Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. SlapHappyGreen
    3 months

    lol dont know how long its gonna take to potentially reveal it so typing this at 14 mins into the vid but as someone who played the games I cannot see how Jonah possibly stays dead. He was at least in Rise and pretty sure he was in Shadow as well so unless theyre taking hella liberties with this adaption(which they could be but I doubt) there is no way he is dead cause so far the vibes I get from this series is it takes place between TR2013 and Rise but guess we'll find out

    1 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      3 months

      lol not even 5 minutes after I typed that and the convo with salt and pepper makes me wonder if this might actually be post-Shadow XD Gotta let it run its course now, still believe Jonah will live

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