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5 days
The only complaint that I really have with Korra is the fact that like you said she acts more like toph which makes zero sense. How are you raised in a tribe that is nutritious for a go with the flow attitude. In TLA people acted almost exactly like they did based of the region they’re located in, but for some reason Korra acts like earthbender like Topher rather than an water bender like katara or even the previous water avatar.
1 replies
6 hours
Well think of it this way, both Toph and Korra grew up sheltered in a walled compound and their only outlets were bending/combat
1 year
To be fair to Korras impatience, let's not forget that Aang was incredibly impatient to learn bending styles, and then became incredibly lazy when it came down to actually learning.
He tried to rush firebending, when learning from a master he ignored pretty much all of the lessons to the point where katara surpassed him, and with earthbending he didn't let it sink in at all until the very end.
1 year
I'll be blatantly honest. I prefer Korra over the original series, It gets way too much hate
1 year
You guys getting to this point is so hype. I can't wait for you guys to get to certain point of the show where you meet certain villains and see past protagonists.
1 year
Okay I'm late to this, but I really hope they don't keep skipping the intro. It's not nearly as long, and there's a a recap that's actually really well done, and it's important sometimes because it's not all just clips. Also I really hope yall move past comparing like everyone is related. You can compare the shows, but you need to digest Korra as Korra, not Avatar 2. It takes place in the same universe and there's obviously connected threads, but that story is over. You gotta get used to having new characters that aren't at all related to Avatar, cause that's what's coming ?
1 year
Korra has value as a show, it's just annoying when characters talk the plot. They refuse to leave anything to subtext and it really feels like being talked down to, in a way TLA barely ever did. I also think the use of HD and some more modern hybrid-CGI kinda conceals the fact that the animation is a bit worse than ATLA. Like it looks all flashy and new and high-res but the choreography and keyframing is kind of a step backwards.
1 replies
7 days
I know I'm late but you need to rewatch the original series cuz they talk out everything. Nothing was left to subtext especially when it came to team Avatar. People have the worse takes on this series because they struggle to look beyond the original. Korra series is deeper than og Avatar by a country mile. I love the original but when it comes to complex story telling og Avatar gets beat. Hell just look at the villains. Oazi while a good bad guy for that type of story is still you average mustache twirling bad guy, evil just because. Everyone of Korra's antagonist weren't simply bad guys, there's actions while horror had a level of understanding behind it. They had experiences that twisted how they approached their unique situations. On top of that each villain taught Korra something about herself as well as the deeper meaning behind being the Avatar.
1 year
When it comes to people saying Korra is bad they have… semi decent reasons that I can’t explain because spoilers but they are mostly just minor things. If Avatar is a 10 out of 10 Korra is mostly a 9 maybe a 7.5 for a few scenes. The only reason people complain at all is because it is a small downgrade from Avatar.
1 year
You guys talked briefly about spiderman at the end, so guess who voices Tenzin? haha
1 replies
3 months
I was surprised it wasn’t spotted right away, they’re pretty good at it
1 year
So freaking hyped for Korra! lgi goats!
1 year
I just love this show honestly, with it's ups and downs it's one of, if not my favorite show ever lol, and yes, rivalling ATLA on my list. Hope you can appreciate it's greatness as much as I did despite the loud mouthed minority who always bashes the whole show or part of it because they didn't like the gaang dying, or cause they didn't like it was so "futuristic" or cause they didn't like the new bending styles, etc, etc, etc. I love it for what it is, i'm sure you will too, you three are very intelligent guys and I just love watching you. Keep up the good work, If i could afford it i would go diamond tier right away not only to watch everything I like earlier but also to support you guys. I don't want it to sound weird or anything but thanks for doing what you do, you probably don't think too much of it but you help me distract myself from the darkest things in my life for an hour or two while watching you guys. Thanks and keep doing what you do <3
1 year
I loved how they changed the world building in avatar and blended technology with bending, which you’ll see more later. And how the “advanced” version of the elements (lightning, metal, etc) are now super common and used in everyday jobs. Just the obvious advancement and development of life, I find that part of Korra really cool. And I love the steampunk aesthetic. Korra is often disliked because of Korra’s attitude, the poor pacing (due to the writers not knowing if they’ll renew for another season so each season lacks proper development), and the plot. So when y’all said “I hope they’re more patient with the romance and it’s not the forefront of the show” … well…. You’ll see lol
1 year
I loved Korra as a character a bunch. And the show overall! I’m not sure how well it’s aged, I think that’s a risk with anything that has a lot of social commentary though. Still, it’s a really fun romp and I’m glad y’all are getting into it.
My biggest critique of the show was mainly in character design. Katara and Aangs kids don’t look like how one would expect from them. Also they stole all of Katara’s melanin and gave Tenzin none despite that being his mother? Weird design choices from a series that is notably diverse in their original designs.
All in all though these things can be overlooked and enjoyed! <3 excited to see everyone’s thoughts on things as they unfold.
1 year
You guys are the first reactors that noticed that pro-bending would have similar movements to Korra's air bending training. The show started as a mini series so only season 1, and so the finale will feel quite final because of that. But the rest of the show is really good, the second season has a few dips but it's still good. The third and fourth season were green lighted by Nick at the same time so the creators were able to have an overarching story for them. I'm so excited to see what you think of the rest of this show!
1 year
I really loved all the characters in Korra. It was actually the worldbuilding that I bounced off of. I thought the original did a cool job showing technology growing alongside and with bending's help (like the mail system in Omashu). I was bummed all the way out by how when trying to think of what that world looked like after 100 years, they came up with...Shanghai in the 1920s. Why do their cars just look like 1920s Roadsters? They couldn't come up with something more unique? Like yeah the 1920s are a cool setting but ATLA's settings were all so unique and interesting and full of thought. Why does progress just look like regular old Real World Pre-Great-Depression? There are more things I won't spoil but the world got so...dull, for me, that the characters couldn't save it. It's a neat show and I'm glad the Avatar universe got more content, I'm just not the target for this one I guess, which is fine.
1 replies
1 year
I had that same issue with the World building when Korra was coming out when I was younger. It just seemed so different to me especially compared to ATLA and I had a hard time adjusting. But historically speaking having it take place in a “1920s” type of era is actually a pretty close to the jump in technology that happened in reality. In the 1840-50s the Industrial Revolution had just begun, people still did things primarily the way they’d done them for centuries while slowly bringing in new tech (atla represents this, they’ve got tanks and airships from the war, and slowly building factories but it’s mostly the way it was for years) 70 years after the first industrialization was the 20s with cars, radios etc. I think it’s just jarring because we didn’t see that growth. And the gangsters and corruption is very much the result of rapid industrialization.
1 replies
1 year
I guess I was just disappointed that a world with Bending and Spirits in it would have a nearly identical industrial revolution to the real world, up to and including just the way things look and fashion. But I also find the 1920s extremely played out in media, which is probably also why I'm just not the target market for the show in general lol
1 year
I know Korra apologized for how she yelled at and insulted Tenzin’s teachings, but she didn’t even apologize for destroying the 2000 year old training tool. That poor tool ?
1 replies
1 year
I mean it was repaired... Not really a big deal lol
1 year
Have y'all forgotten A:TLA so soon? LOL. Aang did not run away from the Fire Nation. He ran away because he didn't want to be the Avatar. He was upset because his status as the Avatar was causing his friends to treat him differently, and then he overheard the Airbending masters discussing his future. He ultimately resented the way he was being deprived of his childhood, so he ran away out of resentment. Running away meant that he was away from the Air Temples when the Fire Nation attacked, but he wasn't running from them in the first place.
1 year
Guys, no. There is no gap. There is ALWAYS an Avatar. The next one is reborn as soon as the previous one dies. The only "gap" is the time it takes to find out who the new Avatar is.
1 year
I couldn't imagine being parents of the AVATAR. Imagine being the parents of a messiah that's supposed to keep the world in balance. sheeeesh
1 year
So I like Korra, but I feel like some of its plot line kinda failed in some aspects and there are some themes that disappointed me, but its honestly a solid show, just didn't think it was the most thought out. But the people screaming that its horrible are insane.
1 replies
1 year
Like the entire non bender plot?
1 replies
1 year
Speak by yourself. Season 1 is really solid.
1 year
One of their predictions has me fucking wheezing. Won't say what for spoiler reasons, but those who Know?? Lmaaoooo
1 year
When you look at at the advancement made from the previous series, you have to look back at our own history when it comes to advancement and war and the causality between the two. War forces people to innovate and develop at an accelerated rate.
1 replies
1 year
Yes, it may be useful to keep in mind that sixty years before the 1920s was the 1860s. Sixty years can be a very long time when it comes to technological advance, especially at certain junctures in technological history and *especially* when there's been a world war to hasten things along.
1 year
when you guys were mentioning people complaining about korra honestly i feel like most people meant after a certain point cause in all fairness early korra was really good and i was super enjoying it but theres just some... turns in the story later that dont feel near as strongly written or dont make as much sense and kind of kill what they were building up at points imo but id say this doesnt happen till the first major arc is done
2 replies
1 year
Agreed. While I did come to dislike the show, I think these first two episodes are terrific. I don't really intend to post anything about what I disliked, both because of spoilers and also because I don't really see any point in yucking other people's yums, but certainly *none* of the people I know who ended up disliking the show had any problems with these opening episodes. On the contrary, in my social circle at least, they were very well-liked.
1 year
I don't see it like that at all for the Korra hate. From my experience people who hate her, hate her because of her character from the start being hot headed and making rash, reckless decisions, along with many other things ofc. They then fail to acknowledge or undermine her growth from there, claiming she stays the same "annoying" character till basically the end.
Also imo her character only get more well written as it goes.
1 year
Just a heads up Kora, has a abrupt ending to the series finale due to the show wanting more seasons, but they did continue the story through comics.
My opinion, compared to ATLAB this show has a struggle telling its love stories, it feels like this series heavily focuses on them too much, when compared ATLAB its more balanced.
2 replies
1 year
I wish people would stop with these kinds of comments. They don't need to be prepared like this. Just let them watch the damn show without feeling like they need to be warned.
1 replies
1 year
Ikr. This are just another type of spoiler. Just stop telling them what to expect of the show so they can have an open mind reaction instead of thinking before hand "okay this show will have bad writing at times, this show won´t have this or that, etc". Like honestly... Let them watch the freaking show in peace, just 'cause some people didn't like some stuff doesn't mean ya'll gotta be pointing out what you didn't like in every damn reacting channel's comment section.
1 year
*Just a heads up, Kora* comma is in the wrong spot.
1 year
This series really does start off very strong! And it has some great arcs - you will start to see where the writing falls a bit flat in places and there's a very good reason for that - we're in the middle of a writer's strike right now, but the LAST time the writers went on strike was right in the middle of Korra's production. It was far from the only show that was affected, and looking back it still holds up as a good show, but it just goes to show that when you don't treat your crew right, the finished product always suffers in the end.
1 replies
1 year
What? The last writers' strike was 2007-2008. Korra wasn't developed until a few years later. The writing quality had nothing to do with that.
1 year
I remember how much i disliked Korra as a character when the show first aired. Its been so long tho that i dont mind experiencing it again.
1 year
The company that made GoXLRs went under? Time to buy them on the cheap and wait for someone to make an open-source firmware!
1 year
I'm glad you guys saw both sides to Korra and Tenzin's argument most sided with Tenzin simply because he's Aangs son
1 year
Korra takes place 70 years after the events in ATLA. Korra is 17 years old.
1 year
I get a lot of Cowboy Bebop vibes from that first chase scene. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the creators of ATLA are big fans of CB
1 year
God dang. Ruff is the god of predictions. How did he guess that Korra's dad is a bender and her mom is a non bender? Wild.
1 replies
1 year
1 year
Tenzin is the saving grace of the show imo also for all the praise pro bending gets a lot of people myself included dislike that bending was downgraded from multiple proper martial arts styles and techniques to just boxing with an element
4 replies
1 year
This misses the point. Korra is set in a modern and very different world. The writers didn't downgrade bending, they portrayed a world in which capitalism commodified it. It's social commentary.
1 year
But there still is the proper martial arts, pro bending didn't erase that it was just added in a totally understandable realistic way. Nothing was downgraded, we just got a new lens to look at bending threw.
1 year
Seriously?! Oh man that sucks I've always been a fan of that part of the show mostly cuz you get A LOT of dynamic poses and being an artist myself the show has inspired me to draw more dynamic more exaggerated
Was there a reason for the change?
1 replies
1 year
They're not saying they changed the animated depiction of bending. Just that the concept of professional bending within the context of a sports arena was introduced.
1 year
I think that's on purpose though, because irl martial arts has also been commodified for entertainment
1 year
I love Legend of Korra. I love the idea of pro-bending (finally, a sport that's entertaining for me to watch), the animation, and the music especially. I don't care for...some things..., but I enjoy the series overall. :)
1 year
ppl like the environment and the ideas they bring in this show. Ppl like this show its just hard when the first one was such a master piece. Another thing is that for the first 2 seasons nickelodeon kept telling the creators they only had one season left. And u can tell that in the writing.
1 replies
1 year
That's a weird way to put it. They only thought they had one season in the first place when they wrote the first one. And during the second season they were greenlit for both seasons 3 and 4. Not exactly "kept saying only one season for the first two seasons."
1 year
There is no gap between the Avatar dying and another being born. It's a reincarnation.
1 year
Aang wasn't being hunted when he ran away, he ran away because he didn't want to be the avatar.
1 year
Naga is a polar bear dog
1 replies
1 year
We know it's a polar bear, but what's the other animal part? (dumb joke about dog, like bro.)
1 year
Aang was not being chased by fire nation when he put himself in the iceberg, he fell into the water because of a storm
1 replies
1 year
To explain as a small remainder, Aang fell in and was frozen because he ran away from the monks. They were planning to take him away from Gyatso.
1 replies
1 year
Aang ran from the monks not the fire nation y'all come in
1 year
100 years didn't pass, he was talking about the 100 year war
The only complaint that I really have with Korra is the fact that like you said she acts more like toph which makes zero sense. How are you raised in a tribe that is nutritious for a go with the flow attitude. In TLA people acted almost exactly like they did based of the region they’re located in, but for some reason Korra acts like earthbender like Topher rather than an water bender like katara or even the previous water avatar.
Well think of it this way, both Toph and Korra grew up sheltered in a walled compound and their only outlets were bending/combat
To be fair to Korras impatience, let's not forget that Aang was incredibly impatient to learn bending styles, and then became incredibly lazy when it came down to actually learning.
He tried to rush firebending, when learning from a master he ignored pretty much all of the lessons to the point where katara surpassed him, and with earthbending he didn't let it sink in at all until the very end.
I'll be blatantly honest. I prefer Korra over the original series, It gets way too much hate
You guys getting to this point is so hype. I can't wait for you guys to get to certain point of the show where you meet certain villains and see past protagonists.
Okay I'm late to this, but I really hope they don't keep skipping the intro. It's not nearly as long, and there's a a recap that's actually really well done, and it's important sometimes because it's not all just clips. Also I really hope yall move past comparing like everyone is related. You can compare the shows, but you need to digest Korra as Korra, not Avatar 2. It takes place in the same universe and there's obviously connected threads, but that story is over. You gotta get used to having new characters that aren't at all related to Avatar, cause that's what's coming ?
Korra has value as a show, it's just annoying when characters talk the plot. They refuse to leave anything to subtext and it really feels like being talked down to, in a way TLA barely ever did. I also think the use of HD and some more modern hybrid-CGI kinda conceals the fact that the animation is a bit worse than ATLA. Like it looks all flashy and new and high-res but the choreography and keyframing is kind of a step backwards.
I know I'm late but you need to rewatch the original series cuz they talk out everything. Nothing was left to subtext especially when it came to team Avatar. People have the worse takes on this series because they struggle to look beyond the original. Korra series is deeper than og Avatar by a country mile. I love the original but when it comes to complex story telling og Avatar gets beat. Hell just look at the villains. Oazi while a good bad guy for that type of story is still you average mustache twirling bad guy, evil just because. Everyone of Korra's antagonist weren't simply bad guys, there's actions while horror had a level of understanding behind it. They had experiences that twisted how they approached their unique situations. On top of that each villain taught Korra something about herself as well as the deeper meaning behind being the Avatar.
When it comes to people saying Korra is bad they have… semi decent reasons that I can’t explain because spoilers but they are mostly just minor things. If Avatar is a 10 out of 10 Korra is mostly a 9 maybe a 7.5 for a few scenes. The only reason people complain at all is because it is a small downgrade from Avatar.
You guys talked briefly about spiderman at the end, so guess who voices Tenzin? haha
I was surprised it wasn’t spotted right away, they’re pretty good at it
So freaking hyped for Korra! lgi goats!
I just love this show honestly, with it's ups and downs it's one of, if not my favorite show ever lol, and yes, rivalling ATLA on my list. Hope you can appreciate it's greatness as much as I did despite the loud mouthed minority who always bashes the whole show or part of it because they didn't like the gaang dying, or cause they didn't like it was so "futuristic" or cause they didn't like the new bending styles, etc, etc, etc. I love it for what it is, i'm sure you will too, you three are very intelligent guys and I just love watching you. Keep up the good work, If i could afford it i would go diamond tier right away not only to watch everything I like earlier but also to support you guys. I don't want it to sound weird or anything but thanks for doing what you do, you probably don't think too much of it but you help me distract myself from the darkest things in my life for an hour or two while watching you guys. Thanks and keep doing what you do <3
I loved how they changed the world building in avatar and blended technology with bending, which you’ll see more later. And how the “advanced” version of the elements (lightning, metal, etc) are now super common and used in everyday jobs. Just the obvious advancement and development of life, I find that part of Korra really cool. And I love the steampunk aesthetic. Korra is often disliked because of Korra’s attitude, the poor pacing (due to the writers not knowing if they’ll renew for another season so each season lacks proper development), and the plot. So when y’all said “I hope they’re more patient with the romance and it’s not the forefront of the show” … well…. You’ll see lol
I loved Korra as a character a bunch. And the show overall! I’m not sure how well it’s aged, I think that’s a risk with anything that has a lot of social commentary though. Still, it’s a really fun romp and I’m glad y’all are getting into it.
My biggest critique of the show was mainly in character design. Katara and Aangs kids don’t look like how one would expect from them. Also they stole all of Katara’s melanin and gave Tenzin none despite that being his mother? Weird design choices from a series that is notably diverse in their original designs.
All in all though these things can be overlooked and enjoyed! <3 excited to see everyone’s thoughts on things as they unfold.
You guys are the first reactors that noticed that pro-bending would have similar movements to Korra's air bending training. The show started as a mini series so only season 1, and so the finale will feel quite final because of that. But the rest of the show is really good, the second season has a few dips but it's still good. The third and fourth season were green lighted by Nick at the same time so the creators were able to have an overarching story for them. I'm so excited to see what you think of the rest of this show!
I really loved all the characters in Korra. It was actually the worldbuilding that I bounced off of. I thought the original did a cool job showing technology growing alongside and with bending's help (like the mail system in Omashu). I was bummed all the way out by how when trying to think of what that world looked like after 100 years, they came up with...Shanghai in the 1920s. Why do their cars just look like 1920s Roadsters? They couldn't come up with something more unique? Like yeah the 1920s are a cool setting but ATLA's settings were all so unique and interesting and full of thought. Why does progress just look like regular old Real World Pre-Great-Depression? There are more things I won't spoil but the world got so...dull, for me, that the characters couldn't save it. It's a neat show and I'm glad the Avatar universe got more content, I'm just not the target for this one I guess, which is fine.
I had that same issue with the World building when Korra was coming out when I was younger. It just seemed so different to me especially compared to ATLA and I had a hard time adjusting. But historically speaking having it take place in a “1920s” type of era is actually a pretty close to the jump in technology that happened in reality. In the 1840-50s the Industrial Revolution had just begun, people still did things primarily the way they’d done them for centuries while slowly bringing in new tech (atla represents this, they’ve got tanks and airships from the war, and slowly building factories but it’s mostly the way it was for years) 70 years after the first industrialization was the 20s with cars, radios etc. I think it’s just jarring because we didn’t see that growth. And the gangsters and corruption is very much the result of rapid industrialization.
I guess I was just disappointed that a world with Bending and Spirits in it would have a nearly identical industrial revolution to the real world, up to and including just the way things look and fashion. But I also find the 1920s extremely played out in media, which is probably also why I'm just not the target market for the show in general lol
I know Korra apologized for how she yelled at and insulted Tenzin’s teachings, but she didn’t even apologize for destroying the 2000 year old training tool. That poor tool ?
I mean it was repaired... Not really a big deal lol
Have y'all forgotten A:TLA so soon? LOL. Aang did not run away from the Fire Nation. He ran away because he didn't want to be the Avatar. He was upset because his status as the Avatar was causing his friends to treat him differently, and then he overheard the Airbending masters discussing his future. He ultimately resented the way he was being deprived of his childhood, so he ran away out of resentment. Running away meant that he was away from the Air Temples when the Fire Nation attacked, but he wasn't running from them in the first place.
Guys, no. There is no gap. There is ALWAYS an Avatar. The next one is reborn as soon as the previous one dies. The only "gap" is the time it takes to find out who the new Avatar is.
I couldn't imagine being parents of the AVATAR. Imagine being the parents of a messiah that's supposed to keep the world in balance. sheeeesh
So I like Korra, but I feel like some of its plot line kinda failed in some aspects and there are some themes that disappointed me, but its honestly a solid show, just didn't think it was the most thought out. But the people screaming that its horrible are insane.
Like the entire non bender plot?
Speak by yourself. Season 1 is really solid.
One of their predictions has me fucking wheezing. Won't say what for spoiler reasons, but those who Know?? Lmaaoooo
When you look at at the advancement made from the previous series, you have to look back at our own history when it comes to advancement and war and the causality between the two. War forces people to innovate and develop at an accelerated rate.
Yes, it may be useful to keep in mind that sixty years before the 1920s was the 1860s. Sixty years can be a very long time when it comes to technological advance, especially at certain junctures in technological history and *especially* when there's been a world war to hasten things along.
when you guys were mentioning people complaining about korra honestly i feel like most people meant after a certain point cause in all fairness early korra was really good and i was super enjoying it but theres just some... turns in the story later that dont feel near as strongly written or dont make as much sense and kind of kill what they were building up at points imo but id say this doesnt happen till the first major arc is done
Agreed. While I did come to dislike the show, I think these first two episodes are terrific. I don't really intend to post anything about what I disliked, both because of spoilers and also because I don't really see any point in yucking other people's yums, but certainly *none* of the people I know who ended up disliking the show had any problems with these opening episodes. On the contrary, in my social circle at least, they were very well-liked.
I don't see it like that at all for the Korra hate. From my experience people who hate her, hate her because of her character from the start being hot headed and making rash, reckless decisions, along with many other things ofc. They then fail to acknowledge or undermine her growth from there, claiming she stays the same "annoying" character till basically the end.
Also imo her character only get more well written as it goes.
Just a heads up Kora, has a abrupt ending to the series finale due to the show wanting more seasons, but they did continue the story through comics.
My opinion, compared to ATLAB this show has a struggle telling its love stories, it feels like this series heavily focuses on them too much, when compared ATLAB its more balanced.
I wish people would stop with these kinds of comments. They don't need to be prepared like this. Just let them watch the damn show without feeling like they need to be warned.
Ikr. This are just another type of spoiler. Just stop telling them what to expect of the show so they can have an open mind reaction instead of thinking before hand "okay this show will have bad writing at times, this show won´t have this or that, etc". Like honestly... Let them watch the freaking show in peace, just 'cause some people didn't like some stuff doesn't mean ya'll gotta be pointing out what you didn't like in every damn reacting channel's comment section.
*Just a heads up, Kora* comma is in the wrong spot.
This series really does start off very strong! And it has some great arcs - you will start to see where the writing falls a bit flat in places and there's a very good reason for that - we're in the middle of a writer's strike right now, but the LAST time the writers went on strike was right in the middle of Korra's production. It was far from the only show that was affected, and looking back it still holds up as a good show, but it just goes to show that when you don't treat your crew right, the finished product always suffers in the end.
What? The last writers' strike was 2007-2008. Korra wasn't developed until a few years later. The writing quality had nothing to do with that.
I remember how much i disliked Korra as a character when the show first aired. Its been so long tho that i dont mind experiencing it again.
The company that made GoXLRs went under? Time to buy them on the cheap and wait for someone to make an open-source firmware!
I'm glad you guys saw both sides to Korra and Tenzin's argument most sided with Tenzin simply because he's Aangs son
Korra takes place 70 years after the events in ATLA. Korra is 17 years old.
I get a lot of Cowboy Bebop vibes from that first chase scene. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the creators of ATLA are big fans of CB
God dang. Ruff is the god of predictions. How did he guess that Korra's dad is a bender and her mom is a non bender? Wild.
Tenzin is the saving grace of the show imo also for all the praise pro bending gets a lot of people myself included dislike that bending was downgraded from multiple proper martial arts styles and techniques to just boxing with an element
This misses the point. Korra is set in a modern and very different world. The writers didn't downgrade bending, they portrayed a world in which capitalism commodified it. It's social commentary.
But there still is the proper martial arts, pro bending didn't erase that it was just added in a totally understandable realistic way. Nothing was downgraded, we just got a new lens to look at bending threw.
Seriously?! Oh man that sucks I've always been a fan of that part of the show mostly cuz you get A LOT of dynamic poses and being an artist myself the show has inspired me to draw more dynamic more exaggerated
Was there a reason for the change?
They're not saying they changed the animated depiction of bending. Just that the concept of professional bending within the context of a sports arena was introduced.
I think that's on purpose though, because irl martial arts has also been commodified for entertainment
I love Legend of Korra. I love the idea of pro-bending (finally, a sport that's entertaining for me to watch), the animation, and the music especially. I don't care for...some things..., but I enjoy the series overall. :)
ppl like the environment and the ideas they bring in this show. Ppl like this show its just hard when the first one was such a master piece. Another thing is that for the first 2 seasons nickelodeon kept telling the creators they only had one season left. And u can tell that in the writing.
That's a weird way to put it. They only thought they had one season in the first place when they wrote the first one. And during the second season they were greenlit for both seasons 3 and 4. Not exactly "kept saying only one season for the first two seasons."
There is no gap between the Avatar dying and another being born. It's a reincarnation.
Aang wasn't being hunted when he ran away, he ran away because he didn't want to be the avatar.
Naga is a polar bear dog
We know it's a polar bear, but what's the other animal part? (dumb joke about dog, like bro.)
Aang was not being chased by fire nation when he put himself in the iceberg, he fell into the water because of a storm
To explain as a small remainder, Aang fell in and was frozen because he ran away from the monks. They were planning to take him away from Gyatso.
Aang ran from the monks not the fire nation y'all come in
100 years didn't pass, he was talking about the 100 year war