She-Ra S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION

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    1. I am hoping they will soon record another block of episodes to upload……they have released a lot of new stuff but the half month wait for Diamond members has been rough. Just give them time and I am sure they will get to it.

  1. She-Ra takes it time building characters and the world, and not every episode is going to necessarily push the main story along in big ways. It’s like Avatar in that regard, there’s turns and twists and detours, but when the main story pops off it POPS OFF! I’m so excited for you guys to watch the entire thing ahhh.

  2. Scorpia being so smitten with Catra is honest some of the cutest most wholesome content in this show. And honestly I’d be rooting for their ship if Catra wasn’t so toxic . I love Catra, but Scorpia does kinda deserve better imo.

  3. Yup Bow’s section was based on the 80s show, and Catra could turn into the cat + the Horde did use dragons in the 80s version. It might be fun to react to at least the first episode of the 80s version. Also the ending credits music was the same music from the 80s version (and they played a little of the intro during Bow’s section)

    1. Yeah, especially when Catra was trying to be super gross and obnoxious during that earlier hostage episode (which also included her scratching her ass and clearly not giving a damn if anyone saw.)

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