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17 hours
Weiss Schnee is German for snow white and Klein is representing the 7 dwarfs so when his eyes, voice and mood change it's him moving between representations of the different 7 dwarfs.
1 day
honestly how the fuck do people not like this show--apocalyptic end of the world war between monsters and men, dictators and magic, wizards and maidens. The show just radiates awesome
2 days
that was a silver eyed faunus
3 days
It was a fox Faunus. The fox and the hound.
3 days
The next episodes are VERY fast paced
3 days
Klein is the representation of the seven dwarves, as Weiss is Snow White. :)
Also, I'm pretty excited to watch your reaction for the last few episodes of this season.
3 days
I don't know why everyone just believes that Tyrian and Oz are the only ones who know Salem's endgame. Oz hasn't been in contact with her for a long time and, if Salem's telling all of her followers different stories, of course she'd let Tyrian believe that.
We don't actually have much real reason to think that Salem is trying to end the world.
2 replies
1 day
Ummm, because she wants all the relics and there’s only one thing that happens when all the relics are brought to together. The gods come back and since humanity hasn’t gotten its act together, end of world time! Like no she hasn’t come outa d said “hahaha I want end the world!” but there’s been enough context clues that it’s obvious.
1 replies
12 hours
That's a total assumption. Salem's never expressed any interest in destroying the world. The only thing she's ever implied is that all of these deaths are unnecessary and people would in fact *not* be dying if Oz hands over the relics.
1 replies
2 hours
…I think you need to watch Volume 6 Episode 2 again. The god of light explicitly says that if all four relics are brought together it will summon him and his brother back to Remnant and the if they are summoned back and see that humanity is still divided they they will destroy it.
1 replies
2 hours
Sorry I mean. episode 3
3 days
we have every reason to think that. its one of two ways she can die
1 replies
2 days
Is it one of two ways she can die? Nobody ever said that. The gods said "so long as this world turns, you shall walk its face" but that's just a dramatic way to say "forever," not the terms of some contract that Salem can get her lawyer to litigate. Also, the gods have proven before that they're more than willing to up the ante on Salem.
Furthermore, do you know Salem's trying to die? She's never said any such thing. The one time she's described as trying to do that, the actual topic was about how those attempts ended up just being acts of spite and defiance against the gods; which is something that she HAS shown a consistent motivation for.
If Salem just wanted to gather the relics, end the world and die (which, again, we have no reason to think would happen), she's had a long time to do that. She's known that the relics exist and are in the world somewhere that the Grimm can track for countless generations before Oz tracked them down and has known exactly where they are for the last couple generations since the great war. Until the last decade or so, Salem's only ever expressed complete disinterest in the relics.
1 replies
2 days
She literally was shown trying to kill herself repeatedly. When she failed she turned against the gods and they punished her further by erasing humanity to leave her alone for centuries if not millenia before mankind came about again. During this time after the gods left she tried to take her life AGAIN by jumping in the pools of grim. Instead of killing her they made her actively seek out destruction.
Additionally there is literally only a single purpose for gathering all 4 relics together, (which is sales exclusive goal at this point). To judge humanity. The gods have very explicitly stated that if the relics are brought together they will be summoned back and humanity will be judged, if people are still fighting amongst one another they will be considered irredeemable and they will destroy the entire world, that's a fact.
As humanity IS divided Salem gathering all 4 relics will bring an end to the world. At worst for her she is left floating in space forever still cursed as she has been for who knows how long. Best case scenario she can finally die.
1 replies
2 days
Firstly, for some reason, Salem throwing herself into the pools of grimm fell out of my brain for a moment. My bad, brain fart. She's shown trying to end it all twice, with the implication of many more attempts before but no implication of any attempts since.I'm not saying that anything you've said is wrong, I'm saying that it's built on a series of assumptions about her current motivations. Reasonable assumptions, sure, but assumptions nonetheless. I expect it's the reasoning that Oz is operating on. I'm just saying that we haven't seen Salem explicitly state anything of the sort. In fact, from a writer's perspective, they've been very careful to tiptoe AROUND Salem actually saying anything about why she's assembling the relics. The closest we get to anything like a motivation from her is actually her POV song from the V3 soundtrack. In "Divide" it seems like Salem is explicitly blaming Oz for all of the death. The dead children are his fault for putting them between her and the relics. Now, maybe it's just artistic license or something but Salem doesn't seem so disconnected from reality that she would blame Oz for the death of people she was deliberately trying to kill.
Obviously, assembling the relics possibly could destroy the world and Salem's not bothered by that but it's still just an assumption that destroying the world is why she's doing it. For example, did you notice that you said the relics have literally only a single purpose (to judge humanity) but then also described another thing that the relics do when brought together; something they do first, in fact. The relics summon the gods. We can't rule out some other endgame for her related to that. For example, if Salem found a way to harm them in some way, I have no doubt she'd summon them just to shoot another shot at them out of sheer spite. Even if it's a long shot, what's the worst that could happen? The world ends? She doesn't care. She might even get lucky and die in the process. I'm not even saying I think this is her plan, just that something like that could feasibly be on the table and it would fit all of her behaviour. Could be any number of things. It seems like Salem's actions might end up doing quite a bit to unite humanity for example.
Come to think of it, she's had a long time to attack the academies and even longer to gather the relics before then. What changed? Did she learn something new? if Salem met a *certain somebody* a decade ago and figured out a way to harm the gods, that would explain why she's only been going after the relics recently. As Maria said; "Life is beautiful, it is precious and it must be protected" and what would motivate a silver-eyed warrior more than the imminent destruction of the whole planet? It would also explain why she's ordered Ruby to be kept alive... Actually, maybe I do think this is what her plan is...
3 days
"RWBY really fell off after Volume 3" Like, I know that means someone just stopped watching after Volume 4, but like... how can anyone say that after how incredible Volume 8 was!? I know a major complaint is Ironwood's sudden change in personality, but it wasn't sudden at all. This was always who he was, Ozpin (and Qrow to be honest) just kept him in line, he's always been an arrogant dick, he's always believed that with a strong enough military he could do what ever he wanted (he's introduced by directly defying Ozpin and bringing the Atlas military to Beacon) and he's always demanded trust and respect while never giving it in return. If you take the "issues" with Ironwood out of the equation, Volume 8 is absolute peak RWBY.
1 replies
3 days
The only people who have those particular "issues" with Ironwood are people with no media literacy or who are being deliberately bad faith in their criticism.
Outside of the Battle of Beacon, EVERY scene with Ironwood or that even mentions Ironwood is about his eventual turn. Not just Qrow and Glynda talking to him in the early seasons; but also Weiss' dad in volume 4, Lionheart comments on it in Volume 5, the villains talk about it in volume 6. Hell, it's half the tension in Volume 7.
The people complaining about Ironwood as if it's not the most set-up thing in the whole series are crazy.
3 days
29:44 If you didn’t catch it, the person inside the Hound Grimm was a Silver Eyed Warrior.
30:15 At the final scene where we see the Silver Eyed Warrior’s remains, you can hear a sigh of relief and a faint ‘thank you’, as if he was saying “thank you for releasing me at last”.
30:09 The choir singing at the Silver Eyed Warrior’s death translates to this:
Tu, Sivo-Eisa Varia (You, Silver-Eyed Warrior)
Sarehma tayka me (Salem took me)
Donu frayst vo me, donu cri... (Don't fret for me, don't you cry)
U-tu sivo-eisa me (Your silver eyes for me)
3 days
Incase you guys are still wondering. Klein's different eye colors and personalities were told by the producers of the show as his semblance. He is essentially the 7 dwarves in one person to Weiss's snow white.
3 days
so the hound was a sliver eyed Faunus
3 days
I like how realistic Whitley’s character moments are and the show doesn’t waste multiple scenes spoon feeding us his motives. He basically has a change of heart off screen, but it still makes enough sense.
1 replies
3 days
I'm hesitant to even really call it a change of heart. When they initially get there he's like, "What do you expect me to do?" which sounded kind of bratty but the way he sounded kind of exasperated made me think he was seriously asking.
Weiss just sends him off but the moment he identifies things he could actually do to help he takes action.
There are admittedly moments that make it seem like he's having a realization, and that probably is the intention of the writers, but my headcannon is that Whitley isn't used to feeling aimless so he's trying to find purpose lol
1 replies
3 days
I mean, he clearly just craves approval/affection, which his toxic father gave him in the form of money and status, and helping by calling Klein was a good thing that got him rewarded with a genuine hug from Weiss, I can't even imagine how good that must've felt for him. After that, it's only natural he'd start to have realizations.
Weiss Schnee is German for snow white and Klein is representing the 7 dwarfs so when his eyes, voice and mood change it's him moving between representations of the different 7 dwarfs.
honestly how the fuck do people not like this show--apocalyptic end of the world war between monsters and men, dictators and magic, wizards and maidens. The show just radiates awesome
that was a silver eyed faunus
It was a fox Faunus. The fox and the hound.
The next episodes are VERY fast paced
Klein is the representation of the seven dwarves, as Weiss is Snow White. :)
Also, I'm pretty excited to watch your reaction for the last few episodes of this season.
I don't know why everyone just believes that Tyrian and Oz are the only ones who know Salem's endgame. Oz hasn't been in contact with her for a long time and, if Salem's telling all of her followers different stories, of course she'd let Tyrian believe that.
We don't actually have much real reason to think that Salem is trying to end the world.
Ummm, because she wants all the relics and there’s only one thing that happens when all the relics are brought to together. The gods come back and since humanity hasn’t gotten its act together, end of world time! Like no she hasn’t come outa d said “hahaha I want end the world!” but there’s been enough context clues that it’s obvious.
That's a total assumption. Salem's never expressed any interest in destroying the world. The only thing she's ever implied is that all of these deaths are unnecessary and people would in fact *not* be dying if Oz hands over the relics.
…I think you need to watch Volume 6 Episode 2 again. The god of light explicitly says that if all four relics are brought together it will summon him and his brother back to Remnant and the if they are summoned back and see that humanity is still divided they they will destroy it.
Sorry I mean. episode 3
we have every reason to think that. its one of two ways she can die
Is it one of two ways she can die? Nobody ever said that. The gods said "so long as this world turns, you shall walk its face" but that's just a dramatic way to say "forever," not the terms of some contract that Salem can get her lawyer to litigate. Also, the gods have proven before that they're more than willing to up the ante on Salem.
Furthermore, do you know Salem's trying to die? She's never said any such thing. The one time she's described as trying to do that, the actual topic was about how those attempts ended up just being acts of spite and defiance against the gods; which is something that she HAS shown a consistent motivation for.
If Salem just wanted to gather the relics, end the world and die (which, again, we have no reason to think would happen), she's had a long time to do that. She's known that the relics exist and are in the world somewhere that the Grimm can track for countless generations before Oz tracked them down and has known exactly where they are for the last couple generations since the great war. Until the last decade or so, Salem's only ever expressed complete disinterest in the relics.
She literally was shown trying to kill herself repeatedly. When she failed she turned against the gods and they punished her further by erasing humanity to leave her alone for centuries if not millenia before mankind came about again. During this time after the gods left she tried to take her life AGAIN by jumping in the pools of grim. Instead of killing her they made her actively seek out destruction.
Additionally there is literally only a single purpose for gathering all 4 relics together, (which is sales exclusive goal at this point). To judge humanity. The gods have very explicitly stated that if the relics are brought together they will be summoned back and humanity will be judged, if people are still fighting amongst one another they will be considered irredeemable and they will destroy the entire world, that's a fact.
As humanity IS divided Salem gathering all 4 relics will bring an end to the world. At worst for her she is left floating in space forever still cursed as she has been for who knows how long. Best case scenario she can finally die.
Firstly, for some reason, Salem throwing herself into the pools of grimm fell out of my brain for a moment. My bad, brain fart. She's shown trying to end it all twice, with the implication of many more attempts before but no implication of any attempts since.I'm not saying that anything you've said is wrong, I'm saying that it's built on a series of assumptions about her current motivations. Reasonable assumptions, sure, but assumptions nonetheless. I expect it's the reasoning that Oz is operating on. I'm just saying that we haven't seen Salem explicitly state anything of the sort. In fact, from a writer's perspective, they've been very careful to tiptoe AROUND Salem actually saying anything about why she's assembling the relics. The closest we get to anything like a motivation from her is actually her POV song from the V3 soundtrack. In "Divide" it seems like Salem is explicitly blaming Oz for all of the death. The dead children are his fault for putting them between her and the relics. Now, maybe it's just artistic license or something but Salem doesn't seem so disconnected from reality that she would blame Oz for the death of people she was deliberately trying to kill.
Obviously, assembling the relics possibly could destroy the world and Salem's not bothered by that but it's still just an assumption that destroying the world is why she's doing it. For example, did you notice that you said the relics have literally only a single purpose (to judge humanity) but then also described another thing that the relics do when brought together; something they do first, in fact. The relics summon the gods. We can't rule out some other endgame for her related to that. For example, if Salem found a way to harm them in some way, I have no doubt she'd summon them just to shoot another shot at them out of sheer spite. Even if it's a long shot, what's the worst that could happen? The world ends? She doesn't care. She might even get lucky and die in the process. I'm not even saying I think this is her plan, just that something like that could feasibly be on the table and it would fit all of her behaviour. Could be any number of things. It seems like Salem's actions might end up doing quite a bit to unite humanity for example.
Come to think of it, she's had a long time to attack the academies and even longer to gather the relics before then. What changed? Did she learn something new? if Salem met a *certain somebody* a decade ago and figured out a way to harm the gods, that would explain why she's only been going after the relics recently. As Maria said; "Life is beautiful, it is precious and it must be protected" and what would motivate a silver-eyed warrior more than the imminent destruction of the whole planet? It would also explain why she's ordered Ruby to be kept alive... Actually, maybe I do think this is what her plan is...
"RWBY really fell off after Volume 3" Like, I know that means someone just stopped watching after Volume 4, but like... how can anyone say that after how incredible Volume 8 was!? I know a major complaint is Ironwood's sudden change in personality, but it wasn't sudden at all. This was always who he was, Ozpin (and Qrow to be honest) just kept him in line, he's always been an arrogant dick, he's always believed that with a strong enough military he could do what ever he wanted (he's introduced by directly defying Ozpin and bringing the Atlas military to Beacon) and he's always demanded trust and respect while never giving it in return. If you take the "issues" with Ironwood out of the equation, Volume 8 is absolute peak RWBY.
The only people who have those particular "issues" with Ironwood are people with no media literacy or who are being deliberately bad faith in their criticism.
Outside of the Battle of Beacon, EVERY scene with Ironwood or that even mentions Ironwood is about his eventual turn. Not just Qrow and Glynda talking to him in the early seasons; but also Weiss' dad in volume 4, Lionheart comments on it in Volume 5, the villains talk about it in volume 6. Hell, it's half the tension in Volume 7.
The people complaining about Ironwood as if it's not the most set-up thing in the whole series are crazy.
29:44 If you didn’t catch it, the person inside the Hound Grimm was a Silver Eyed Warrior.
30:15 At the final scene where we see the Silver Eyed Warrior’s remains, you can hear a sigh of relief and a faint ‘thank you’, as if he was saying “thank you for releasing me at last”.
30:09 The choir singing at the Silver Eyed Warrior’s death translates to this:
Tu, Sivo-Eisa Varia (You, Silver-Eyed Warrior)
Sarehma tayka me (Salem took me)
Donu frayst vo me, donu cri... (Don't fret for me, don't you cry)
U-tu sivo-eisa me (Your silver eyes for me)
Incase you guys are still wondering. Klein's different eye colors and personalities were told by the producers of the show as his semblance. He is essentially the 7 dwarves in one person to Weiss's snow white.
so the hound was a sliver eyed Faunus
I like how realistic Whitley’s character moments are and the show doesn’t waste multiple scenes spoon feeding us his motives. He basically has a change of heart off screen, but it still makes enough sense.
I'm hesitant to even really call it a change of heart. When they initially get there he's like, "What do you expect me to do?" which sounded kind of bratty but the way he sounded kind of exasperated made me think he was seriously asking.
Weiss just sends him off but the moment he identifies things he could actually do to help he takes action.
There are admittedly moments that make it seem like he's having a realization, and that probably is the intention of the writers, but my headcannon is that Whitley isn't used to feeling aimless so he's trying to find purpose lol
I mean, he clearly just craves approval/affection, which his toxic father gave him in the form of money and status, and helping by calling Klein was a good thing that got him rewarded with a genuine hug from Weiss, I can't even imagine how good that must've felt for him. After that, it's only natural he'd start to have realizations.
Just a thought I had.