Young Justice S3 Episode 13-14 Reaction

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  1. Comuniity
    5 days

    Tara was trained by the Shadows for 2 years, shes easily the capable out of her, Brion, Halo and Forager so shes honestly the least rushed of those 4

  2. Comuniity
    5 days

    25:10 honestly funny line but like, Silas probably makes like 175k-200k a year, thats a fuck load of money but Brion is a prince of an absolute monarchy, 200k a year aint shit compared to that upbringing lol

  3. LeaDKKB
    15 days

    there's a character in south park that reminds me of granny goodness it cracks me up honestly

  4. Vort3x
    16 days

    Some versions of Superman cant breathe in space, like Young Justice or the Animated Superman/Justice Legue show. Personally i think its kinda bullshit he cant breathe in space

  5. The
    16 days

    I have been really like this season 

  6. Cobalt
    1 month

    I think most people's problem with this season is the fact that we've waited 8 years only to get a season that barely focuses on our favorite characters

  7. olin616
    1 month

    Unfortunately there are those who would easily throw this season under the bus because of Halo's inclusion,  but never the less, that was not the general consensus with the entire Young Justice Fandom. The existence of a non-bianary character doesn’t automatically mean that any and all criticism said about this seasons writing and direction is invalid because it's really just bigotry. I'm happy that I'm not the only one pointing this out in this comment section.

  8. xav98
    1 month

    You definitely need to watch watchman it’s top five live action comic movies imo

  9. Unstablebeast
    1 month

    42:51 sometimes he can sometimes he cant, in the comics its explained that he can survive off solar energy alone with no need for food, water or even air, but depending on the universe/point in his life, he doesnt realize that yet and has a mental block on himself, that causes him to suffocate in space, because he believes he needs air

  10. Morgan
    1 month

    Yeah, it's not even like its in your face. It's been a bit since I watched this season but I don't remember any other moment like that one with Halo so I genuinely do not know what people might mean about it pushing it in your face. Regardless, I at least enjoyed this season for what it was. 

    Also! You guys have now officially met my favorite DC Universe hero Green Lantern Guy Gardner. XD This show is more about the teens than the Justice League so allow me to say, absolutely spoiler free, despite what most consider to be a terrible personality, he actually is a secret sweetheart. Over his history, he has been a police officer, a counselor for people with addiction problems(actually how he first met Hal Jordan before Guy was ever a GL back when Hal had a drinking problem), a P.E. teacher for disabled children and he opened several bars, (last count three on earth, one on the Green Lantern home world of Oa) called Warriors for fans of heroes but doubling as a place for heroes to go and relax incognito, no questions asked. And canonically, he actually has greater willpower than Hal Jordan and should have gotten the ring first but Hal was closer and a look at what the alternate timeline revealed is that if he had gotten the ring first, he would have died saving a planet from a flesh eating parasite two years into his career. Guy Gardner also one got a red ring and full-on OUT WILLED the ring so he could control it and not go into a frenzied rage, even had both and red and green ring at the same time, AND had a blue one once that he used to save literally everyone at the time. Guy might be annoying on occasion but Batman has never once let people use that as a reason not to listen to him when he has good instincts, and Batman once K.O.'d Guy in one punch and all it did was earn his respect. 

    My point of this long winded lore dump is that he is my favorite that NO ONE else likes and doesn't really get a lot of attention in the animated shows and movies and I wish we got more of him in general. XD Sorry for the long post, I just know a lot about comics so its fun seeing you all enjoying this stuff. 

    Final note, if you want a good DC animated movie that has Big Barda, the Furies and Darkseid and junk in it, if you haven't seen it, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. It's from 2010. And because I think you guys might enjoy it, even if you don't react to it, Superman VS. The Elite is one of my all time favorite animated DC movies, though the art style threw me off a bit when I started it. 

    2 replies
    1. Krispin
      16 days

      Please tell me that there is a show in the DC universe that animated all of this especially that part about out-willing a ring!!

      1 replies
      1. Morgan
        16 days

        SADLY NO. Guy Gardner is always getting the raw end of the deal when it comes to viewable content. The three off the top of my head that have him are Young Justice, The Green Lantern Animated Series which did not have a good version of him and Batman: The Brave & The Bold- this last one has him cameo'd a lot as its based off of Silver Aged Batman so some silly times in this, he deserves waaaaay more content. I am hoping since Nathan Fillion is playing him in a live movie that he'll get more love after this. But I can definitely make some comic recommendations. :>

    2. xav98
      1 month


  11. ILoveIcees
    1 month

    Season 3 has it's issues with the story being pulled in so many different directions No spoilers, but I think it would've been a lot more cohesive if they'd stuck to their guns with Halo, Forager, and Brion being the central cast for this season-- kinda like how Blue Beetle was kinda the protagonist for season 2. I just think they needed a bit more focus in this season; a few too many story threads crowd each episode for my taste.

    That being said: Season 3 is one of my favorite seasons (controversial, I know). I really enjoy how the show continues to introduce more and more diversity and handles it with more care than a lot of shows, even if it's not the most subtle. You can tell those characters are written with experiences from real people in mind. And I personally LIVE for all the characterization in Season 3, I just think everyone's so well written. 

    I think the biggest factor for me to enjoy any media is whether or not I can tell the creators were passionate about what they're making-- and I truly feel that with every season of Young Justice. I really appreciate that ya'll are giving Season 3 a fair shot despite the apparent hate some fans have for it. I love it and I love getting to relive my enjoyment alongside ya'll. Stay awesome (sorry for the essay, I've been holding onto this comment for a while lol).

  12. Sly
    1 month

    Yes, WATCHMEN is a great ass movie. Plz watch it. lol All in due time of course.

  13. CJ
    1 month

    The political stuff that people complained about was probably more about Luthor and G Gordan being a Trump and fox news allegory than Halo's being non-binary. 

    Nevertheless, I do think that the season was the creators trying to get their groove back and really you feel that they have in season four 🤔.

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      1 month

      Oh no, i was watching every season as it came out, halo being non binary and a questioning muslum was 10000000% what alot of people complained about, alot of those same people, didnt even register that luther and gordan were trump and fox news references

  14. Brandon
    1 month

    Big Barda, one of the furies and one half of the greatest power couple in DC comics. sadly her other half Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) never shows up in the show 

  15. Brandon
    1 month

    young justice nailed guy Gardners characterization 

  16. Toa
    1 month

    The tweets at #Justiceleague at 28:20 being from Leonard Snart (Captain Cold) and Condiment King was a fun detail

  17. Black
    1 month


  18. striker
    1 month

    The issues people have with season 3 have nothing to do with Halo being non binary

    2 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      1 month

      Almost no one ive talked to can name a reason other than that for why they fully dislike the season, it being the weakest season? understandable, but full on disliking it ive never seen a sane reason

    2. striker
      1 month

      *most people 

  19. Owen
    1 month

    The overall stakes have increased every season. First we dealt with global threats, second we dealt with global threats on top of our introduction to the galactic threats, and third we're dealing with THE intergalactic threat. 

  20. jessicalang9292
    1 month

    People didn't HATE Season 3. It was just not up to the level of quality of the last seaons. Not sure if the non-binary was joke for the dislike but to just throw that in is a red flag. Someone mentioned it of people were thrown off by new characters getting focused as they were not really that interesting. That was true.

  21. Javonte
    1 month

    I also think you guys have liking to this season similar to Ben AF S3 where you guys also were confused of the decline fans had. Not an issue. Just more laid back to enjoy. I find this season fun too.

    1 replies
    1. jessicalang9292
      1 month

      Right like they love Forriger, surprisingly yet fans found him very annoying and he has an infamous episode in season 4. They have a different taste.

  22. Javonte
    1 month

    Uh no. Non-binary was one of the least of the problems. I won't talk about the future episodes or S4 yet but by this time people were not interested in the newer characters Halo, Forrager, Geo-force or Cyborg. People just missed the old crew and complaints were heavy of the story just being bland and gets even messy sooner after midseason finale (episode 12).

    2 replies
    1. Comuniity
      5 days

      ive heard SOO many people cry about Young Justice being "woke" because Halo is NB 

    2. Javonte
      1 month

      Episode 13 I meant. 

  23. Aaron
    1 month

    I've heard many things about why season 3 and 4 suck, not one was a character is "non-binary"

    1 replies
    1. Comuniity
      5 days

      ive heard ALOT of  people complain about Halo being NB since this season came out 

  24. Aaron
    1 month

    Junior is Ten Bennyson, don't remember if you guys knew that or not

  25. Veil
    1 month

    I do think the story writing for the first two seasons were amazingly strong compared to Season 3. The introduction of the political correctness did turn off some people. It does reflect modern comics though. There is more and more media with gender identity which can be frustrating when that is all a character made to be. The move to streaming on HBO did allow more mature themes which I can appreciate as the characters have grown older and more adult. For Season 4, I do like how the character arcs are done. I hope you all will enjoy that as well. Happy holidays! 

  26. Kollie123
    1 month

    It’s pretty interesting to see you guys talk about how the scale of the season is lower compared to the reach storyline of 2, which I do get to an extent. But at the same time the seasoned opened with very blatantly exposition of child trafficking has become a pandemic and the league is being sent out to space to deal with it, the scope has definitely expanded even if it’s not always the focus 

    It’s also nice hearing you guys mentioned the comments and talking about what you’re noticing with that. I’m glad you guys are overall still having a good time with the show, season 3 definitely has some problems but you have to be a very particular type of person to dislike it to the point of wanting to act like it doesn’t exist 

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