She-Ra S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION

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  1. Rey
    2 months

    Please finish :(

  2. Jan
    1 year


  3. Pooga
    1 year

    The name of Battle-Cat when he was in his "normal", fraidy-cat form was... "Cringer". Yeah, the He-Man universe has a knack for on-the-nose character names.

  4. kevin
    1 year

    Remix! ???

  5. Crow
    1 year

    Scorpia biggest strength and biggest weakness is her loyalty. She's a good person but she too loyal, even when she shouldn't be.

  6. buttholierthanthou
    1 year

    "Why don't they teleport kidnap important people"

    Glimmer's power isn't infinite remember. It's elaborated on as the show goes on.

    1 replies
    1. buttholierthanthou
      1 year

      Oops it got covered 2 seconds later LOL my bad

  7. buttholierthanthou
    1 year

    Robin Hood hustling the poor is wild H man LMAOOO

  8. Ranginald
    1 year

    Local Business Robin Hood is a hilarious concept

  9. Asad
    1 year

    So the opening changes at the start of season 4. During season 5 I would suggest to watch the opening every episode because it almost changes every episode.

  10. Vladipranked
    1 year

    Scorpia is Ride or die, she'd definitely kill for the horde.

  11. Ryan
    1 year


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