Regular Show S4 Episode 7-9 REACTION

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  1. Andre
    1 year

    love the "za" weed joke and the fact milk iS clearly alcohol he can't hold , This shows drugs joke never gets old especially when its soda

  2. Shavonne
    1 year

    I thought Rigby was allergic to eggs

  3. It’s
    1 year

    Boom is not a middle boy. That's all I wanted to say

  4. Ryujin
    1 year

    You know I’m now noticing that Eileen is one of the only characters that actually encourages rigby or at least believes in him cause from the looks of it rigby doesn’t even believe in himself

    1 replies
    1. jjb0420
      6 days

      You have no idea how true that is. Without spoilers(since idk how much of the show you've seen), its later revealed how bad his support system, self esteem and other shit actually is.

  5. Fresh2000
    1 year

    33:43 remember rigby said he thinks eileen is hot without her glasses, no wonder she took them off

  6. Darc
    1 year

    Drinking a gallon of milk in under an hour? Dude if it was chocolate milk I'd have that done in 10 minutes

  7. b_arnaby
    1 year

    guys please do more spongebob and regular show. would be amazing if you did a batch of both then watched other shows they both got funny shit coming up

  8. Michael
    1 year

    After really real wrestling yall should know Pops is him by now.

  9. Nora
    1 year

    Luv the reaction. Also it's an hour for the milk challenge. No need to chug the milk. I can drink a gallon of chocolate milk in an hour

  10. Aries
    1 year

    welp looks like next week is the special, fitting for the month itll end up releasing

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