Spongebob S5 Episode 13-14 Reaction

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  1. FryLord
    8 months

    On the note of people believing dark jokes.....I told my friends that I sold all but one of our tickets to a concert coming up because I got so excited to get approved for time off that day that I just had to and they need to fight to the death if they want the one remaining ticket..........they believed me and I didn't find out until weeks later(last week) when one called me to brag about a seat he bought for the same concert. They said they trust me so much that they took me at my word...My friends are definitely people

  2. Angie
    9 months

    idk why people say the show dumbs down patrick, when he's always been pretty dumb. Like, there's a whole episode where patrick couldn't open a lid in season two lol.

    1 replies
    1. Bomb-Boy
      8 months

      They made Patrick more kiddish dumb like he doesn’t bring in more funny gags all the time just dumb to make kids laugh, s1 to 3 was Patrick being a lovable naive friend who SpongeBob would occasionally ask advice from and that’s where the humour was for me.

  3. Bomb-Boy
    9 months

    Beware season 6

  4. Maverick
    9 months

    I can't believe patrick would murder a woman just to take her seat. Where did he even get two lightsabers from?

    1 replies
    1. Ry
      9 months

      Please react to American Dad!

  5. marylander03
    9 months

    The jelly bean king from Rick and Morty is Tom Kenny who also voices SpongeBob

  6. Hollowjac
    9 months

    You guys are the masters of gaslighting the audience

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