Young Justice S3 Episode 15-16 Reaction

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  1. draco_meteor
    4 days

    30:00 “Karabast”

    Maaan… I can’t say anything because of spoilers for a different series but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan…

  2. adacor
    9 days

    The song that Paula and Lian were singing was a callback to the World Without Grown-ups episode from season 1, where Artemis jumbled the songs together to comfort the kids she was taking care of

  3. lightning63
    28 days

    You guys should catch up to James Gunn's new DCU. So far there's The Suicide Squad (Movie), Peacemaker S1 (8 Episodes), Blue Beetle (Movie) and the first DCU project Creature Commandos. The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker S1 and Blue Beetle are the three projects that are sorta carrying over into Gunn's DCU, but you could just start with Creature Commandos though all of these are great.

    1 replies
    1. Kyndrayvious
      28 days

      Naw the mighty as well start at Man Of Steel if I'm being honest

  4. Swordfish
    30 days

    No Spoilers but a head's up: There are episodes with after credit scenes coming up. I can't remember which ones, though.

  5. Petrichor12
    30 days

    They do not yet know the reference they've just heard from Steve Blum. 😆

  6. Down
    30 days

    25:00 Artemis sang that back in season 1.The episode all the kids and adults got separated into two dimensions

    30 days

    Hey I would like to believe that i am valuable!

  8. Roberto
    30 days

    I love that young justice is on Sundays now I don't know it's kind of feels right. you can say I'm talking nonsense if you want I'm cool with it

    2 replies
    1. CJ
      30 days

      Is it permeate or is it just for today 🤔?

    2. MegumiMary
      30 days

      Teen titans used to air their repeats on Sunday nights and that is when I would be able to catch the show normally

      Young Justice was in a lot of ways a spiritual sucessor to Teen Titans so this actually makes perfect sense if you're a millenial who grew up with Teen Titans on CN

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