Rick and Morty Episode 7-8 Reaction

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  1. William
    8 months

    I LOVE this show's ability to juggle insane randomness, far out scifi ideas, and genuine heartfelt emotion.

  2. Darksteel78
    8 months

    The interdimensional cable episode is one of my favorites. Gotta love that voice acting improv for the commercials. No pre-written lines. No plot summary. Just Justin Roiland exuding pure drunken chaotic energy.

  3. Darc
    8 months

    There's a comic of Rick and morty where there's a rick and morty convention. And rick says that in some dimensions they watch their adventures like it's a tv show and that's why he's aware of the 4th wall

  4. Diuque
    8 months

    Footloose's reference don't mentioned, add to list,

  5. Elijah
    8 months

    I never look at lucky charms commercials the same

  6. Elijah
    8 months

    Morty canonical has 2 children one with his sister and one with a robot

  7. Jesse
    8 months

    Justin Royland went into a recoding booth with a bottle of burbon for a few hours and recorded everything you saw on television, total improv.

    I also originally was shocked about continuity in ep 8. So happy you're watching this. Keep up the amazing work!

  8. Residentfan 1
    8 months

    I gotta say, I was never more disappointed in a video game then when I played Mass Effect Andromeda and Gazorpgazorp was not a planet there

  9. Amvlover
    8 months

    Rick and Morty has a lot of plot heavy eps that connects to previous eps but its like Amphibia lots of eps are goofy fun with some character development thrown in here and there, but there are still tons of amazing crazy lore filled episodes that will stick and be relevant until the end of the series

  10. Ben
    8 months

    I loved hearing the voice actors crack up at their own absurdness during those scenes ???

  11. devontetheenigma
    8 months

    "Billy" this is a name of the penis

    1 replies
    1. Kay
      8 months


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