Teen Titans S3 Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. yes british people vote for a prime minister in elections (usually) lol and english, welsh & northern irish people also vote for the mayors of their cities (idk about scotland). i believe scotland and wales also vote for their first ministers too but i dont think northern ireland has one atm??

  2. Brother Blood has lived for hundreds of years I believe. He’s kinda like Raz AlGhul in that respect. Instead of a Lazarus Pit he bathes in the blood of his enemies, They understandably cant reference that in this show of course.

    1. I think their reactions are really entertaining and they’re pretty thoughtful in what they’re watching by keeping a casual approach and open mind. Sometimes they can go down silly thought spirals but some of them are literally not sober when they’re filming these videos lol. It doesn’t have to be your taste but why go out of your way to watch on their website and complain in the comments like a hater?

    1. I’m gonna love the comparisons in characterization they’re gonna make. I hope they never realize that YJ Aqualad is a different character than TT Aqualad. I love when they(Erik specifically) get confused?

  3. I’m pretty sure Bumblebee meant that she was working together with Aqualad to track down Brother Blood; not that she was going with him underwater. Aqualad searches the seas, she checks from the sky, and they meet on land to exchange any information they can get.

  4. Ok Ruff, what name can you think of that is a better sidekick name for Aquaman that is better than Aqualad, cause I would love to hear it and if you can’t think of one then stop hating on the name Aqualad.

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