Teen Titans S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION

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  1. Christina
    11 months

    It boggles my mind when Boom says he went to school in the 60s, I have such a hard time believing that, I could've sworn he's in his 30s

    1 replies
    1. Christina
      11 months

      Also, I think the old lady is the same voice actress that voiced Lo and Li from Atla! I've been sitting here listening to her talk trying to figure where I recognize her voice from.

  2. Anna
    1 year

    I've noticed that it hasn't been uploaded to YouTube yesterday. Just wanted to see if you changed the days your uploading them to yt. :)

  3. Aqua
    1 year

    Teen titans Go is fire

  4. Jack
    1 year

    Never cared for Brother Blood, so happy we are on to seasons 4 and 5, the villains are so much cooler.

  5. Purple
    1 year

    How old is boom? I thought at oldest he could be late 40s, but if he was in school in the sixties he would have to be at least 59-60 right now.

  6. GainingGamer
    1 year

    xiaolin showdown when

  7. GainingGamer
    1 year

    wait ruff hasnt watched starwars? lego starwars lets play when?

  8. Honey
    1 year

    Oh season4 is the BEST season bc it's Ravens season~

  9. khalil
    1 year

    can’t believe none of them caught when cyborg said they were in the first episode of season 4

    2 replies
    1. GainingGamer
      1 year

      how did i read this as he said it

    2. Veritas
      1 year

      Neither did I, lol

  10. domo9277
    1 year

    See, now I really would love to see you guys watch the Fairly Odd Parents' 'Channel Chasers'! It's got so many references to shows and it's awesome.

  11. Darc
    1 year

    It can't be AL ghul. The league of assassins only trains women except for the men who will lead them. That's why they kinds trained Bruce Wayne, but when he refused they basically had Ra's daughter Talia give birth to Damien Wayne.

    Also we saw slade sink into lava and Terra is a statue now. Kinda hard to fight that

  12. Munir
    1 year

    I mean for plot reasons, even if the heroes tried to kill them, the important villains would still get away. That's assuming that the Titans could even kill gigachads like Control Freak and Johnny Rancid.

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      1 year

      That and even if people get killed no one stays dead in comics, they get back either way so killing or not is on the hero cause the outcome may not change just because someone dies. Also, shouldn't they be more mad at the justice system? Villains are put in jail so the law can take care of it and do it the way the system is set up. If the law doesn't do anything and a hero kills someone then it may not be viewed as anything but murder. Though justice systems in comics aren't all that great either. I just don't get the need for comic book heroes to be police, judge, jury and executioners.

  13. Narutoanime16
    1 year

    Batman the Animated series & the Justice League shows you guys would love, has a whole universe to explore

  14. Petrichor12
    1 year

    The True Master was giving me old Toph Beifong vibes, so I looked on the actress' IMDB page to double-check, and she is Takayo Fischer who voiced Lo and Li in Avatar.

  15. Lester
    1 year

    Ooh I’m looking forward to this. Season 4 is my personal favorite season. This is about to get interesting.

  16. Joseph
    1 year

    season 4 is all about raven to answer your guy's thoughts from the season 3 finale. season 5 is beast boy driven and starfire would've been season 6 but it got cancelled

  17. Kaitlyn!
    1 year

    Okay, comic book nerd here. You HAVE to watch Young Justice if you’re looking for a show with lots of action and just phenomenal story lines. I think it really flushes out characters like Robin (Dick Grayson) and Beast Boy (Garfield Logan). OR, get your hands on movies like ‘The Son of Batman’ from the DC Animated Movie Universe. Be warned, they’re A LOT more MATURE than this, but some of the movies feature the Teen Titans!

    3 replies
    1. brianna
      1 year

      i think they should start with some of the earlier dc cartoons like batman the animated series, superman the animated series and the justice league cartoons before YJ just bc they don't seem to know much about DC as a whole so going into another sidekick heavy show may confuse them like teen titans did a little

    2. Niamh
      1 year

      Seconding Young Justice as a great replacement when Teen Titans is done!

    3. Manga
      1 year

      And The Spectacular Spider-Man and Batman: The Brave and the Bold

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