Fury

    And SeeOhKnee I can see having time manipulation where he can slow down others perception of time for a few second.

    Call him Time Winder

    1 replies
    1. Krispin
      2 months

      Ayyyy, that sounds pretty dope

  13. Persnickity
    3 months

    Ruff Grundle with the power of: his skin is the texture of low grit sandpaper. Boom Bastic: rolls around like forager due to torrential meat sweats. The Sorcerer Seeohknee: all the powers of magic. But is always on levels of oxygen that make his spells nearly random

    1 replies
    1. Persnickity
      3 months

      Occasionally Battle Bri teams up. The skill to fill quotas but her mom strength is her true power. It comes with a price.... Rage

  14. Hollowjac
    3 months

    I’m don’t know much about y’all to come up with superhero names this whole time I’ve been calling you the main one (ruff) the funny one (Sean) and the protagonist (Erik)

  15. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    The point of the side characters that they didnt introduce, like spoiler, orphan, arrowette, they name dropped fire, shade, mist and livewire just showing up, its meant for people who already know these characters from comics, or to give people who dont know them a taste to go look them up in comics, they did this in season 1 and 2 as well, if you see a character and they arent explained or majorly focused on, they are basically meant as a cool nod for comic fans, or to get non comic fans to look them up. in season 1 and 2 they showed The atom, captain Atom, hawkman, hawkgirl, plastic man, blue devil, Icon and more but never really explained or focused on them, infact plastic man is a great example, ruff and boom know plastic man, so even tho the show hasnt shown him much at all, yall are still hype to see him, but eric doesnt really care, its the same situation with these characters, i was hype AF to see spoiler and orphan. 

  16. Black
    3 months

    11:55 Thunder and lightning fromTEENTITAN

  17. Alfred
    3 months

    Hey, are you all going to do more Tokyo Ghoul? Sorry if this is a frequently asked question; I’m just curious.

  18. RyanCrossProject
    3 months

    Fun fact Nightwing got his name from a Kryptonian superhero that Superman took once (Golden age era thing i think) and first appeared in the OG Judas contract story (Comics not Animated Movie) after he retired as Robin leaving the title open for jason todd then we know what happened to him THEN a little while after that Tim Drake who btw FIGURED OUT BATMAN AND THE FIRST ROBIN'S SECRET IDENTITIES then convinced Batman to be the new Robin...... what was i talking about again? RIGHT! So that's how Nightwing got his name (more took it but whatever) and how (in comics anyway) Tim Drake became Robin... later Red Robin when Damien became Robin..... but i'm getting ahead of myself.... sorry a lot of info up here

  19. ghost0427
    3 months

    Have y'all watched the part about the bear yet?

    1 replies
    1. Kao
      3 months

      Shut the f up, he will snap your neck.

  20. Bryn
    3 months

    //most// of the characters from "Batman Inc" are definitely characters that play major roles in Gotham/Batman lore, so putting them in for this season I think was very much a "Hey, fans, look who we brought in!" moment. Orphan gets more screen time in season 4, but from what I remember, not the others.

  21. Down
    3 months

    You’ll learn more about Orphan in Season 4, but for now, let the show cook.

  22. Down
    3 months

    They said half of the Lantern Corps is fighting The Reach and the other half is fighting Darkseid.

  23. Owen
    3 months

    episode 7 of this season was prolly may favorite out of the whole show. The Vandal Savage lore/story was too good

  24. C@mine1723
    3 months

    Someone else corrected this correction if it’s wrong, but I thought I learned from somewhere on YouTube that Virgil’s superhero name is just “Static”. “Shock” isn’t part of the superhero name, and it is only part of the series name that follows the character.

    2 replies
    1. xav98
      3 months


    2. C@mine1723
      3 months

      *correct* not corrected.

  25. Petrichor12
    3 months

    Ooh, Static marathon eventually? Here for it!

  26. mcwilson_1
    3 months

    The problem is is that Panda Savage will kill millions to do anything he wants

  27. Javonte
    3 months

    Y'all a Couple of reactions ago: I'm digging this season. I don't see why it wasn't well liked like the first 2 seasons. This reaction: I kind of missing the old team. 

    I would like to get to know these characters a bit more (Robin, Orphan, Spoiler, Arrowrite)

    Yeah I sort of feel like they are just throwing everything at us. 

     I think y'all are starting to see what a lot saw and felt like when this was released. I still like season 3 personally. 

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      I mean in seasons 1 and 2 they just threw the atom, captain atom, steel, plastic man, hawk girl, hawkman, blue devil, icon etc at us and we still barley see any of them, the show has always thrown in random heros as nods for comic fans but doesnt super focus on them, its not like spoiler, orphan and arrowette are gonne be in every episode

      1 replies
      1. Javonte
        3 months

        Except you named members of the Justice League which were expected to be background or minor characters. The show was titled Young Justice with Center focus on Young Heroes. Also a few members weere hyped up in photo release like the ones of the Batman Inc. But never got hardly any screen time.

  28. Nerd
    3 months

    Orphan is Cassandra Cain, one of the names that the 3rd Batgirl, Cass has gone by, Born with the assassins David Cain and Lady Shiva as her parents, she was trained to become the perfect warrior. Her father deprived her of speech so she would learn movement and physicality as her first language, she is one of the greatest fighters alive and “speaks” body movement. As a young girl her father David made her kill someone yet she read the pain via body movement and realized it was wrong. Since then she adopted a no killing rule and devoted herself to not letting anyone died. She is without the ability to read or speak until she learns with the helps of Babs and others. 

Spoiler is Stephanie Brown, Daughter of the villain Cluemaster, she fought criminals like her father as Spoiler, before a brief stint as Batman's crime-fighting partner Robin. She is a member of the Batman Family and Young Justice. She also Tim’s Drakes girlfriend, though they broke up when Tim came out as bi.

    Cissie King-Jones is the heroine Arrowette, an archer associated with Green Arrow. 

  29. mcwilson_1
    3 months

    The love that they didn't get that staro is what dropped in the ocean and then the atlanteans found for season 1

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      3 months

      It's easy to forget that detail lol 🤔.

  30. brokenscouter
    3 months

    Orphan - Cassandra Cain aka Batgirl 2

    Spoiler - Stephanie Brown aka the first female Robin

    Arrowette - Cissie King-Jones  aka fan of Speedy and GA, followed their footsteps

    1 replies
    1. Nerd
      3 months

      Isn't Cass the 3rd Batgirl?

  31. Jaiden
    3 months

    It’s so funny they’re the second reactors I’ve seen confuse Starro with the thing from Invincible 😂

  32. Veil
    3 months

    I love all the innuendos in episode 8. These two episodes are really well done for the season's plotline.

  33. King
    3 months

    Think you possibly may have missed a quick but important detail in ep 7. Nabu was the son of Vandal in ancient Babylon 

  34. Quint
    3 months

    Nabu is Vandal's Son. More to be explained later.

  35. Joseph
    3 months

    nabu is vandals son, nabu died and became a lord of order and bound to his helmet

    1 replies
    1. King
      3 months

      Thats a bit more info than what is given in this episode

  36. Joseph
    3 months

    you guys shall be known as Moe, Larry and Curly 

  37. Aaron
    3 months

    yo, ep 7 is probably the best episode of s3 ngl

    1 replies
    1. Owen
      3 months

      so true

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