RWBY Vol. 1 Episode 9-12 REACTION

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  1. Trinity
    11 months

    The White trailer gives the background for Weiss’s scar, but you’re kinda far into the series so I don’t know if you guys are gonna bother with the trailers. Basically she got it while training. There’s a neat battle scene and badass music if you watch the trailer tho.

    1 replies
    1. Trinity
      11 months

      Also, Love Story is an absolute banger. I don’t even listen to Taylor Swift, but some of her old songs were good.

  2. prettysissyj
    1 year

    You should definitely check out "GenLock" by the same studio. It's got an amazing cast ( David Tennat, Micheal B Jordan, Maisie Williams.) and a bunch more. A SCIFI story set in ww3 with giant mechs. PLZ,PLZ,PLZ check it out. You will not be disappointed

  3. Pat
    1 year

    (I paused like, 7 minutes in) To be a little bit fair to Weiss being pissy at Ruby... Ruby greeted her with a whistle to the face immediately after waking up (causing her to fall out of bed) (plus y'all said you would've punched Ruby in the face or thrown her out the window so...). Weiss is right; Ruby IS acting childish (because she's two years younger and is still a child) and her childish traits have been on full display ever since meeting Weiss (not communicating, lashing out, jumping into fights, not thinking far ahead, whistle to the face, "bunk beds!", not paying attention to the time, not paying attention to the teacher, distracting her *continuously* after she told her to knock it off...) which has only reinforced Weiss' negative view on her. I'm not saying it's justified, but I get how Weiss can be pissy at Ruby when she hadn't seen anything serious/not childish come from her young leader by that time.

    1 replies
    1. Pat
      1 year

      And, to add on to this now that I've seen the rest of the reaction; Weiss seeing Ruby actually be serious about studying let her *allow* herself to be childish with Ruby. The coffee was an apology, but the lightly teasing tone when she pointed out an incorrect answer on (presumably) her homework, and the admittance of "I always wanted bunk beds as a kid." was a little crack in that icy armor :)

  4. MegumiMary
    1 year


    Adorable bunnie girls unite <3

  5. Hailey
    1 year

    Ok so some things to maybe keep in mind from episode 9:

    1. Ozpin saying “I’ve made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child.” is very important for the story later.

    2. What Ozpin said to Ruby about the burdens of being a leader can really be seen with how her behavior and spirit changes throughout the show all the way up to the most recent volume.

    3. Weiss does get character development from this point on but it’s a very slow burn. Takes a bit to get that prissy bitch out of her.

    4. On the whiteboard in the classroom you can see the names of some of the Grimm you will come across or have already come across. There are going to be a lot more from those ones but for at least 2-3 volumes those will be the main ones used.

    5. Ruff is correct you can see animation improvements even from episode 1 to now. It’s very impressive to see the animation progress and them getting a lot more budget and people to help improve it.

    Anyways seriously hope you guys are in this for the long run because it is an amazing show and has an amazing story to tell. I will be here watching and enjoying you guys go through the wild journey we all went through and hopefully continue going through.

  6. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year


  7. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    If you love Nora now, just wait till you watch RWBY Chibi, but yes Nora's awesome.

  8. Bradley
    1 year

    Weiss has the best character development of any character, you'll definitely enjoy how that unfolds. She's the best character throughout the series by a mile.

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      1 year

      Idk it's a close call between her and Jaune

      I think Jaune's arc is still constantly evolving (especially with how his arc in 9 went) and has the biggest payoffs to come with his pot volume 9 story

      I also think he will be instrumental in reversing a specific regret he carries from the ending of 8 and theorize he will have the single most cathartic fight of the series against [Volume 3/5/8 spoiler name here] for causing him so much pain

      Weiss still has arcs post volume 4 but the climax of her most prominent arc is 4

  9. Kayden
    1 year

    Thank you guys for more RWBY reactions, always glad to see new reactors to the series and I hope you enjoy it!

  10. viktorbiktor
    1 year

    I keep forgetting how short the episodes are here so I got real confused there for a sec

  11. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Time for the Jaune arc ?

    2 replies
    1. Serpent
      1 year

      GOD DAMMIT BARB that still relevant?

      3 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        1 year

        It's relevant to me, and I'll take it! I'm on a roll with RWBY puns!?

      2. Miguel
        1 year

        Idk if I'm wrong but the episode numbers don't seem right? I feel like we only saw two episodes not 4

        1 replies
        1. Harus
          1 year

          Badge and the Burden 1 and 2 (intermission after you see the cage) and Jaunedice 1 and 2 (intermission after the camera fades to black in the cafeteria)

      3. Hailey
        1 year


    2. SauceyRed
      1 year

      LMAO good one

      1 replies
      1. Petrichor12
        1 year


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