Spongebob S5 Episode 3-4 REACTION

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  1. Fun episodes and I love the short cause of the pacing, too. I’m really excited about this season. You guys got me laughing with you on so many parts.

  2. The mailman is a government employee and is bound by federal law when delivering packages that are age restricted. If he allowed someone else to sign for it then he would be charged with a felony.

  3. The voicemail giving the mission and self destructing is a Mission Impossible reference. Charlie’s Angels does do the voicemails but the line “your mission, if you choose to accept it, is” line and the self destruct is how Daniel Briggs, Jim Phelps and Ethan Hunt get their missions

  4. I wish they did shorter episodes more often. There’s definitely more than a few episodes that would have been better if they didn’t force them to be normal length.

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