SpongeBob S3 Episode 3-4 REACTION

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  1. A food that once I had it I needed it again?
    Easy. Birria Tacos. I had the real deal on Puerto Rico my first time and it was love at first bite. They were so damn GOOD!!! <3 I need to send Koe a donation thanking him for having that food porn ranking video that showed off Birria tacos to me so I recognized the name when I saw it.

  2. Assuming you guys haven’t already gotten to the episode on Diamond tier yet, try to remember what that hat Squidward took out of the box looked like. We actually do see him get to wear it later on. Nice bit of continuity there.

  3. A food I obsess over trying again:
    In SF there’s this restaurant and food truck called The Chairman.
    They have this sandwich.
    Tender Pork Belly in a Red Miso Glaze, Turmeric Pickled Daikon, with Green Shiso all on a toasted Hawaiian bun.
    When the food truck used to come by my workplace down south to San Jose on Fridays, I’d buy two of those for dinner, eat in the car while listening to my audiobooks/podcasts, and then go home a happy man. Then one day they stopped coming down to the south bay. And I’ve never had a chance to make the trip up to SF and eat it again.

  4. I’m kinda bummed “Just One Bite” got rid of the scene, between Squidward getting to the Krusty Krab and him getting to the patty vault, and I don’t understand why. I guess Paramount is gonna be that way for deleted scenes.

  5. Wow, and I liked Bri, but that disdain for Sour Cream is just inhuman. lol, I actually took this video into the other room to show my family, because I swear that exact conversation had been held in my house multiple times.

  6. I’ve noticed that every episode I tell myself “Yes! It’s this one! I love this episode!”
    I didn’t realise that every single one in the early series was an absolute banger.

    1. Fun fact there’s a deleted scene where squidward walks jnto the krusty krab and he sees a bucket of water over the door and makes it fall but when he smells it its actually gas and mr krabs has an arm drop a match and when he walks into the kitchen it happens again

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