Teen Titans S4 Episode 9-10 REACTION

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    1. Also, obviously hell yeah!  The introduction kf Billy Numerous.  I decided months ago that, if super powers were real, his are the ones I’d want.  To be able to freely duplicate and divide myself at will (with a side of Super strength) would be so convenient, and I’d be able to get so much more stuff done that I want…as well as consume so much more media that I can’t keep up with.

  1. The Billy episode is one of the best one offs in my opinion, second only to mad mod episodes. In contrast, mother Mae eye episode is one of my least favorites in the series. Primarily for the ending. The titans did literally just perform an assisted murder attempt on the hive by giving them the pie.

  2. between this and the recent gumball episode i can’t tell which us more recent, but either way i hope erik feels better soon and comes back from the dead ❤️‍🩹

  3. I remember watching the DVD commentary for this show at one point, and they said in that the Mother Mae-Eye episode was born out of wanting to do an “evil mom” episode to balance out the “evil dad” storyline with Raven. I thought that was funny.

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