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4 days
Not to mention Cinder has been wearing glass shoes since episode 1. Back when we didn't know her name or even shown her face.
1 month
Upon rewatching Episode 6, I realize just how much Rhodes fucked up. I mean if he'd just decided to help Cinder instead of saying "hey, these murders you committed after 7-ish years of abuse make you an irreedeemable criminal", Salem wouldn't have one of her most devoted (and annoying) servants. Hell, if he'd decided to get her out of that place earlier, instead of leaving her there and only helping whenever he stopped by, things would be different.
2 months
They hint at Cinder's fairytale being Cinderella in S1 E1 before we even meet her 😅 When her and Roman are fighting Ruby and Glinda she comes out and all we see/hear are glass slippers/heels. Maybe I've just rewatched this show too many times though!
This being said, yall should go back and rewatch everything again on your own time after you get to the end. You will pick up on so much that was overlooked in your very first watch through!
2 months
Im just saying, if team rwby went along with ironwoods plan, atlas would already be too high up for those river grimm to destroy the shields
4 replies
1 month
right, and how long would Atlas's food stores last? How long until people started starving? Keeping Atlas out of Salem's reach wouldn't work forever. It'd just be kicking the can down the road for a few years at best.
2 months
defending ironwood is mega cringe
2 months
Who says Grimm can't go that high? Just because they've never seen Grimm go that high doesn't mean they can't. There is no reason for the Grimm to go up there. Plus Salem can, and if the Grimm can't, she would modify them so they could. Ironwoods plan was very short sighted. Plus he cut off his Dust supply which is Mantle. Those shields would die on their own.
2 months
And a bunch of people would be dead
2 months
Salem doesn't just obliterate Atlas because her real objective is getting the Relic (and by proxy the Maiden Powers to open its vault). Completely destroying the city would probably make that more difficult rather than helping - she'd have to find the vault among whatever's left assuming it even survives, Penny is in Atlas so she'd certainly be destroyed and the powers would go to someone else, etc.
2 months
Finally home from work time for another view with good headphones
2 months
Penny in another language means emotional trauma, idk which, just trust me bro. It's probably true....
Also I have a feeling this crew is going to love ice queendom, but it bombed hard and was no popular with fans
2 months
so no that's the second hit you have seen neo take the first was when oscar punched while her guard was down but it makes since why maria could hit her remember her semblance allows her to react to attacks before they happen but neo still has yet to be hit in a "fair" fight.
2 months
Has no one told them that every character is an allusion to other stories
1 replies
2 months
It's been mentioned several times. They either didn't read the comments or don't remember.
2 months
Loved Maria there with the Aliens reference
2 months
And Cinder's semblance is creating glass...Glass Slipper haha
1 replies
2 months
She also where’s shoes that are made of glass.
1 replies
2 months
2 months
I always forget that thursday is rwby day untill im at work for a closing shift
2 months
Don’t feel stupid for not catching onto the Cinder/Cinderella connection Boom… unless we both should be feeling stupid.
2 replies
2 months
The dance in like season 2 where she sneaks off to hack the terminals and gets back to the party right as the episode ends and the clock chimes 12 didn't clue you in? Lmao
2 months
I mean her name is CINDER and she wears glass shoes, in a show where characters are based on fairytales…
1 replies
2 months
I always assumed the name Cinder was because of her fire powers before I saw the backstory. But in retrospect, they probably picked the semblance because of the name.
2 months
I'm really glad you guys are enjoying the series!
2 months
I think episode 6 is my least favorite episode of the entire series. I always skip it when rewatching. I’ve always felt like the backstory told here would have been more successful if it’d been switch with the backstory of how Cinder recruited Emerald and Mercury back in Volume 3.
2 replies
2 months
I think the thing that the flashback is telling is that a lot of people miss is that the "without you I am nothing" phrase comes with a second part; "But because of you, I am everything."
She still repeats the first part to Salem today. The main context I expect we should take away from the Cinder flashback is that Cinder only plans to use Salem until Salem can't provide her any more power and then possibly turn on her or make a run for it. That just because Cinder bows her head and follows orders (barely) for now, she doesn't intend to forever.
Of course, if Cinder thinks Salem's dumb enough to not see this coming from miles away, that's a different matter.
2 months
I love this episode. It shows that people aren't born monsters. Broken systems do. Plus that would make no sense back then as it needed to show that Cinder did get half of the maiden power back then.
1 replies
2 months
We got 0 indication of Ciders personality before everything so no it really doesn’t show that. Also, them going after the Fall maiden didn’t factor into the the flashbacks at all so that wouldn’t have need to be changed, and it’s not like it would have needed to write exactly the same. Also, I think with the focus on Emeralds to Cinder loyalty in this episode it would have been a great time to give that back story.
1 replies
2 months
She was an orphan. The orphanage looked like it didn't take much care of the children. Then we get to the Madam with treating Cinder like an actual slave with a shock collar. The system didn't protect her in any capacity. I don't see how knowing how Salem was before being an orphan would have changed that. What flashbacks of Mercury and Emerald are you talking about? You mean the ones that showed she was recruiting her own team, to take down the Fall maiden? The one to showcase you need a team of people to actually be able to take down a maiden? Showing CInder's backstory would have been way too early. Cinder was still a mystery back then. It would destroy the allure of her character at that point. But to each their own.
1 replies
2 months
Hey, man if you like the episode more power to you. I’m glad you can enjoy something I can’t. I’ve just personally have more or less just tolerated Cinders character. The episodes that focus on her just always bore me to tears. I was just kind of just thinking out loud about how her character could be fixed for me personally (it’s funny because I love her in Chibi, she’s always a highlight). Just would prefer screen time be devoted to characters I actually find interesting.
2 months
Episode 5 of RWBY volume 8. An old blind woman beats up a mute woman
1 replies
2 months
Realistically, Maria didn't really beat up Neo. She just kind of booped her on the nose.
Not to mention Cinder has been wearing glass shoes since episode 1. Back when we didn't know her name or even shown her face.
Upon rewatching Episode 6, I realize just how much Rhodes fucked up. I mean if he'd just decided to help Cinder instead of saying "hey, these murders you committed after 7-ish years of abuse make you an irreedeemable criminal", Salem wouldn't have one of her most devoted (and annoying) servants. Hell, if he'd decided to get her out of that place earlier, instead of leaving her there and only helping whenever he stopped by, things would be different.
They hint at Cinder's fairytale being Cinderella in S1 E1 before we even meet her 😅 When her and Roman are fighting Ruby and Glinda she comes out and all we see/hear are glass slippers/heels. Maybe I've just rewatched this show too many times though!
This being said, yall should go back and rewatch everything again on your own time after you get to the end. You will pick up on so much that was overlooked in your very first watch through!
Im just saying, if team rwby went along with ironwoods plan, atlas would already be too high up for those river grimm to destroy the shields
right, and how long would Atlas's food stores last? How long until people started starving? Keeping Atlas out of Salem's reach wouldn't work forever. It'd just be kicking the can down the road for a few years at best.
defending ironwood is mega cringe
Who says Grimm can't go that high? Just because they've never seen Grimm go that high doesn't mean they can't. There is no reason for the Grimm to go up there. Plus Salem can, and if the Grimm can't, she would modify them so they could. Ironwoods plan was very short sighted. Plus he cut off his Dust supply which is Mantle. Those shields would die on their own.
And a bunch of people would be dead
Salem doesn't just obliterate Atlas because her real objective is getting the Relic (and by proxy the Maiden Powers to open its vault). Completely destroying the city would probably make that more difficult rather than helping - she'd have to find the vault among whatever's left assuming it even survives, Penny is in Atlas so she'd certainly be destroyed and the powers would go to someone else, etc.
Finally home from work time for another view with good headphones
Penny in another language means emotional trauma, idk which, just trust me bro. It's probably true....
Also I have a feeling this crew is going to love ice queendom, but it bombed hard and was no popular with fans
so no that's the second hit you have seen neo take the first was when oscar punched while her guard was down but it makes since why maria could hit her remember her semblance allows her to react to attacks before they happen but neo still has yet to be hit in a "fair" fight.
Has no one told them that every character is an allusion to other stories
It's been mentioned several times. They either didn't read the comments or don't remember.
Loved Maria there with the Aliens reference
And Cinder's semblance is creating glass...Glass Slipper haha
She also where’s shoes that are made of glass.
I always forget that thursday is rwby day untill im at work for a closing shift
Don’t feel stupid for not catching onto the Cinder/Cinderella connection Boom… unless we both should be feeling stupid.
The dance in like season 2 where she sneaks off to hack the terminals and gets back to the party right as the episode ends and the clock chimes 12 didn't clue you in? Lmao
I mean her name is CINDER and she wears glass shoes, in a show where characters are based on fairytales…
I always assumed the name Cinder was because of her fire powers before I saw the backstory. But in retrospect, they probably picked the semblance because of the name.
I'm really glad you guys are enjoying the series!
I think episode 6 is my least favorite episode of the entire series. I always skip it when rewatching. I’ve always felt like the backstory told here would have been more successful if it’d been switch with the backstory of how Cinder recruited Emerald and Mercury back in Volume 3.
I think the thing that the flashback is telling is that a lot of people miss is that the "without you I am nothing" phrase comes with a second part; "But because of you, I am everything."
She still repeats the first part to Salem today. The main context I expect we should take away from the Cinder flashback is that Cinder only plans to use Salem until Salem can't provide her any more power and then possibly turn on her or make a run for it. That just because Cinder bows her head and follows orders (barely) for now, she doesn't intend to forever.
Of course, if Cinder thinks Salem's dumb enough to not see this coming from miles away, that's a different matter.
I love this episode. It shows that people aren't born monsters. Broken systems do. Plus that would make no sense back then as it needed to show that Cinder did get half of the maiden power back then.
We got 0 indication of Ciders personality before everything so no it really doesn’t show that. Also, them going after the Fall maiden didn’t factor into the the flashbacks at all so that wouldn’t have need to be changed, and it’s not like it would have needed to write exactly the same. Also, I think with the focus on Emeralds to Cinder loyalty in this episode it would have been a great time to give that back story.
She was an orphan. The orphanage looked like it didn't take much care of the children. Then we get to the Madam with treating Cinder like an actual slave with a shock collar. The system didn't protect her in any capacity. I don't see how knowing how Salem was before being an orphan would have changed that. What flashbacks of Mercury and Emerald are you talking about? You mean the ones that showed she was recruiting her own team, to take down the Fall maiden? The one to showcase you need a team of people to actually be able to take down a maiden? Showing CInder's backstory would have been way too early. Cinder was still a mystery back then. It would destroy the allure of her character at that point. But to each their own.
Hey, man if you like the episode more power to you. I’m glad you can enjoy something I can’t. I’ve just personally have more or less just tolerated Cinders character. The episodes that focus on her just always bore me to tears. I was just kind of just thinking out loud about how her character could be fixed for me personally (it’s funny because I love her in Chibi, she’s always a highlight). Just would prefer screen time be devoted to characters I actually find interesting.
Episode 5 of RWBY volume 8. An old blind woman beats up a mute woman
Realistically, Maria didn't really beat up Neo. She just kind of booped her on the nose.