RWBY S8 Episode 13-14 Reaction

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  1. Ghost
    1 month

    26:12 - You're trying to say the writing is bad because of one decision in a show you don't "agree" with, or want to see happen?  I really don't like this kind of fan entitlement.  I see this with so much media.  Where "fans" try and put down a series because one or two things happened that didn't fit into how they thought the show "should" go.  I think it was a fantastic decision.  It added so much more impact to this volume.  You already called out much earlier that you would "quit" the show if something happened to Penny again.  So don't you think maybe it's because of your own emotions rather than the writing of the show?  You had a pre-determined choice made well before this even occurred.

    3 replies
    1. tanksKaboom
      17 days

      You must be new to Sorta Stupid's corner of the internet; if you weren't, you'd know just how unequivocally supportive of the show they've been up to this point.

      Just because they take issue with one plot point or set of characters doesn't mean they're 'putting down' the series. Being a true fan isn't about taking the side of positivity or negativity, it's about fully engaging in the conversation surrounding a piece of media. Sorta Stupid are among the most thoughtful reactors I've seen cover this show; not because they poke holes in the story or praise it blindly, but because they open up a dialogue. Criticism is an expression of one's opinions towards a piece of art - not an objective 'review', as one might do for an air conditioner or smartphone - which means that not everyone is going to agree on what essential parts of media actually work for them. As an example, I adore Volume 7, but Volume 1 happens to be my least favorite; a friend of mine has precisely the opposite opinion. Does this mean I DESPISE Volume 1? Or that my friend doesn't 'get' Volume 7? No, of course not. Volume 1 has elements I personally find less appealing to watch, but I could never deny that the Volume's signature energy is infectious, or that the choreography slaps. Additionally, Volume 7 - my personal favorite - has many facets people take issues with. These issues don't bother ME, but that's precisely my point; you can be aware that media has shortcomings AND understand that those flaws don't matter to YOU.

      Your praise for Penny's death in V8C14 doesn't invalidate

      your voice or opinion, nor does it make you wrong. I'm not a fan of her character's treatment myself, but even if the broad strokes of the idea don't resonate with me, I've certainly come around to appreciating the effectiveness of Chapter 14 in a vacuum.

      Everyone's interpretation of media is

      going to differ, and at the end of the day - in my experience at least -

      those who offer criticism tend to be the biggest fans; after all, why

      would someone who doesn't care about RWBY feel one way or another about a

      character's fate?

    2. bouboulroz
      24 days

      What Boom said : "I'm really not trying to be like "I hate the writing of this show" right now, but I'm so fucking mad."

      That's like, the exact opposite of what you understood somehow.

      He didn't even say "bad writing" until the final conversation, and he wasn't even talking about that choice. At this point in time he was talking about whether or not he's "hating it", which acknowledge the subjectivity of his experience instead of being a judgement onto the writing quality.

      Maybe don't call them entilted because you misunderstood what was said ?

    3. Keywii
      24 days

      Maybe let them like or not like things based on whatever criteria they want. It's their reaction show and I don't think it's entitlement to not enjoy something because a thing you didn't like happened in it. That's how normal human enjoyment works. I hope they watch volume 9, because I love RWBY, but I won't berate them if they don't. Honestly saying so makes you an entitled fan of this reaction channel.

  2. Dyl
    1 month

    As much as I like RWBY, I'm sick of Cinder. She should of died so many times, but her plot armor is too strong.

    1 replies
    1. bouboulroz
      20 days

      Unfortunately, she's very unlikely to die until right near the end of the story. Her having the fall maiden's power means the writers have set her up as the last roadblock to access the Beacon relic.

  3. Narutoanime16
    1 month

    The one thing I will say about RWBY this is one of the few shows that doesn't really give the characters power ups often like Winter became a maiden but everyone else is skill based and I like that they gotta keep training if they wanna keep fighting and be smarter, they also just made Salem so OP from the get go like Idk how they beat Salem they wrote themselves into a corner like RWBY is good I love the world but make a damn solution already

    1 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      17 days

      Personally I think they have 1, but they didnt want to give it away or elude too much to it too early on which is why they had Jinn answer Ozpins question they way she did but yea the way theyve positioned her makes it feel like a real losing battle until they show some kind of way out against her

  4. Legacy
    1 month


  5. kill2kiss
    1 month

    i hope v10 isnt the last 

  6. A.M
    1 month

    Holy shit guys  urnie just bought rt

    1 replies
    1. Patrick
      1 month

      that doesn't include RWBY though. VIZ still has that.

  7. Impactsona
    1 month

    The thing with the Anime is, it takes place in the time gap between v2 and v3 the same time frame that the game grimm eclipse takes place in, think of it like a "Side Story" to the main series. You guys should totally watch it, its more RWBY and is a fun watch,

    1 replies
    1. Tigerhawk
      20 days

      Correction. The anime Ice Queendom takes place between V1 & V2.

      1 replies
      1. SlapHappyGreen
        17 days

        with some slight alterations to the beginning(I assume to make it easier for anyone who hadnt watched the OG Volumes but still allow them to watch them without being lost)

  8. Ravjeet
    1 month

    I honestly would love to see a reaction to the ost lyrics for all the volumes at some point. A lot of RWBY ost is sung from the perspective of their characters and is so cool to piece together their motives and intentions from the songs.

    1 replies
    1. Ravjeet
      1 month

      There is a great youtuber who does good lyric videos for RWBY osts - FlyntofRWBY if you guys ever consider doing it

  9. amit
    1 month

    Please watch Rwby : fairy Tales before Vol 9It will help you with the lore

  10. Eduardo
    1 month

    nah, if i'm Qrow, with the assumption that all the kids i was looking after just died... i'm going back to alcoholism

  11. SaviorOfNirn
    1 month

    what an amazing season this was

  12. Zoness
    1 month

    Yeah ... the thing with Penny is the reason this is my least favorite volume, all its good qualities aside.

    1 replies
    1. Vegvisir92
      1 month

      i liked the fact that even if people come back they can die again, thats the issue most bigger franchises have (eg certain superhero related companies), they kill off a beloved character then just bring them back permanently, then they're terrified of getting rid of them again for money reasons

  13. TEG
    1 month

    The limitation to Ambrosius power of creation is, that there can only be one magical creation at a time. When Penny's new robot got created the floating device of Atlas disappeared. Penny's new human body wasn't a creation per se, but a byproduct, that's why it didn't disappear.  When the pathway was created the destroyed remains of the robot disappeared. And when Cinder created the deathtrap for Watts the pathway disappeared and Jaune fell down. 

  14. reach17
    1 month

    Keep in mind that when this aired, we had to wait about two YEARS before the next volume dropped, and those two years were full of uncertainty that the show would even continue.

    Guess we're kind of back in the same boat today. Yeah, Viz owns RWBY now, but it's been another two years since Volume 9 and the only word we've heard about 10 is that it's in the "planning stages," along with rumors that they're just going to reboot the series altogether.

  15. Urzu89
    1 month

    Penny’s death was all about her finally taking control of her life and making a choice that was finally hers and jaune killing her was needed for his development as a character 

  16. ellalushh
    1 month

    just some things to note before you go in S9. If it wasn't clear John killed Penny so that Cinder didn't get the powers. Second yes the reason why Neo hates Ruby is because Ruby "Killed" Torch wick (top hat guy who got eaten in S3). The reason why Neo cares about him is because he basically saved her from her rich parents. He thought her everything he knew. He basically was the father she never had. I know its sorta hard to tell but he was like 30ish or something Because in the show they look like the same age but he is indeed older than Neo. Thats all you need to know before heading into S9. Also i highly recommend the books. Epically the Torch Wick and Neo one.

  17. John
    1 month

    I can definitely understand how the guys think of this as more of a side step than moving forward. The momentum was incredibly slow during this Volume and while we did have some necessary character development, I don't think it was anything that couldn't have been implemented faster in earlier volumes. Having seen Volume 9, I know where everything is building towards in terms of story and character, but this volume still feels a bit hollow. Still worth continuing to watch RWBY, but not a favorite.

    Looking forward to the Volume 9 reactions. It's one of my favorites!

  18. Jayyricho
    2 months

    I think Penny's 2nd (technically 3rd) death works in my opinion for 3 reasons:

    1) Thematically it fits in this Volume really well. This volume feels the most hopeless out of all of them for me, and Penny might be the most "hopeful" character (other than Ruby herself) in the series. Then there's also the whole conversation with Winter when she gets the Maiden Power that ties up some of Penny's themes as a character as well as a lot of the things Vol 7 & 8 were building on.

    2) It feels like a major moment in a bunch of different characters arcs (but mostly Jaune and Winter) which prevents it from seeming like they brought her back for shock value and more for an actual purpose in the story.

    3) The main thing that makes it work imo is that it feels like they're both doing something new with it & also capitalising on some "wasted" (HEAVY Quotation Marks) potential the earlier Volumes had. Having a main-ish character (Pyrrha) kill Penny felt like it was going to lead to really interesting character moments but it didn't because... But doing it again this much later in the show, with a far more developed character at this point, that character (Jaune) having his first arc in Volume ONE being about guilt AND having it be the character who was closest with Pyrrha overrides my problems with killing her again.        

  19. Dearly
    2 months

    It was crazy watching episode 13 and waiting a week to know if Yang actually just died. Then watching the finale and seeing Ruby and Blake fall confirmed that falling didn’t mean death lol. 

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      1 month

      And then over two years to find out what happened 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  20. DeadHubris
    2 months

    I think this is the season where I was just kinda like “what the hell, sure” at a lot of the writing decisions. I never seen volume 9 because of that so I’m kinda excited to watch along with you guys. One of my biggest gripes with this season was the ace ops, it felt like they just kept getting shoehorned into the plot and then try to pull a “big sacrifice” at the end but I mean, all they did the entire season was irritate me so why would I give a fuck. 

    1 replies
    1. HappyMan0203
      1 month

      Vol. 9 is absolutely incredible. It's so different from everything that's come before is a huge character journey for Team RWBY and Juane.

  21. SK-
    2 months

    I would like to point out about maria and Paetro before penny lifted the tower to get the messaged out Paetro said at this rate we will land just north of and then he got cut off by penny but this means there not dead they are drifting through the sky on amity and they purposely left out where they would land so there coming back in some way as long as the show finishes as planed witch I'm scared wont happen as before vis media rooster teeth always said there would be 12 seasons witch makes since there going in a three season at a time format and what we have left is the stand at vaquo the relic there and then the mysterious relic at beacon then the final battle that determines all but ever since vis got there hands on the show I keep hearing people say the show is planned for ten seasons witch is wrong and I'm worried content is going to be cut to wrap it up in  one season

    2 replies
    1. allen
      2 months

      i always heard rwby was going to be 10 seasons before rooster teeth went bankrupt or whatever 

    2. SK-
      2 months

      also they do say why neo hates ruby you may have missed or forgot it but yes she blames ruby for torchwik's death and neo and torchwik were extremely close there is a book on there story i think its called like roman holiday or something 

  22. FryLord
    2 months

    Legit they made Neo such a shallow character.  Grrr I'm angry because my boss died.  So boring for such a DOPE characterIn terms of writing and weak deux ex machina, volume 8 is peak and it's a hard downhill from there,  personal opinion of course but the asspulls and cheap emotional shots really got to me.  You can see how rwby went from passion project with a small team to this cash cow that lends it's IP to anything and does the bare minimum for writing....I was excited for 9 cash cow

    3 replies
    1. Jazmine
      1 month

      When will people realize that Torchwick was a father figure to Neo and that's why she hates ruby and why it consumed her like it did. Roman was all she ever knew, she only stuck next to him like glue so when he died, it would only make sense for her character to try to avenge him. It would be very bizarre if she just suddenly disappeared from the show after season 3 or even weirder if she joined Salem just because. Her character isn't about chaos and power like cinder, its arguable that she only teamed up with cinder in season 3 because of torchwick. I'm pretty sure theres even RWBY books that go into detail about her relationship with torchwick but it doesnt take a genius to understand that he was more than a "boss" to her lol. RWBY is anything but a "cash cow" project, sure there are some moments where some things were a bit unnecessary but overall the writing is still amazing. It's just people like you who don't use comprehension skills smh.

    2. Patrick
      2 months

      this is at least the second time you've made a comment like this, from what I've seen. I don't think you know what "cash cow" means.

    3. James
      2 months

      What a very weird take. RWBY is anything but a cash cow. if it was successful enough to be a cash cow, then RT wouldn't of had to shut down. The writers (who have been there since the beginning) are still writing the story they want to tell. That doesn't mean it's the story you want to see. (In other words they don't really care much about how attached fans are to a character. Otherwise they wouldn't have killed Pyrhha.) It's still very much a passion project at heart. I can concede that Neo isn't given a lot of development in the show. That is done in the book centered around her. Still don't see that as weak writing. That's just the biggest problem RWBY has always had. Writing around the budget they are given.

  23. Anthony
    2 months

    Just want to make a quick point that there is 4 relics not 3. Each kingdom has one relic and one maiden each, so to recap where we are in this:

    Salem has Mistral and Atlas relics ( knowledge and creation) and has Vale’s maiden Fall (Cinder)

    Vacuo has it’s relic and maiden ( destruction and summer)

    Raven is Mistral's maiden (Spring)

    Winter is Atlas’s maiden (Winter)

    At this moment we don’t know what has happened to Vale’s relic (choice), in volume 5, Oz said that he made it harder to find this relic, compared to the others, so Salem doesn’t have it (at that time).

    My theory is the Vale relic was never in Beacon to begin with.

    Also, I highly doubt there will only be 1 or 2 volumes left. 

  24. Icy
    2 months

    To tyhink all the infighting could have been avoided if they didn't lie to Ironwood, it really is Ruby's fault 

    3 replies
    1. james
      2 months

      ironwood was a ticking timebomb it was a matter of time before he broke even if they didn't lie to him it would of still ended this way the only difference is they would have to figure out how to get the lamp from ironwood and that it because he would have taken the lamp from and wouldn't let them have it from the beginning 

    2. FryLord
      2 months

      Pfft a grown man's emotional instability is because they didn't immediately tell him something? Whoa

    3. James
      2 months

      Right, it all collapsed due to a teenagers lie. It's not like she had the power in Atlas. But I guess Ironwood was just too fragile to handle Ruby not telling him that Jinn still had a question left.

  25. Springtime
    2 months

    The reason why that Cinder wasted the last question on Rwby's plan is so that Salem could not find out where the Relic of Choice's vault is located in Vale

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      2 months

      You just made that up

  26. ChaosDragon
    2 months

    I'd argue the purpose behind bringing Penny back was to get everybody to shut the fuck up about her being able to be rebuilt.  People have an obsession with refusing to believe characters are dead, and when one of them was a machine they insist she could be rebuilt and refuse to accept that she is dead.  So the writers said "You know what, you're right she can be rebuilt, once.  We have now rebuilt her and we are going to make sure she is gone for good so you can finally LET IT GO."

  27. MegumiMary
    2 months

    "I won't be Gone. "I'll be a Part of you"

    I don't think she's gone. Pinnochio died multiple times in the book- the two most notable being when he was strangled with his own strings and when fleeing the monstroso...

    I'm working on a theory video for my youtube video about how her coming back one more time has been perfectly teed up by so many elements through the series...

    2 replies
    1. Jazmine
      1 month

      She's already died multiple times. If they bring her back again it would just genuinely be unnecessary and bad writing. They really don't have to touch her character anymore. People need to let it go.

    2. Patrick
      2 months

      plus, things are just more satisfying if they happen in threes.

  28. Unstablebeast
    2 months

    It's wild to me that Salem got the staff and thr lamp, and they are still acting like team rwbys plan was flawless, even if ironwood worked with them, this Still would've been the outcome, ironwood plan was the only way to guarantee Salem didn't get the staff

    2 replies
    1. ChaosDragon
      2 months

      Salem is immortal and can fly.  She would have simply flown up to Atlas and slaughtered everybody herself if we had listened to Ironwood.  She would then take the maiden hostage and force her to open the vault or bring her to Cinder and have her steal the powers so she could open the vault.  Ironwood's plan would have killed all of Mantle and Atlas and Salem would still get the staff.

      2 replies
      1. Cyrinil
        2 months

        If it was that simple for Salem, she could have just walked on to Atlas and taken the relic days/weeks/months ago. Just because she's immortal, doesn't mean she can just one-woman march through the Atlesian fleet, grab the Maiden and open the Vault. 

        She spent weeks, maybe a month or two, building a force of flying Grimm, a whale battleship, a grimm river, a hound and sending minions to destabilise the kingdom.

        Grimm haven't been seen flying at high altitude because most of them fly with regular wings and aviation rules. Maybe the Whale or some seer grimm and Salem herself can levitate that high, but Salem obviously doesn't think that's enough to just raid Atlas. In fact, we KNOW that the villains had to act quickly and change their plans because if Ironwood can gets assistance from other kingdoms, their plans might fall apart. 

        It would take Salem at least a couple weeks to muster this kind of assault again, possibly longer if it takes her a bit to figure out a new kind of high-altitude grimm and that's time Atlas could use contacting the other kingdoms or even moving Atlas to them. 

        1 replies
        1. James
          2 months

          Technically she can, the reason why she doesn't is because she knows when to use a hammer and when to use screwdriver. If she razes atlas she risks killing the maiden by mistake, meaning she loses the power and will have to hunt for it. She doesn't want that to happen, because that means she would have to waste time tracking the new maiden down, thus allowing people to fully rally against her. That problem goes away if they raise Atlas, Because that means they are using the staff, and that means the vault is open and she no longer needs to be concerned with killing her by mistake. She knows what parts to hit and what parts to leave alone. She knows it would take a while to just throw Grimm at the Atlas shields. So she just had them wait to put mental pressure on the troops and to allow the Grimm river to get into position. Allowing her to take down the defenses in one swift attack. Rather than hours or days of just throwing Grimm at it.

      2. mcwilson_1
        2 months

        no grim could fly that high. they die and lose power before they would get there

        1 replies
        1. James
          2 months

          No Grimm have been seen to fly that high. Doesn't mean they can't. There has been no reason for them to be up that high as there is nothing to kill or destroy that high. Grimm weren't able to survive the Atlas tundra at first either. That's people were able to build a city there. But now Grimm are able to survive just fine there and are very resistant to cold. And plus, Salem can't die if she went herself. There would be no 'lose power' before going there.

    2. Patrick
      2 months

      And what about all the people in atlas who would've died when their food stores ran out? The ends don't justify the means.

      1 replies
      1. Cyrinil
        2 months

        Just bring Atlas down near one of the other Kingdoms. You know there's nothing stopping them from going for help? Pretty sure the plan isn't to starve to death. 

        1 replies
        1. Patrick
          2 months

          right, because Ironwood was so willing to admit his plan was wrong/bad. Even if they'd gotten atlas up out of reach of the Grimm, he never would have wanted to bring it down, because that would have been like admitting he was wrong.

  29. Lester
    2 months

    They say that art often reflects the times, and needless to say it’s no surprise that this season was made in 2020. As for how Penny was handled these past two seasons, I was pretty torn about it too; especially because Penny was a fan favorite and many fans speculated that she could return before Volume 7 happened due to her being an android. But the more I thought about it, the more I began to respect their decision. The fans got what they hoped for and more when it came to Penny, but in the world that they have created; it couldn’t last. They finished her character arc by allowing the puppet with a noble soul to not only become human but allow her to live (and die) on her terms; however short of a life it was. Looking forward to see you guys in Volume 9. 

    Also, Atlas is now Atlantis. Lol. 💧

  30. Chris
    2 months

    When you are done with Vol. 9 please please watch the vol 9 epilogue animatic it was an initially unreleased ending to the volume. It’s voiced but just concept and story boarding but so well done.

    1 replies
    1. Choco24
      2 months

      thanks! never knew this! that was so cool! like an extra episode!

  31. Archer
    2 months

    there doesn't to be empathy  but to understand why the characters have done what they have done isn't that hard gonna have to upgrade from sorta after this one

    but either way enjoyed re watching my favorite episodes of rwby see yall next season

  32. James
    2 months

    Oh, and in case there was any doubt. Ironwood is dead. Being at the bottom of Atlas as it crashed, there was no way for him to survive. This was confirmed by the writers for people who were questioning it. Also Salem just ignoring Ironwood was the final twist in the knife to him. He thought was was competing, but to Salem he also wasn't a player. Just a piece on the board that she didn't care about.

  33. Chris
    2 months

    Ruff da ass man

  34. William
    2 months

    And here we are ladies and gents.P A I N

    It never gets easier seeing Penny's fate. But gosh darn it, this adorable cinnamon roll will be cherished forever.

    Aside from the P A I N, this is a PHENOMENAL finale.

  35. James
    2 months

    V8 was RWBY's darkest volume. Essentially the a big win for the bad guys. All the other losses wasn't a complete win for Salem. Beacon may have fell, but she didn't get the relic there. It's still hidden. And haven was a loss as Haven didn't fall and she didn't get the lamp. Atlas was a complete victory.

    With Penny, although it was sad, I felt it made a lot of sense on how things happened. Penny had a massive target on her back the moment she became a maiden. Salem wanted her to unlock the relic, and Cinder wanted to take the power. But Penny was always able to win, because she was much stronger than a regular maiden because she was a robot. She could tank hits far better and already had powerful lasers before being boosted by magic. But then she was turned human to get rid of the virus. (Important to note that team RWBY didn't plan to have Penny be human, they just wanted the virus gone. Even Ambrosius wasn't sure what would happen.) A lot of her advantages over Cinder was now gone. She couldn't tank nearly as much and all her robotic abilities and weapons were gone. The minute she became human I expected her to die. Penny coming back in the first place makes sense because she was a robot. It's the only character that made sense to come back in that state. I love Penny's whole arc because it's one like a greek tragedy. And I love those stories.

  36. Justin
    2 months

    I view this season like Season 3 one where the villains come out on top. Season's 1 2 5 6 are all ones where the team completes it's goal with season 5 being a big win (defeated the white fang, got the lamp, saved Mantle) and seasons 4 and 7 as being neutral and set up for the following seasons. I also think part of the reason it feels like they haven't gotten anywhere is because the last 2 seasons took place in the same location. Seasons 1-3 all take place in the same location but the story is picking up and the scenery changes from the school/forest to the city/underground to the Arena. Season 4 they are traveling and the team is split up so we get a lot of different locations, 5 is mantel and Menagerie, 6 again traveling but its rwby+ instead of Rjnr. Then we have 7 at Atlas, and 8 at Atlas again. 

  37. Petrichor12
    2 months

    HEY! You know what a great pallet cleanser for RWBY from this point onward is??? RWBY Chibi! Let's go back to having laughs! Am I right? 😭 

  38. Bradley
    2 months

    Volume 9 isn’t the end. Viz should have plans to make more. 

  39. Patrick
    2 months

    I love Jaune's sword breaking just at the point where Penny's blood is on it. It's like the universe (in-story) is saying "her blood isn't on his hands", because Cinder left them with no choice.

  40. No
    2 months

    "Oh no, she's eating my ass, my only weakness!" - Ironwood, probably

  41. Raptor
    2 months

    A protagonist having to DIRECTLY kill one of their most innocent friends for the greater good is arguably the ballsiest and darkest things I’ve ever seen happen in any show. While I am sad that it happened, I respect Rooster Teeth for having the guts to go all in on the idea.

  42. Ryan
    2 months

    Even though I watched Volume 9, and I will watch the rest of this series, this is when I stopped developing anything for RWBY anymore. None of this made sense. They brought back Penny for two whole volumes, made her the Winter Maiden, made her a WHOLE other body and only gave her two episodes to officially kill her off. Like what the fuck? What the fuck? Not only that, things felt like they were leaning the direction where Nora was going to inhibit the Winter Maiden powers because she needed to know who Nora is and be her own individual. Nope... just give it to Winter because it's conveniently her name. I was severely disappointed in the finale that it doesn't make sense. Even if Pietro sacrifices his life to make Penny again, I won't trust CRWBY (The crew who makes RWBY) to justify anything anymore. So I'll continue watching but my hype is no longer there.

    1 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      2 months

      I never thought for one second that the next Winter Maiden could be Nora. Her whole arc was branching away from ReNora, and finding herself. It had absolutely nothing to do with the maiden.

      Winter wasn't ready to become the Winter Maiden when the transfer to Penny happened; she was heading to become Ironwood's weapon. She acted more like a machine than Penny who was an actual robot. That's the parallel. She's not the Winter Maiden just because her name is Winter. She was trained to become the Maiden, but she was lacking in compassion, empathy, and whatnot. And she also never went against order. She had to become her own person, fighting for the right cause. 

      Your feelings are valid, but I disagree completely with your take. 

      1 replies
      1. luvswxxtie
        2 months

        couldn’t have said it better myself. where and how did they get that nora would become the winter maiden? like what clues lead you there?

        a lot of people take this show at face value and never look beyond to find the real message of each character and what they represent. 

        2 replies
        1. Patrick
          2 months

          the only way I could see it hinting at Nora becoming the Maiden is that Fria's (the previous Winter Maiden) name possibly comes from the Norse goddess Freya, and Nora also has Norse Mythology allusions. Other than that, I really don't see it

        2. No
          2 months

          I don't know how common it is in other fandoms but it seems really widespread in RWBY - people get this idea in their heads, delude themselves into thinking it's canon, and then get angry when it doesn't pan out.

          I have my own issues with these last two episodes but I have no idea what would make someone think Nora was going to be the Winter Maiden beyond the Freyja's name

          1 replies
          1. Justin
            2 months

            This is extremely common in all fandoms.  

  43. Havoc
    2 months

    This one us gonna be brutal

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