Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Reaction

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  1. Slasher2
    3 months

    I think the only reason Vanessa turned villain is because her mom payed more attention to Diana and not her own daughter, not to mention the controlling and deciding their life for them. Thats why she started rebelling with the whole goth look.

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    3 months

    the movie mentioned medusa like 10 times lmao

  3. Thomas_Stilinski
    3 months

    wonder woman:we're going to ask the oracle for guidance. Eric:is that.. the fountain of youth?

  4. Krispin
    4 months

    Why did they call the movie wonder woman bloodlines when there is no mention of her dad or any of her family besides her mom who was gone for most of the movie. If they're not going into her real backstory, the simple fact that the dc comics says her dad is Zeus would have so much fan optics

  5. Bryn
    4 months

    very late to the party, but the original Minotaur was the son of Pasiphae and a bull (long Greek myth story). King Minos of Crete, Pasiphae's husband, had a labyrinth beneath the island, and he threw the half man-half bull into the center of the maze, and then sacrificed Athenian youths to it. So, that's the reason minotaurs are often associated with mazes in Greek mythos

  6. Joey
    5 months

    Not all villains are some big twist or a grand reveal. Some are just there to be antagonists or are a means to an end. 

  7. rickie
    5 months

    etta candy is a long time wonder woman ally. thinking she is doctor cyber is like thinking jimmy olsen is metallo lol

    2 replies
    1. Phoenix
      3 months

      true, but the double quote was a weird thing to add since, as you said, Etta is well known for being an ally

    2. Swordfish
      5 months

      I mean but could you imagine Jimmy being turned into Metallo?! That'd be so sick! lol but also, just because in comics a character is one way doesn't mean they'll stay the same in media adaptations. Arrowverse did this a lot, MCU as well, and many cartoon movies and shows of the comics have changed character origins for plot twists, some better some worse. I just love the fact that Eric got a chance at the collective brain cell and cooked pretty cleanly based off of past knowledge he remembered in the movie lol

  8. rickie
    5 months

    all amazons are immortal so nope diana isnt aging and they dont need to reproduce since they arent dying out

  9. rickie
    5 months

    need to watch the wonder woman film from 2009. its the best dc animated film.

  10. Garrick
    5 months

    In the comics Doctor Cyber was actually a scientist who transforms herself into a cybernetic-like supervillain 

  11. Narutoanime16
    5 months

    Apokolips war is next baby! And Wonder woman lore is heavy in Greek mythology which is cool. And after Apokolips War there is a small Constantine thing that you gotta watch after it kinda helps transitions to Tomorrowverse

  12. countershock3032986
    5 months

    Steve was in flashpoint, that is why you recognize him 

  13. sam16621
    5 months

    14:20 Eric's "Shaggy Rogers" moment lol surprised he didn't say Zoinks 😅

  14. Dezwolf86
    5 months

    Had to look this up due to not knowing all of Wonder Women's villains, but the Dr Cyber in this is an AI being and this was their only appearance in the DCAMU. 

  15. Black
    5 months

    00:12:23 wonder woman  KILLED HIM IN FLASHPIONT

  16. Webbman76
    5 months

    There are two animated Wonder Woman movies. One in the first series of animated DC movies and the other is this one in the DCAMU. Ruff probably got the two confused in terms of art style. 

  17. Bedwars
    5 months

    so their is actually something that comes after apocalypse war that isnt part of the tommorowverse and is more of a bridge between the two universes which is called "DC Showcase: Constantine: The House Of Mystery" its a short that takes place directly after the movie and its 27 minutes long, i recommend it, its honestly pretty good

  18. Crimson
    5 months

    Love you guys! I really hope you react to the other DC animated films.

  19. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    To answer your question of how the Amazonians give birth, there’s different versions but the most terrifying is where they hijack boats and ships and rape and murder the sailors in a mating ritual and if they have boys, they either leave them to die or enslave them. Only the original Amazonians know about and participate in this tradition. All the younger ones including Diana were led to believe their births were divine blessings from the gods.

  20. Charlie
    5 months

    sorta a mediocre one of the dc movies honestly for me

  21. Connor
    5 months

    Since you were wondering, the way Amazons reproduce is VERY n.s.f.w. Let just say that the men don't have a choice.

    1 replies
    1. Noah
      5 months

      that is only in the new 52 

  22. Joseph
    5 months

    depending on the comic wonder woman was molded out of clay by her mother and brought to life by Zeus so no dad isn't in the picture 

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