Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Episode 5-8 Reaction

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  1. LaLa
    1 month

    I really liked this show. I'm enjoying an Origin story done right. Lara is still a badass but clearly still developing. It all felt right within the world.

  2. Darc
    1 month

    I'll admit I'm iffy on this show in general because of how much they change from the games. Lara croft is supposed to be a badass treasure hunter shooting dinosaurs but they have her crying about relationships? And also they changed a notorious womanizer character into a gay man which also seems weird to me personally. 

    2 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      1 month

      I dont know if you mean change from the OG games cause I am not overly familiar with them but this series seems to be set in a timeline with the newer games starting with TR2013 and taking place after the events of Shadow of the Tomb Raider(which IIRC was 2018) and for me I felt this was a great continuation of where that trilogy left off. idk if there will be a season 2, I hope so but for me this was a great adventure 

    2. Bufasa
      1 month

      To be fair being a badass and having feelings aren't mutually exclusive.

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