SpongeBob S2 Episode 11-12 REACTION

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  1. Iruma
    1 year

    I remember those popsicle sticks. I remember other character versions of them as well like Spider-Man. It’d be fun to watch you try to make them.

    Ice cream I do like making is Sea-Salt Ice Cream ^^

  2. reina
    1 year

    I like how no "shots"/jokes were thrown at Squidward.

  3. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    "I really wanna get to one episode. We're so close, I can taste it. [It tastes like] beer, peanuts, and hot dogs." I am 90% certain that Ruff is referring to the episode I've been most excited to see. If I'm right...we are VERY close. Also, if I'm right, I don't blame him. It is, arguably, the best and most iconic Spongebob episode of all time.

  4. Andre
    1 year

    Since SeeOhKnee and Boom are watching SpongeBob, Bri can watch Futurama and Ruff can watch Star Wars ? also i made a SpongeBob reference with my coworker about Sa-lads and she gave me the most confused look ever

  5. Bryan
    1 year

    This SpongeBob pops may have looked ugly, but the sherbet was soooo good as a kid.

  6. idziman
    1 year

    Boom's right, Texas isn't a southern state. It's THE southern state.

    2 replies
    1. Raptor
      1 year

      The hypocrisy of Sandy getting mad at Spongebob’s squirrel jokes then having no problem blatantly offending everyone else in the very next episode.

    2. boom
      1 year

      Incorrect, but I appreciate your enthusiasm

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