RWBY S8 Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. Vince
    1 month

    “Bro’s semblance is mental illness” the way i screamed 💀 LIKE. KINDA YEAH??? Fucking Ironwood. 

  2. Calvin
    1 month

    Okay so fun fact, throughout the episode you can see the intelligent grim stalking them in the background. During the dragon chance for example, it runs across a overhead bridge.

  3. Minh
    2 months

    Fun fact about the Hound (the dog that sent to take Oscar): every time its bones crack, it means the Hound is creating a specific part to benefit the situation. So when Ren said "Give him back", you can hear one crack near the neck means that he (yes, it's a boy) creates a voice box to respond to Ren, and at the same time makes the team to shock to move. Also he is blind, so he's heavily rely on sound and smell like Daredevil

  4. SleeperKnight117
    2 months

    That grim hit em with Ceasar. Nooo!

  5. FryLord
    2 months

    The problem with roosterteeth was implosion and it was pretty public so no one wanted to touch it because the whole staff was toxic

  6. Impactsona
    3 months

    27:36 "Weiss was not the imposter."

  7. Paul
    3 months

    I just realized the exact reason the other Grimm are afraid of that one... I'll tell you later.

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      2 months

      With the reason youre thinking then they'd also fear someone else and that's not the case. It's like they said, the hierarchy because that one is directly from Salem

  8. MegumiMary
    3 months

    I give you the single best lore building plot twist in history: They upended everything you and the characters thought about the how the monsters worked with A SINGLE WORD!




  9. Stacy
    3 months

    Ahhh, the season that stresses the FUCK out of every member of the Oscar Protection Squad

  10. MegumiMary
    3 months

    Okay I've always had a vested intrest in osacr's story but recently I realized I have second personality that has been watching over and protecting me but desperatly trying to connect with me for years and now this intrest in Oscar's story makes perfect sense...

    He's basically symbolic of a system, someone who is plural, with multiple personalities and they are fighting for control before learning to coexist.....

    I REALLY Hope my Oscar theory about his semblence pans out.....

  11. Mercurium
    3 months

    And we're finally introduced to the big bad wolf/the queen's hound. It's design is so much fun and how it breaks the "norm" of how the grim are makes it unsettling to say the least. Looking forward to ya'lls reaction to this roller-coaster of a season. 

  12. Tigerhawk
    3 months

    I kind of wished you guys had watched the JL crossover before starting this volume, but I won't complain to much because... Hound

  13. Hailey
    3 months

    Happily Ever After…Happy? Never Again.To this day I still find the Hound Grimm the most terrifying Grimm in all of RWBY. Not only was this the first instance of intelligence, the fact it was able to speak and form a reply to Ren and so much more to come is terrifying. You can even see it just stalking the group in the background in multiple shots also is a cool detail the animators included during this.

    1 replies
    1. Patrick
      2 months

      For me, the hound is #2 most terrifying. #1 goes to the Apathy, because they're basically just weaponized Depression, and I deal with normal depression enough in my life, so Grimm Depression? NO THANK YOU

  14. Abraar
    3 months

    33:02 can't escape rick and Morty

  15. Ravjeet
    3 months

    My Favourite volume and opening of the whole show

  16. Andre
    3 months

    Ah the Hound. You can actually see it stalking Oscar in the background in several shots before it attacks. 

  17. E.j.
    3 months

    Ironwood's semblance is Mettle, which strengthens his resolve and removes his emotions.  He is the Tinman now, without a heart.

  18. Quint
    3 months

    I felt the same way as you guys. Ironwood did a 180 out of nowhere after his fight with the doctor.

    3 replies
    1. James
      3 months

      The crew never said it came out of nowhere. They said his fall from grace happened quickly. Which falls generally do happen fast. But the setup has long since been there. You could see the signs in V4 and he was teetering the entire time in V7.

    2. Taka
      3 months

      It was out of nowhere. He had everything set and team Rwby fucked everything up from top to bottom then betrayed ironwood who trusted them. 

      Crwby using Ironwoods semblance as the reason for his 180 when its wasn't established in the beginning of the series that one's semblance effects their way of thinking. Out of all Characters they give it to the one who was objectively right, viewers actually fkd with, and had a plan against Salem. 

      2 replies
      1. SauceyRed
        3 months

        It's a conflict of ideologies. Ironwood believes the sacrifice of the many for the survival of the few is worth it, and the only option, while Ruby and the gang don't. They believe it's more worth it to try to save everyone, and if they fail, they at least tried, rather than willingly letting most die so only a few can survive and live stuck in a city in the sky while terror roams below them.

        And there is no right or wrong in this kind of situation.

        I'm personally on Ruby's side. Love Ironwood as a character (he's top 3) and everything the writers did with him, but fuck his plan. I say "fuck it we ball" and try to save everyone, if it doesn't work, oh well, it wouldn't be the best life to live stuck in the sky anyway, and I imagine there would be restrictions on when you could have children and how many since there's limited space, unless they somehow found a way to expand.

      2. Taka
        3 months

        On top of that, it all lead back to team Rwby is in the right always. 

    3. Andre
      3 months

      It’s definitely not out of nowhere. He was already stressed out since Beacon fell, we see his PTSD of the fall, and he literally told Oscar before his fight with Watts “no more surprises, alright? I don’t think I can handle it”. Then, when he finally thinks everything is going to be ok with Watts and Tyrion secured, he finds the black queen chess piece on his personal desk, the same symbol he saw during the fall of Beacon, making him panic. And to add more salt to the wound, Salem herself appears in front of him and tells him she’s on her way… it’s not out of nowhere. 

      2 replies
      1. TEG
        3 months

        Plus his semblance literally dulling his emotions when under stress justifies his ruthlessness in his current circumstances perfectly well.

      2. James
        3 months

        There were also signs of this in V4. Sure, he was threatening Jacques to stay on his good side. But he was saying things that a dictator would say.

  19. Raptor
    3 months

    I love that as opposed to most other Grimm, this one fights like an animal and not an npc in turn based combat.

  20. viktorbiktor
    3 months

    Lets gooo, my second favorite volume! 

  21. SauceyRed
    3 months


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