SpongeBob S2 Episode 13-14 REACTION

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  1. Shanghaied is my personal favorite Spongebob episode
    Yeah Band Geeks is Iconic and a perfectly made episode but Shanghaied is always a treat to watch for me

  2. Hey, guys, “Shanghaid” actually has three different endings depending on which character among Spongebob, Squidward, or Patrick have the final wish! 😀 I had the Spongebob DVD box set growing up, and the different endings were under the bonus features. Patrick’s ending and Squidward’s ending are on Youtube. I can see why they went with Spongebob’s ending for the main ending since it seems like the most is happening in that one, but I would recommend watching Patrick’s ending and Squidward’s ending when you get a chance. I think they’re one minute each.

  3. Dabloons is my second favorite episode of the show, the Perfume Department scene KILLS me no matter how many times I watch it. My first favorite is next episode and I think most people can vouch that it’s the best episode of the series.

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