TMNT (2003) Season 1 Episode 15-16 Reaction

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  1. Sean
    4 months

    A faithful adaptation on Donatello #1. Love to see it!

  2. Charlie
    4 months

    i remember that kirby ep,shits iconic especially being a big marvel nerd

  3. Petrichor12
    4 months

    Loved the Kirby episode, even if it was bittersweet!

    IDK if we already established this, but in honor of the Donnie-centric episode, his VA was Sam Riegel who is also Scanlan in Legend of Vox Machina.

  4. Joseph
    4 months

    just to add, going back several episodes, i have notice boom hasn't said or mentioned anything about stockman's injuries (those are his punishments for failure

    1 replies
    1. boom
      4 months

      Well I assumed we all knew they were self explanatory

  5. Joseph
    4 months

    the king is definitely one of my favorites episodes. next weeks episodes are so good cant wait. keep it up boom hope you feeling better.

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