Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. SlapHappyGreen
    3 months

    Really glad some of y'all picked this up, was gonna watch these on my own cause I loved (at least the first 2 but I dont think the 3rd was as bad as Boom makes it sound tho it definitely wasnt as good as the others) the Reboot series CD did. Definitely love how theyre placing it in the series being between the 1st one from 2013 and Rise, also love some of the nods to certain game moments and mechanics

  2. _Crimson_Fkr_
    4 months

    Lara spends more time crying than anything else in this series.

  3. Kristjaan
    4 months

    This series takes place place after modern Tom raider gamesRoth died in the 2013 game

    1 replies
    1. Kristjaan
      4 months

      And scene with Roth alive is before 2013 game she hasn't killed anyone yet

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