RWBY S8 Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. princesskooh
    1 month

    Viz does a lot of stuffAs for 

    RWBY Ice Queendom I would say its a mix of retelling, alt storyline and a telling 

    ironically and unsurprisingly from

    Weiss’s perspective 

  2. Tigerhawk
    2 months

    Should've watched the first Justice League crossover after finishing V7.

  3. Dearly
    2 months

    It’s good to know that there will eventually be a volume 10 and hopefully more. There’s still so much unresolved after volume 9 that when we first heard that rooster teeth was closing it felt like a punch to the gut thinking that was the end for RWBY. 

    1 replies
    1. princesskooh
      1 month

      Spoiler Volume 10 is looking hella questionable still

  4. Bulbaquill
    2 months

    I’m not sure where the idea that V10 is the last one keeps coming from but I doubt that’ll be the case especially since I doubt VIZ bought RWBY to just make one season , also bit of a fun fact for you guys episode 8 of this volume is the 100th episode of RWBY! 

  5. countershock3032986
    2 months

    I dont remember much of ice queendom but im pretty sure it has nothing to do with salem

    1 replies
    1. princesskooh
      1 month

      You’d be right

  6. Paul
    2 months

    I don't know where you heard that V10 could be the last.  That might have been true years ago, but certainly isn't now.  12 is the best guess.

    1 replies
    1. Anthony
      2 months

      It’s the fandom taking something out of context and running with it as fact. The guys have been told that’s what is happening. 

  7. Anthony
    2 months

    The RWBY anime speed runs Vol 1 which leads to a non-canon story. It’s a bit of fun, so worth watching.

    The story behind Vol 10 being the last volume is that a Rooster Teeth higher up had said the V10 MIGHT be the last but never confirmed it was.

    Here is my opinion, if RT had stayed open and kept RWBY, V10 could have been the last, as sad as that is.

    Now that Viz has RWBY, I can see them doing at least 3 volumes maybe up to 6 Volumes. 3 for the Vacuo arc and 3 more for the final arc. Though we’ll have to wait and see. They have talked about to some spin offs and there is 3 books that can be adapted too.

  8. Aedan
    2 months

    Ice queendom (The anime) isn't an alt reality thing. Its just a side story that takes place after volume 1 and before volume 2. It just has some stuff that would be a spoiler for later volumes. Though it would be fine to watch as soon as volume 3 tho ngl.

  9. Raptor
    2 months

    I’m also satisfied with how they handled Qrow’s connection with Clover. It was pretty obvious there was supposed to be implied gay chemistry between them, but that wasn’t the importance of it. They focused more on Qrow finally having someone he could be around without his semblance making their life harder. Qrow needs someone like that, regardless of whether or not it’s in the context of a relationship.

    1 replies
    1. SaviorOfNirn
      2 months

      its only gay if you see it that way, i dont

  10. Raptor
    2 months

    Ren overextended when snapping at Jaune, but I’m happy for him for finally venting his frustrations. It sucks that he felt like he couldn’t voice his opinion because everyone else wouldn’t have agreed with him. I get it.

  11. Icy
    2 months

    IronWood did nothing wrong and the writing was so bad this season

    5 replies
    1. Patrick
      1 month

      dude, he's had authoritarian tendencies literally since his introduction

    2. Vegvisir92
      2 months

      yes shooting a city councilman simply for saying a couple of words that hurt his feelings is "doing nothing wrong"  willing to allow thousands to die "is doing nothing wrong" ......i have a feeling you'd have greatly supported a certain painter who moved into politics

    3. haggy1001
      2 months

      Saying he did NOTHING wrong is a crazy take ngl. I kinda understand if you're only talking about Vol 7 because you could tell he was still trying to actually do the best thing possible but even then he frequently made mistakes. 

    4. Terrafan
      2 months

      Just because a story doesn't go the way you want it to, doesn't make it "bad writing". But nowadays,  no one understands that art is subjective, and they speak like their opinion is the only one that matters, and they state it as fact.  It's ok if you didn't like it.  But to state as a fact that the 'writing is bad' as if it's a fact and not an opinion is puerile and immature.

    5. James
      2 months

      The writing made since (and it's good. Not liking the direction does not mean the writing is bad) and Ironwood did plenty wrong. He's not the only one, but acting like he's faultless is just stan behavior.

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