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1 month
from a storytelling perspective, I don't like the way the avatar state was used in this season. It cheapens the impact quite a bit. But from a character perspective, it makes sense to me that Korra would use it often, even if she doesn't need it. She's insecure in her lack of spiritual connection and airbending mastery, so she's basically using her best gun for everything to make sure she wins. Its good that there's a character in-story who's pushing back on the way she's abusing it.
4 months
Boom, you owe me a new monitor, cuz when you said "They're trying to North Korea South Korea" My south Korean ass spewed coke all over my monitor lol
8 months
Korra's attitude at the beginning of this season is one of the reason some people started to dislike this character and show (or at least it was something that added fuel to the fire 🤔). It feels like they are regressing her a bit for the sake of getting the conflict going after the development she received in the previous season.
I personally would have just changed up some lines and expression that would gone over better with some people. For example, Korra's father voluntarily leave rather than Korra telling him to leave the way she does (so that she doesn't look super disrespectful), or have her bow back and respectfully say goodbye to Tenzin when she disowns him, or have her not easily give Mako such a hard time.
11 months
Is it just me who realized that the avatar stare is not really a defense mechanism as it is more a rage thing. Remember the play in Aangs avatar. He said if my chakras weren’t blocked he would’ve been in the avatar state. Referring to the fact that the play made him furious
1 replies
8 months
It is established in the series to be a defense mechanism. I think the times it was triggered by rage was because Aang didn't have full control of it 🤔.
11 months
I Feel Like With The Avatar State Even Tho Your Able To Enter It, Doesn't Mean You Have Mastered It. I Believe It Depends On Your Spiritual Evolution, Which Aang Growing Up In A Spiritual Community Around Monks Made Him Naturally More Spiritually In Tune Even If He Wasn't That Consciously Aware Of It. Vs Korra Even Her Personality Isn't A Great Complement To Spirituality. Even Tho The Water Tribes Are The Second Most Spiritual Nations/ Benders, As Mentioned In This Ep The South Hasn't Been That Spiritually Connected For A While, Making The Wisdom Not As Accessible To Her Growing Up. The Uncle Makes Great Points Even Tho He Doesn't Have Good Intentions. He's Using His Knowledge & Wisdom About Spirits As An Excuse To Get What He Wants. Manipulation At It's Finest, You're Not Lying But Your Intent Isn't Genuine Either.Â
1 year
Unaloque fails to mention that he north stole the moon ocean spirit from the south pole in a war, thats why its neglected and the north was thriving
1 year
Ahhh, the terrible season. I'm excited to see how you'll react to this - hopefully as open minded as possible. Hyped for S3 :D
1 year
It is funny you say dragon ball it
1 year
This season is good but I just wanna tell y'all to be patient and enjoy the good moments lol and remember that Korra and the others are teenagers. TEENAGERS. So just try to understand. Plus I'm really enjoying yalls reactions so far, keep it up.
1 replies
8 months
Them being teenagers is no excuse for contrived drama or bad writing. Now I'm not trying to give you hard time, and I don't dislike the series or this season like some people. I'm just saying that it does have flaws and some of it stems from how Korra acts in this first half of the season. In addition, the whole "they're teenagers" defense is overly used every time people criticize how something is badly done in a show that stars teens even if those criticism are valid.
1 replies
1 month
agreed. The Gaang were all younger teens and preteens, but they were consistently written better. I do love this series and these characters, but they definitely weren't firing on all cylinders in the writing room for this season.
1 year
i mean.. to be honest from what the guru told aang about mastering the avatar state the fact that korra can turn it on at will like that actually shows that she has already mastered it the avatar state is just tapping into the knowledge and teachings of all your previous ancestors and releasing them all at once, being able to use it is the mastery of it
1 year
I'll admit, I am a bit lost on how the subtitles spoil when it is literal seconds before the words are said. When its that close and you still get the same message I struggle to qualify it as spoiler but whatever makes people happy to get more Korra I will be cool with.
1 year
is there a way i can turn subtitles on for me? i rely on subtitles to know i am understanding properly if not its fine.
1 replies
1 year
If you still need it, google Chrome has a live caption option in the settings that does automatic subtitles. They aren't as good as the original and won't catch everything, but it's better than nothing. A lot of phones have the option to do the same thing in the accessibility options if you use mobile, and I imagine other browsers have some equivalent if you don't use chrome.
1 year
Curious if H-Man would hate Verrick too since he has such Sea-Hawk energy
1 year
Sokka + Tony Stark = Varrick
1 year
One of the things that upset fans back in the day was actually the difference in animation. You guys didn't notice it, so it doesnt really take away from the story. The usual studio (a Korean animation house called Studio Mir) was working on the final season of The Boondocks at the time. They do come back to Korra after they finished their work, but they were focused on one project at a time. Some of season 2 is animated by a Japanese company, and a few differences in facial and body shape can be spotted.
1 year
Suspecting Unalaq may be "straight up scooby-doo -ing the fuck out of people" is such a wonderful way of wording that suspicion. x,) If that ends up being the case it would be so perfect because it'd be then a: "if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog." Too good. Now I hope Boom is right. xD Season 2 being a scooby-doo plot avatar style is funny. I don't want to unsee it.
1 year
Little fun fact, Unalaq is actually Inuit for West wind just throwing that out there lol
Lily Mrrgglton
1 year
Cant really use the Last Airbender-avatar logic here in terms of how the Avatar state is used, as this is another Avatar, in another era. She didnt just pop into the Avatar state for a normal enemy, this was an enemy the others clearly had no chance against. ATLA was set in a period of war, with a literal immature kid in the role - one who actively avoided using the state as he was afraid of it. The Chakra stuff was even explained in the show that you CAN cleanse them, you DONT HAVE TO. Aang had to do it as he had a lot of conflicts within himself, down to not even wanting to firebend. Different Avatar, different Era, different Issues.
Additionally worth noting that Korra mastered 3 of the elements much faster and at a much younger age. The one she was lacking, was the spiritual element - Air. She only got access to the state once she got all 4 "unlocked" iirc. Aang used the power BEFORE "unlocking" all 4, so it clearly works differently based on which Avatar is using it, what they are up against, and in what Era.
Aang used the same power against spirits, but in another way, likely because the spirits were not as wild, malevolent or outright destructive.
1 replies
Lily Mrrgglton
1 year
Also, Korra trained to use the Avatar state actively - as she had no emotional baggage about using it; Aang was literally afraid of using it from early on in the show, as he had no official "avatar-training", he had to improvise, and in doing so, had an accident where he hurt people, and that caused him to become afraid of using the power freely. It usually only activated when he was in mortal danger, as the "fail-safe" they mentioned in ATLA, or very rarely when he felt he had to. It took serious time before he managed to move on.
Lily Mrrgglton
1 year
34:12 Katara?
1 replies
8 months
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.
1 year
About Asami maybe changing the name of her company to hide a bad thing they did. They don't even need to do that. Look at Volkswagen for a real life example of a company doing a bad bad thing that people either don't know about anymore or don't care about and they still sell stuff today.
1 year
The subtitle spoiler is not for 2 seasons though, you can probably have them on for seasons 2 and 3 tbh
1 year
The "giant water serpent" Aang turned into that you mentioned was basically the Ocean Spirit taking control of his body and personally joining the battle because it was super pissed that Admiral Zhao killed its partner spirit. That was a very specific scenario that could only happen because of the unusually powerful ancient spirit choosing to do that.
1 year
As much as I appreciate subtitles, it's probably best to go no subs. It's better to enjoy the suspense and mystery and if the subtitles take that away then its fair to do away with them.
Also small fun fact! If you think Varrick (Movers guy/Invention guy) sounds familiar, he's actually voiced by the same dude who voices Warren Stone from Rise of the TMNT! Aka the worm villain dude. He's one of my favorite characters introduced into LoK.
1 year
There really isn't any base or stronger Avatar state . It's just the one. If you guys have forgotten, Avatar State is basically the current Avatar tapping into the power and knowledge of the previous Avatars. So theoratically Korra's Avatar state is actually stronger than Aang's since she has one more Avatar than him to tap into. The reason why it's weaker here is purely from a writing perspective rather than a lore one since you can't have Korra one shotting people. But you can still come with headcannon's to justify it like how Aang had always lost control when he went into Avatar state while Korra is in control and rage is more powerful than being calm. As for why Aang had to go through the Chakra training to enter Avatar state but Korra doesn't, the most popular fandom theory is that Aang never wanted to be the Avatar so he had to let go and embrace it while being the Avatar is what Korra always wanted.
1 year
So excited for S2, I honestly think they’ll love it. And I can’t wait for Ruff’s incredulity at this season being the biggest reason for all that disproportionate negativity
1 year
Varrick is legit the best character so happy he's finally here. Also the Bolin/Eska/Desna thing is a lot of fun. S2 is a wild ride
1 year
Verrick the goat has arived
2 replies
1 year
Ikr!!! I was so excited for them to react to him ?
Lily Mrrgglton
1 year
Sea Hawk.
1 year
I would say no subtitles, there are some moments that will be FAR worse than the Mako thing last season. Like, exponentially worse, like if the Mako thing made you mad then some of the stuff will be DEVASTATING. I won’t say what episodes or what seasons but in general if you wanna be as blind as possible no subs.
1 replies
1 year
AND right as I finish typing I realize they dropped a poll lol, what I get for impatience
from a storytelling perspective, I don't like the way the avatar state was used in this season. It cheapens the impact quite a bit. But from a character perspective, it makes sense to me that Korra would use it often, even if she doesn't need it. She's insecure in her lack of spiritual connection and airbending mastery, so she's basically using her best gun for everything to make sure she wins. Its good that there's a character in-story who's pushing back on the way she's abusing it.
Boom, you owe me a new monitor, cuz when you said "They're trying to North Korea South Korea" My south Korean ass spewed coke all over my monitor lol
Korra's attitude at the beginning of this season is one of the reason some people started to dislike this character and show (or at least it was something that added fuel to the fire 🤔). It feels like they are regressing her a bit for the sake of getting the conflict going after the development she received in the previous season.
I personally would have just changed up some lines and expression that would gone over better with some people. For example, Korra's father voluntarily leave rather than Korra telling him to leave the way she does (so that she doesn't look super disrespectful), or have her bow back and respectfully say goodbye to Tenzin when she disowns him, or have her not easily give Mako such a hard time.
Is it just me who realized that the avatar stare is not really a defense mechanism as it is more a rage thing. Remember the play in Aangs avatar. He said if my chakras weren’t blocked he would’ve been in the avatar state. Referring to the fact that the play made him furious
It is established in the series to be a defense mechanism. I think the times it was triggered by rage was because Aang didn't have full control of it 🤔.
I Feel Like With The Avatar State Even Tho Your Able To Enter It, Doesn't Mean You Have Mastered It. I Believe It Depends On Your Spiritual Evolution, Which Aang Growing Up In A Spiritual Community Around Monks Made Him Naturally More Spiritually In Tune Even If He Wasn't That Consciously Aware Of It. Vs Korra Even Her Personality Isn't A Great Complement To Spirituality. Even Tho The Water Tribes Are The Second Most Spiritual Nations/ Benders, As Mentioned In This Ep The South Hasn't Been That Spiritually Connected For A While, Making The Wisdom Not As Accessible To Her Growing Up. The Uncle Makes Great Points Even Tho He Doesn't Have Good Intentions. He's Using His Knowledge & Wisdom About Spirits As An Excuse To Get What He Wants. Manipulation At It's Finest, You're Not Lying But Your Intent Isn't Genuine Either.Â
Unaloque fails to mention that he north stole the moon ocean spirit from the south pole in a war, thats why its neglected and the north was thriving
Ahhh, the terrible season. I'm excited to see how you'll react to this - hopefully as open minded as possible. Hyped for S3 :D
It is funny you say dragon ball it
This season is good but I just wanna tell y'all to be patient and enjoy the good moments lol and remember that Korra and the others are teenagers. TEENAGERS. So just try to understand. Plus I'm really enjoying yalls reactions so far, keep it up.
Them being teenagers is no excuse for contrived drama or bad writing. Now I'm not trying to give you hard time, and I don't dislike the series or this season like some people. I'm just saying that it does have flaws and some of it stems from how Korra acts in this first half of the season. In addition, the whole "they're teenagers" defense is overly used every time people criticize how something is badly done in a show that stars teens even if those criticism are valid.
agreed. The Gaang were all younger teens and preteens, but they were consistently written better. I do love this series and these characters, but they definitely weren't firing on all cylinders in the writing room for this season.
i mean.. to be honest from what the guru told aang about mastering the avatar state the fact that korra can turn it on at will like that actually shows that she has already mastered it the avatar state is just tapping into the knowledge and teachings of all your previous ancestors and releasing them all at once, being able to use it is the mastery of it
I'll admit, I am a bit lost on how the subtitles spoil when it is literal seconds before the words are said. When its that close and you still get the same message I struggle to qualify it as spoiler but whatever makes people happy to get more Korra I will be cool with.
is there a way i can turn subtitles on for me? i rely on subtitles to know i am understanding properly if not its fine.
If you still need it, google Chrome has a live caption option in the settings that does automatic subtitles. They aren't as good as the original and won't catch everything, but it's better than nothing. A lot of phones have the option to do the same thing in the accessibility options if you use mobile, and I imagine other browsers have some equivalent if you don't use chrome.
Curious if H-Man would hate Verrick too since he has such Sea-Hawk energy
Sokka + Tony Stark = Varrick
One of the things that upset fans back in the day was actually the difference in animation. You guys didn't notice it, so it doesnt really take away from the story. The usual studio (a Korean animation house called Studio Mir) was working on the final season of The Boondocks at the time. They do come back to Korra after they finished their work, but they were focused on one project at a time. Some of season 2 is animated by a Japanese company, and a few differences in facial and body shape can be spotted.
Suspecting Unalaq may be "straight up scooby-doo -ing the fuck out of people" is such a wonderful way of wording that suspicion. x,) If that ends up being the case it would be so perfect because it'd be then a: "if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog." Too good. Now I hope Boom is right. xD Season 2 being a scooby-doo plot avatar style is funny. I don't want to unsee it.
Little fun fact, Unalaq is actually Inuit for West wind just throwing that out there lol
Cant really use the Last Airbender-avatar logic here in terms of how the Avatar state is used, as this is another Avatar, in another era. She didnt just pop into the Avatar state for a normal enemy, this was an enemy the others clearly had no chance against. ATLA was set in a period of war, with a literal immature kid in the role - one who actively avoided using the state as he was afraid of it. The Chakra stuff was even explained in the show that you CAN cleanse them, you DONT HAVE TO. Aang had to do it as he had a lot of conflicts within himself, down to not even wanting to firebend. Different Avatar, different Era, different Issues.
Additionally worth noting that Korra mastered 3 of the elements much faster and at a much younger age. The one she was lacking, was the spiritual element - Air. She only got access to the state once she got all 4 "unlocked" iirc. Aang used the power BEFORE "unlocking" all 4, so it clearly works differently based on which Avatar is using it, what they are up against, and in what Era.
Aang used the same power against spirits, but in another way, likely because the spirits were not as wild, malevolent or outright destructive.
Also, Korra trained to use the Avatar state actively - as she had no emotional baggage about using it; Aang was literally afraid of using it from early on in the show, as he had no official "avatar-training", he had to improvise, and in doing so, had an accident where he hurt people, and that caused him to become afraid of using the power freely. It usually only activated when he was in mortal danger, as the "fail-safe" they mentioned in ATLA, or very rarely when he felt he had to. It took serious time before he managed to move on.
34:12 Katara?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣.
About Asami maybe changing the name of her company to hide a bad thing they did. They don't even need to do that. Look at Volkswagen for a real life example of a company doing a bad bad thing that people either don't know about anymore or don't care about and they still sell stuff today.
The subtitle spoiler is not for 2 seasons though, you can probably have them on for seasons 2 and 3 tbh
The "giant water serpent" Aang turned into that you mentioned was basically the Ocean Spirit taking control of his body and personally joining the battle because it was super pissed that Admiral Zhao killed its partner spirit. That was a very specific scenario that could only happen because of the unusually powerful ancient spirit choosing to do that.
As much as I appreciate subtitles, it's probably best to go no subs. It's better to enjoy the suspense and mystery and if the subtitles take that away then its fair to do away with them.
Also small fun fact! If you think Varrick (Movers guy/Invention guy) sounds familiar, he's actually voiced by the same dude who voices Warren Stone from Rise of the TMNT! Aka the worm villain dude. He's one of my favorite characters introduced into LoK.
There really isn't any base or stronger Avatar state . It's just the one. If you guys have forgotten, Avatar State is basically the current Avatar tapping into the power and knowledge of the previous Avatars. So theoratically Korra's Avatar state is actually stronger than Aang's since she has one more Avatar than him to tap into. The reason why it's weaker here is purely from a writing perspective rather than a lore one since you can't have Korra one shotting people. But you can still come with headcannon's to justify it like how Aang had always lost control when he went into Avatar state while Korra is in control and rage is more powerful than being calm. As for why Aang had to go through the Chakra training to enter Avatar state but Korra doesn't, the most popular fandom theory is that Aang never wanted to be the Avatar so he had to let go and embrace it while being the Avatar is what Korra always wanted.
So excited for S2, I honestly think they’ll love it. And I can’t wait for Ruff’s incredulity at this season being the biggest reason for all that disproportionate negativity
Varrick is legit the best character so happy he's finally here. Also the Bolin/Eska/Desna thing is a lot of fun. S2 is a wild ride
Verrick the goat has arived
Ikr!!! I was so excited for them to react to him ?
Sea Hawk.
I would say no subtitles, there are some moments that will be FAR worse than the Mako thing last season. Like, exponentially worse, like if the Mako thing made you mad then some of the stuff will be DEVASTATING. I won’t say what episodes or what seasons but in general if you wanna be as blind as possible no subs.
AND right as I finish typing I realize they dropped a poll lol, what I get for impatience