Spongebob S5 Episode 5-6 Reaction

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  1. n00b_Animator
    10 months

    I feel like i'm getting called out everytime they bring up mustard cause it's my favorite condement

  2. Seth
    10 months

    I’m glad you guys are enjoying season 5. I think it’s overall a decent season, the first 4 were just such big hitters to me.

  3. cyborggamerpro
    10 months

    Day 28 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  4. Ben
    11 months

    This was an awesome reaction. I enjoyed the banter after Ruff said " fuck Gary" ??? glad you guys are still having fun ?

  5. Victoria
    11 months

    I concur that you have a harder time sleeping when you are trying to sleep or try to sleep early.

    This was a fun reaction. I'm most looking forward to "Atlantis Squarpantis" next.

  6. Bomb-Boy
    11 months

    If you do consider stopping the SpongeBob reaction series, please react the second movie. I wanna hear your thoughts on it since I think it’s pretty good but not amazing than the first

  7. Jrax567
    11 months

    I actually rode the SpongeBob roller coaster in Minneapolis at the mall of America, which they annoyingly did not name fiery fist of pain. Roller coasters are the safest thing you will ever do, though no reason to be afraid. most of them are annoyingly big person phobic though So last summer was not super fun for me. This summer is gonna be amazing.?

  8. Isaiah
    11 months

    I'm on team no feet

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