Teen Titans: The Judas Contract Reaction

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  1. Purported74
    1 month

    why was the crowd in Terra's flashback Redneck themed but all speaking in a thick Eastern European accent?

  2. CJ
    6 months

    The flashback at the beginning did feel a bit unnecessary. When first seeing this film I thought what was going to happen was Nightwing was gonna call kid flash, bumblebee, and Speedy to help out near the end climax .

  3. Yardan
    7 months

    I love rewatching these with y'all because i notice little random things, like the Blue Beetle's mom is Theresa Russo (the mom) from Wizards of Waverly Place

    1 replies
    1. Elizabeth
      6 months

      What's even cooler about is Blue Beetle is voiced by Jake T Austin who played Max on Wizards. 

  4. angel7661
    7 months

    Terra and Slade were in a relationship in the comic, at the same time Beast Boy was in love with her and she only 15 yrs old but everybody tries to forget about it and mostly focus on beast boy and terra since PEDO slade looks bad when he is fighting a bunch of teenagers.

  5. Narutoanime16
    7 months

    Would love to see you guys check out Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows which is part of the DCAU , the shows of that universe also include Static Shock, Batman Beyond, Batman animated series and Superman animated series

  6. Devon
    7 months

    Ruff - "You ever think the beetle doesn't like you because you're being a dick?"

    The Beetle literally ten minutes ago - "SO THEN I JUST STARTED BLASTING!!"

  7. Thomas_Stilinski
    7 months

    slade is a certified loverboy...

  8. Swordfish
    7 months

    Superman vs the Elite and All-Star Superman are outside of this universe list, pre-Flashpoint movie, but worth watching!

  9. Aileen
    7 months

    Batman Gotham by gaslight and Batman Ninja are two solo movies that you guys would like

  10. lightning132ttv
    7 months

    Watch the Superman Doomsday from 2007

  11. Parisj
    7 months

    Do you guys take show request? If so I think you guys should watch the marvelous misadventures of flapjack. 

  12. Residentfan 1
    7 months

    The DCAMU is not done after Apolkolips War. That’s just the end of the first story arc. The second story arc is called Tomorrowverse and it has a further 10 movies.

    2 replies
    1. lightning63
      7 months

      Nah, it's a fully separate universe to the DCAMU. Also, the tomorrowverse sucks.

    2. Charlie
      7 months

      The tomorrowverse has some pretty bad movies unfortunately 

  13. Pip
    7 months

    The Harley Quinn animated series is really good.

  14. masterfulpaladin
    7 months

    No spoiler because I dont actually know, but the dude from the end credits reminded me of Jericho, I think was his name, from the final season of Teen Titans? The blonde kid in purple sitting at the top of a mountain and could jump into people to control them???

    2 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      7 months

      Yeah, that’s Jericho lol

    2. Residentfan 1
      7 months

      In the comics Jericho is Slade’s son. Maybe they killed Slade and introduced Jericho at the end as a type of poetry.

  15. Tyler
    7 months

    After Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

     you start the Tomorrowverse! Starting with Superman: man of tomorrow!

  16. strange.happenings
    7 months

    After you guys are done with this, yall should check out some of the new dc stuff on max, Suicide Squad: Isekai is actually so dope.

  17. strange.happenings
    7 months

    Slade has always been kinda gross, I'm pretty sure this movie is pretty comics accurate as far as Terra goes from what I've heard.

  18. rin
    7 months

    Slade in this movie is so hard to sit through dude gave me goosebumps I’m so grossed out 

  19. COREY
    7 months

    And it's probably a Minorrrrrr....

  20. lightning63
    7 months

    Justice League Crisis on Two Earths, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Green Lantern: First Flight and Superman/Batman: Battle of the Super Sons are all great movies.

  21. Javonte
    7 months

    Just a correction, Blue Beetle Dad wasn't an asshole to his. He was raging at the scrab which showed he misses his son

  22. rin
    7 months

    I would hate to be in team with robin and star flirting all the time lmao like y’all not infront of my salad

  23. striker
    7 months

    Justice league crisis on 2 earths is a good one,

  24. Alexis
    7 months

    Assault on Arkham and Long Halloween are great 

    There's a lot of opinions on watch order online with lists for the full catalog, i think it depends if you want to watch movies in a specific order or not. I think beyond movies that have a clear sequel it's okay if you hop around

  25. Down
    7 months

    I PRAY you guys watch Superman Vs. The Elite, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, All-Star Superman, and Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths

  26. Down
    7 months

    1:23:57 you guys already saw Solomon Grundy in  The beginning of Justice League vs. Teen Titans.

  27. Petrichor12
    7 months

    I've seen this twice now, and I always forget about Jericho.

  28. Courtland
    7 months

    Batman Assault on Arkham isn’t technically isn’t apart from the DCAU but it’s worth watching 

  29. Down
    7 months

    FYI, in the comics Deathstroke and Terra did it. It’s one of the reasons no one respects Deathstroke. DC has gone out of their way to confirm it happened. Deathstroke is pure scum.

    1 replies
    1. Antonio
      7 months

      dawg wtf

  30. Unstablebeast
    7 months

    List of good dc animated movies outside of this continuity. Superman vs the elites, batman/superman public enemies, batman/superman apocalypse, superman red sun, batman year one, green lantern first flight, justice league the new frontier,  batman gotham by gaslight, batman soul of the dragon snd batman the doom the came to gotham

  31. Noah
    7 months

    i strongly recomend to first watch Suicide Squad Assault to Arkham before Hell to Play, to get some context in order 

  32. Diuque
    7 months

    I don't know how far in advance they record these videos, but if you haven't seen the rest, you can watch:

    -Batman: Assault on Arkham, it's a pre-introduction to the Suicide Squad, it's just not part of the New 52.

    -Wonder Woman, standalone, animated film, for better context of Bloodline.

    -And know that the Superman movie that follows has several post-credits scenes.

  33. Dinamo89
    7 months

    Superman/Batman Public Enemies, Justice League Crisis on Two Earths and Green Lantern First Flight 

  34. Matthew
    7 months

    Three comments. 1. Cyborg was a main teen titan member until new 52 reboot in 2011/2012 when they changed him significantly. 2. Behold. The only reason Deathstroke can never be my favorite DC villain. Him refusing her over and over just keeps it from being worse. 

    3. There are ten "main" or "original" members of the Titans:

    Robin who becomes Nightwing

    1st Kid flash who becomes 3rd Flash. 

    Speedy who becomes Red Arrow.

    1st Aqualad who becomes Tempest (not the same aqualad from Young Justice. It's actually his friend you guys met in aqualad's episode who is the original aqualad.)

    Wonder Girl


    Beast boy who becomes Changeling




    When the Teen Titans show was made, I believe they strategically chose robin for brand awareness and then used the four who weren't sidekicks to existing heroes specifically to isolate the show as much as possible from adult heroes. 

  35. Dillon
    7 months

    Honestly any of DC Animated movies from before the DCAMU are worth a watch. Justice League New Frontier, Superman/Batman Public Enemies, Justice League Crisis on Two Earths and Green Lantern First Flight are all solid.

  36. Pandalander
    7 months

    Does anyone know why Beast boy, as a teen, was part of Nightwing's old teen titans in the flashback, but is also a part of the current teen titans? Like back when Nightwing was Robin, Beast Boy was there as a teen. Now, where Nightwing is an adult and no longer leads the team, Beast Boy is still a teen and doesn't seem to have aged or progressed. Was the old beast boy the current beast boy's father or something?

    1 replies
    1. Phoenix
      7 months

      They have always been called the "teen" titans but Beast Boy has always been younger than everyone. I think the flashback showed his start, when he first joined the team (mentioned something about first week, dont know if that was for BB or for the titans as a whole) and following tradition he is younger than everyone (even in YJ when BB joins he is MUCH younger than the others) and then 5 years later, he is now a teen. So, currently he is probably like 14 or 15. Which would track with him typically joining the Titans around age 10. Also, I think in one of the previous movies it mightve mentioned BB being there the longest or something

      1 replies
      1. Pandalander
        7 months

        Thanks for explaining!

  37. Ranginald
    7 months

    Oh man I’m so excited for Hell to Pay it’s one of my favorites

  38. Feedback
    7 months

    If y'all are interested in some DC multiverse stuff, I recommend checking out Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

  39. Garrick
    7 months

    That new girl at the end is Donna Troy aka. Wonder Girl. She is the younger sister of Wonder Woman.

  40. Joseph
    7 months

    its wonder girl

  41. Michael
    7 months

    After Apokolips War ya’ll should watch the DC Tomorrowverse movies, they are the spiritual successor to the DCAMU and it ended with trilogy of movies this year.

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      7 months

      I think they should watch some pre-DCAMU movies before going over to the tomorrowverse. mainly because they are better movies

  42. Phoenix
    7 months


  43. Brandon
    7 months

    hell yeah we're back. 

  44. bbenzo.
    7 months


  45. Rebecca
    7 months

    Cyborg was introduced in 1980 and quickly became a mainstay of the New Teen Titans comic. It wasn’t until the 2011 New 52 relaunch/reboot that he was retconned into   being a founding member of the Justice League and never a member of the TT. But that was subsequently undone several years later, and things have been restored back to the way they were.


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