Regular Show S4 Episode 10-12 REACTION

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  1. So I was curious because Santa’s voice always sounded familiar so I looked it up and he was voiced by the late Ed Asner who play Mr. Fredrickson in Disney’s Up

  2. Firework run aired in January according to wiki, about a month after the Christmas special, they just did 4th of july for some reason
    also cool to see the show continue to use spicy food as a parallel to drugs, first really saw that in Mississippi queen, I know they use wings as an alcohol parallel pretty often too.

  3. You guys have maby seen this show back in the day but please see Kim Possible one day. its was ome of the first disney channel shows that had huge inspiration from Superheroes and Anime.

  4. Good thing Gandalf had that bulletproof vest on and showed up to save Frodo and the Fellowship from Gollum at Mount Doom….uh, is how I would describe the Christmas episode if I was a nerd. Which I’m not.

    1. So I was curious because Santa’s voice always sounded familiar so I looked it up and he was voiced by the late Ed Asner who play Mr. Fredrickson in Disney’s Up

      1. This shit was always so hype, like Christmas music worls so well as hype intense fight music. Always funny aswell just how few fucks regular show had about showing people getting shot and showing guns and brutal deaths

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