Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Reaction

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  1. Juju’sWrld
    1 day

    so i found out that maddie she kinda wears the shirts that like represent who we are gonna see next and u see she is wearing a pink shirt so that meant amy is the next one and than u see representing a red shirt meaning shadow and all and its cool how we the people or fans didnt notice that and i found out this on tiktok and facebook 

  2. Solara
    9 days

    Please react to Sonic Boom!! 

  3. justajinx
    1 month

    It hits the worse when you see the legitimate devastation on Old Robotnik's face over Maria's body... Honestly, IDK if he was all that villanous before, but I'd spiral hard if I were in his shoes.

  4. Shuckleknuckles
    1 month

    there's always a black sheep in the family Maria happened to be the only white sheep in the Robotnik family xd

  5. Allan
    1 month

    I just realized that the strum Maria played at the beginning. Was the opening to Live and Learn. Which implies, in universe, Maria wrote the song.

    1 replies
    1. Alex
      1 month

      That’s how personal and meaningful the song is to SCU Shadow and for us, the fans and viewers!

  6. Dk_music
    1 month

    You guys need to react to Sonic x if you enjoy sonic. It’s very good and the best sonic show.

    3 replies
    1. sydneyspade
      13 days

      My childhood lmao

    2. Silverr
      1 month

      Wonder how it is in english, i watched X in German and it was actual peak, but a dub can change alot, for example One Piece German Dub is amazing, the english dub makes the anime horrible

    3. Alex
      1 month

      Agreed! It’s literally the SCU as an Anime!

  7. Lucy
    1 month

    Genuinely, your best bet for Metal Sonic would be reacting to Sonic Mania Adventures Shorts, or MAYBE Sonic Heroes. Metal's never really gotten a chance to shine unfortunately.

  8. Robin
    1 month

    Shadow was created by Gerald Robotnic, because Maria had a rare decease. So he took some DNA from himself, a hedgehog and a chaos monster if I'm correct. Ivo and Maria are cousins. I don't think they ever talked about their parents anywhere.

    I really wish there could be a animated serie where they just do all kind of origins story, where Sonic starts out as the brown hedgehog, turns blue when he reaches new speeds, Robotnic comes to their planet to steel the powers of all the anthropomorphic friends of Sonic, Sonic saves the day, meets Tails who gets bullied and become friends, Robotnic returns, Sonic and Tails learn about the chaos emeralds, Super Sonic defeats Robotnic, Robotnic studies the chaos emeralds and finds out about the master emerald, Robotnic recruits Knuckles, Knuckles finds out Robotnic is bad, they defeat him again, Sonic meets all kind of new friends like Amy, Espio, Vector, Big the Cat, Cream and Charmy, Robotnic made Metal-Sonic, they somehow go to the real world, they find out that for some reason there is another Hedgehog named Shadow who also joins the team eventually with Rouge doing her part in the story, Silver and Blaze show up, chaos monsters and I probably forgetting a lot of stuff.

  9. winderstorm
    1 month

    Did boom think people were simping for Amy? when they were referring to Rouge, lmao 🤣

  10. winderstorm
    1 month

    Guys never Google Image Search Sonic Characters, that is a dangerous game you do not wanna test, rouge was exactly what I was expecting but more safer than I expected lmao, surprised some certain art for amy did not appear it was pretty safe , people are crazy 😭

  11. Palette
    1 month

    Now yall gotta react to the snapcube fandub of sonic games especially sa2 and 06!

    1 replies
    1. tyler_birb
      1 month

      THISSSS PLSSS I've been wanting them to react to the fandub for ages 

  12. Palette
    1 month


  13. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 month

    Wicked reaction?

  14. Matthew
    1 month

    Metal Sonic and Amy were introduced together in the same game, Sonic CD. 

    Granted, Amy back then was vastly different from the way she is now, and Metal Sonic's best stories are from other sources... 

    If I had to guess, they're going to pull best hits for inspiration and do something different with them rather than pulling from a specific storyline like this movie did for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. 

    1 replies
    1. Ratchet
      1 month

      I really hope we get to see Neo Metal sonic

  15. King
    1 month

    Space jam when

  16. KingOfRedLions89
    1 month

    Best Sonic movie ever! (So far) That Sonic/Shadow team up was everything! And so happy they used the theme song from Sonic Adventure 2! 💙Live & Learn❤️

  17. BakuWolf
    1 month

    If you guys want to see the sonic game that introduced Metal Sonic and Amy Rose, check out Sonic CD. Also please check out Sonic and the Seven Rings, Sonic Colors, and Sonic 06.

  18. DarkSonicExE0216
    1 month

    Sonic games you guys could react to is sonic 06 ( really terrible effects, but has the best story and villain from the franchise also introduces Silver)  or Sonic heroes you could react to for Metal Sonic (also more shadow lore), and the Sonic Adventure fandubs by Snapcube which are absolutely hilarious I think it even got referenced in the movie( when sonic called shadow "Hot Topic".). I personally do not recommend reacting to Shadow the Hedgehog game, it gets really redundant at some point, but if you want shadow lore you could.

  19. Raptor
    1 month

    “Yes, Keanu! You are a National Treasure.” - Sonic in Sonic 2 watching Speed.Not much I can say that hasn’t already been said. When first watch this I was SO scared Sonic 3 was gonna have too much cringy kid humor like “Konichi-whaaaat” and the Detective Pikachu joke in the trailer. First, no kid that knows what a Pikachu is thinks it’s a fox. Second, the only difference between regular Pikachu and specifically Detective Pikachu is the hat, and Tails isn’t wearing one. I’d prefer if the joke only brought up Tails looking like a Pokémon without a forced pop culture reference (they made up for it with the Green Lantern one).HOWEVER, I was so happy we didn’t waste time on a B-Plot consisting entirely of characters no one cares about this time. They changed enough to make it a coherent movie, but not so much it was unfaithful to the source material. Live and Learn exists. It’s everything I wanted! I’m just in shock that Sonic of all things is showing up Disney.

  20. matthew
    1 month

    Please play sonic adventure 2 

  21. Oni
    1 month

    PLEASE watch the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 real-time fandub, as well as the rest of them, you HAVE to now!

    1 replies
    1. Ratchet
      1 month

      They never did an SA1 Fandub

  22. Kyra
    1 month

    Easily the best of the trilogy this movie was epic 

  23. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 month

    Random request: Please react to The Golden Girls

  24. Mr.Maple
    1 month

    Since Russ was confused by Shadow removing his rings Ill just give a little explanation. Shadows rings on his arms inhibit his power because he's just that powerful.

  25. Havoc
    1 month

    Something I really like is them incorporating the lore of eggman's family not giving a fuck about him because if maria's death.  In one of the recent games he says something along the lines of "i never knew my cousin maria. All that love for someone who was gone when i was right there!"  These movies have fun with the small details like sonic being the one who started calling him eggman but He embraced it and turned it into something iconic.

  26. TNRdragon
    1 month

    Maria and eggman are cousins, not siblings

  27. Alex
    1 month

    This movie is officially Sega’s Deadpool and Wolverine and I will stand by my statement till the end of 

    1 replies
    1. Alex
      1 month

      Time and Space!

  28. Alex
    1 month

    This movie officially Sega’s Deadpool and Wolverine and I will stand by my statement till the end of time!

    1 replies
    1. Alex
      1 month

      Ignore or delete this one if possible please.

  29. KeterLordFR
    1 month

    I never thought I would get so invested into the relationship between Robotnik and Stone. Ever since the first movie, I absolutely love that Stone isn't just one of these "adorably stupid and inept underling who's not really into it" trope that we see so much. He's competent, devoted and has a special attachment to Robotnik that really build his character above that of a simple comedy relief. 

    This movie definitely had more corny jokes than the first 2, but it didn't have a negative impact on the rest of the story. Definitely an enjoyable experience, and seeing Jim Carrey just having fun being as goofy as he wants and bringing life to Robotnik in a better way than anyone else could have is pure delight.

    And that ending scene... THAT is how you build up hype for the next movie. Now the only character left that people would want to see is Rouge, and unless they're already planning to make a 5th movie, I think there's a good chance she might also appear in Sonic 4.

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      1 month

      Sage exists now so to say Rouge is the only character left people want is just flat out wrongI would love to see Carrey's Robotnik play off the character Sage- especially after the arc he had in this movie!

  30. Whispie
    1 month

    Maria might be a cousin of Eggman. Can't be certain they are siblings.

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      1 month

      They are- this was confirmed in Sonic Frontiers

  31. Sly
    1 month

    Kinda bummed we didnt get Big The Cat, Cream, or Rouge but I suppose their setting up for Team Caotix in the future probably. So we'll probably see the rest of the cast appear in Sonic 4 Id imagine.

    2 replies
    1. Darc
      1 month

      With how they want to make a full sonic cinematic universe? It would be so easy to introduce characters. Hell they can use silver or blaze alone as antagonists if they don't wanna use eggman for a while, the chaotix could be tricky since they're supposed to work as detectives.

    2. LordTouchMe
      1 month

      Definitely gonna get Rouge in the next movie, either as an actual starring role or a cameo/mention. My gut says, though, Metal, Amy and Rouge (plus they gotta have Shadow again) are gonna be the 3 new feature characters for the next movie, with the stinger very probably being Silver in some  capacity. 

  32. Xaiver
    1 month

    Gotta tackle the whole cartoon franchise at this point. In order all the way through!

  33. Byte D. Wolf
    1 month

    The best of the trilogy!

  34. Darc
    1 month

    Okay. I've taken down a lot of notes because I wanna talk about as much as I can without leaving a ton of comments. So I will go in order by what notes I took during the movie.●Yes, prison Island is a place in the sonic games. It's the island where sonic was sent to jail and the island Eggman, rouge, and shadow destroy in SA2 

    ●The movie takes some liberties with shadow, but his power is derived from the Black Alien DNA and the chaos emeralds energy in game. In the movie they have him naturally have this power, but the meteorite he crashed to earth in does look like the black comet

    ● In Shadows Early concept he looked exactly like sonic but with black fur, even when changing his design they kept up the act that everyone in SA2 confused shadow for sonic, here in the movie they have that one line lf dialog even though they don't actually look alike at all

    ● i found it funny that Walter's probably died from the explosions despite nobody else, even the people on stage, being harmed

    ●Rockwell was weird, probably just an excuse to keep GUN as the villains for both sonic and shadow, she even disappears at the end of the movie.

    ● Jim carrey got his wish, he got to be fat eggman

    ● Maria and shadows relationship is the most important part of shadows story. In the games she was in the space colony while shadow was created, she gave him his name while gerald was trying to use shadows DNA to cure her disease. She always wanted to visit earth with shadow but of course in the movie they're already on earth.

    ● The old movie we see shadow and Maria watch features the Biolizard, this was the prototype version of shadow that gerald created before gaining the Black Doom DNA.

    ● Yes, knuckles does have a canonical fear of ghosts in the games and comics

    ● Gerald in the movie is wildly different from the Gerald in the games. In the games he is a kind and dedicated scientist who only wanted to cure maria by whatever means, even having to deal with GUN and Black Doom. When Maria was killed he snapped. He erased part of shadows memory and instilled a desire to destroy the earth. He was then killed by firing squad as a prison death sentence. 

    ● in the games, the eclipse cannon was just a small part of the ARK that gerald had built as a precaution to destroy alien threats to earth, of course in the game SA2 eggman wants to use the cannon to destroy part of the earth and build his eggman empire, shadow never tells him that the cannon will destroy all of earth

    ●Gerald robotnik had 2 sons in the sonic canon, Maria and Ivo/Eggman are cousins, however, Eggman is under 50 years old as he was not born until after Maria and gerald had been killed in game. We do not see the other family members.

    ● Jim carrey said he would come back out of retirement for a script written in gold ink. That dance scene was gold.

    ● not important, but eggmans ring tone was the E.G.G.M.A.N. theme from SA2

    ●of course they couldn't actually show a 12 year old girl getting shot and killed, but at least they actually had the guys to kill a child on screen 

    ● Gerald's statement "you're no Maria" is heartbreaking even for someone evil like eggman. And it's tough to believe that this entire movie Gerald was acting goofy and ridiculous to keep Ivo on his side

    Shadow is far stronger than every other character in sonics world apart from sonic himself and even then sonic only has a speed advantage. Shadow is constantly wearing limiter rings on his wrists to make himself weaker and keep his power from destroying himself and others. In the games his DNA is linked to the chaos emeralds which allows him his powers to teleport, shoot lightning spears, control time, and more. These powers are made stronger if he has even one emerald, but of course in the movie they don't talk about the chaos emeralds.

    ● Live and learn. That is all

    ● They were so confident in this movie that they announced sonic 4 was being made before the movie even hit theaters. And Jim carrey already confirmed he is willing to come back for the 4th. Now they just have to explain how he survived a literal nuke

    ● Metal sonic and Amy were both introduced in the same game, Sonic CD, so of course a movie with both of them makes sense. Metal sonic looks 1 for 1 exactly like his game counterpart except that there's now more than 1 of him. This leaves the question of who built him? Is GUN gonna built them in the movie universe or is Eggman? For Amy I really hope they treat her right, in the first half of the games she was a young teen girl with a massive crush for sonic that she's willing to let the world die if sonic lived. In later games she still has those feelings but she's matured and more casual about it, and of course they gave her more personality than crazed stalker. Just please don't let her be voiced by awkwafina or some other horrible actress

    ● Yeah shadow lives, but I doubt the movies will give him amnesia like the games did 

    1 replies
    1. winderstorm
      1 month

      "she's willing to let the world die if sonic lived" my guy what, amy was never a "crazed stalker" , why do so many people exaggerate  Amy so much, shes super simple to understand 😭,  Amy is a bubbly, passionate person, who who admires sonic for being a free spirit , and a helpful person, she loves to be part of the adventure 

  35. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 month

    I'm sorry was this a reference to RWBY? Anyone? 1:46:00

  36. Aracely
    1 month

    I really, really hope yall see this but a couple things, Maria and Ivo are cousins.

    Shadow is a little older than sonic (people headcanon sonic to be 15/16 so Shadow is 16-18) he's been frozen for 50 years so he never grew up.

    Metal sonic doesn't talk since its Eggman that made him. It's supposed to reflect what Eggman wants out of sonic whenever he talks about controlling him. Taking away his ability to talk and quip back. BUT I've also seen people say they want metal sonic to talk so he'd be similar to prime metal sonic.

    People are really hoping for sonic to have a crush on Amy rather than usual. I don't really ship them but I'd love to see Sonic have like a cute little puppy crush and trip over himself for Amy while Amy be this cool cute girl boss.

    Anyways, love the reaction 

  37. Kris
    1 month

    Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers (the movie) would be a great follow up to this. 

  38. mikehawk
    1 month

    sonic 95 ova reaction? that has metal sonic

  39. Charles
    1 month

    I need silver to show up now. Shadow and silver are my favorite 

  40. migreene
    1 month

    Play Sonic Frontiers please! I would love to see your reaction!

  41. Down
    1 month

    PLEASE watch the cutscenes for "Sonic Heroes" and "Sonic The Hedgehog(2006)"

    1 replies
    1. Down
      1 month

      you should know going in that in the story for Sonic Heroes they kinda flanderised Amy for the sake of plot

  42. Shalah
    1 month

    I'm so glad Sean said "Futbol is life" when Christo Fernandez showed up on screen. My friend and I were cracking up when he showed up on screen in the theater

  43. Down
    1 month

    Maria is eggman's cousin

    1 replies
    1. Darc
      1 month

      We probably shouldn't expect them to remember stuff they saw in the past. 

  44. shiny
    1 month

    Personally I was hoping for silver for the end credits but I ok with amy

    1 replies
    1. LordTouchMe
      1 month

      It was way too soon for Silver, would have been a Jump The Shark moment for sure. 

      But I feel he'll be in one of the stingers after the next movie, since it looks like (and has been teased by the director) that the next trilogy is really gonna ramp up and expand the Sonic universe for the movies. So we're prolly not gonna have to wait long for Rouge, Silver, Blaze, Ream Chaotix, and hell I wouldn't be surprised to see them utilized underrated characters like Fang and the Babylon Rogues, too. 

  45. KaiserKnight217
    1 month

    Watch Sonic Heroes Videothat has Metal Sonic and watch Metal Sonic Theories

  46. KaiserKnight217
    1 month

    you Guys should react to Sonic Droid Home and Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Comic Dubthe comics is Tie-in to Sonic Movie 2

    and Sonic Droid Home is not a Tie-In

    also watch Sonic Christmas Video too

  47. Down
    1 month

    If you want more Shadow Content you could always watch the fan film "Project Shadow". If you want to see more about Metal Sonic watch "Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie(1996)"

  48. Lightningplays
    1 month

    I love that this game early, I was so excited to see you guys react to this once I watched it. For more peak metal sonic I would recommend the Sonic Ova, it's all about him(but no amy). Amy doesn't exactly have much stuff on her own outside of the adventure games and frontiers where she's prominent. But I would love for you guys to check out fanmade stuff like Nazo Unleashed(It's so peak), dubs of the IDW Comics for Sonic(Which are canon to the game universe),  or finally check out a sonic timeline or things on the lore of the world and the possibilties they could do for this franchise. 

    Here's to see Metal and Amy in Sonic 4 in March of 27, I'm so hyped for it cause Metal is my favorite character. 

  49. Bomb-Boy
    1 month

    Stone sees robotnik as a dad to be honest 

  50. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    omgggggg the ending is insaneeeeeeeee

  51. teatus
    1 month

    shadow truly loves latinas

  52. Roberto
    1 month

    This kind of cool it being released a day early so what are we doing tomorrow I'm so excited for you guys to see this when I was in theater seeing this my soul jumped out of my body in excitement.

  53. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i havent even watched it yet and i'm so excited billy's to watch with u guys and i know everybody has been waiting for this , lets gooooo

  54. Brandan
    1 month

    I loved this movie, and much of Sonic Adventures 2 was in it. That end credit with Metal Sonic and Amy was so good, because they both appear in Sonic CD. One of my favorite games.  

  55. ChaosDragon
    1 month

    You were confused when Shadow removed his bracelets so there is a very important detail that you should know.  Those rings are limiter/inhibitor rings designed to restrain Shadow's powers because he is so powerful he could injure or kill himself without them.

    Shadow punched the chaos emeralds out of Super Sonic whilst restrained in his base form.  Shadow is HIM.

  56. Robin
    1 month

    For people who loved the Chao Garden, check out the Poglings. It's a game in development by Chadtronic from Normal Boots and it's based on the raising of the Chao creatures.

  57. Mark
    1 month

    You guys HAVE to do Sonic Boom now

  58. iKirbeeburgr
    1 month

    If youre gonna look at any other game id say Sonic Heroes, Metal is a big part of that game.

  59. iKirbeeburgr
    1 month

    there are deleted scenes explaining how Eggman survived the 2nd movie, and why he said "my final livestream" and some that just shouldnt have been cut

  60. Kay
    1 month

    I really hope they watch Sonic X one day

    1 replies
    1. Robin
      1 month

      Yes and no. I tried to rewatch it last year and it's kinda hard to get back into. But maybe it'll be easier to watch it with the guys

  61. Jumpy_Boi
    1 month

    I would totally recommend watching the Sonic OVA movie! There's a remastered version of it free on YouTube. It shows some of Metal Sonic's lore so you can learn a little more about his character for when the next movie comes out. I love the reactions, keep up the awesome work!!

    1 replies
    1. Michael
      1 month

      second this!!

      1 replies
      1. Down
        1 month


  62. Pip
    1 month

    Amy and Metal Sonic originally debuted in Sonic CD. Great Sonic game that isn't well known since it was on the ill fated Sega Saturn. And it had time travel in it, which gives a hint on how Eggman can return in the next film. My guess is Amy is going to be a time traveler, coming from a time line where Eggman won.

    1 replies
    1. winderstorm
      1 month

      Sonic Cd is very well known wdym? Sonic CD wasn't on the Sega Saturn you're confusing it for another sonic game 

  63. Kay
    1 month

    I absolutely love that they included the Chao Garden reference in this.  I wish we could see real Chaos but I'm glad they brought it in at all.  You guys should check out how the Chao Garden looks in the games its so cute!

    1 replies
    1. Kay
      1 month

      Chaoes not Chaos like Chaos emerals lol

  64. azgadian
    1 month

    Metal Sonic and Amy are from the future in Sonic CD if I remember correctly. Also the bracelets on shadow are power limiters. So he took them off to be strong enough to push the ship.

  65. justajinx
    1 month

    I live for when they all go OOOOOOOH at the same time

  66. FryLord
    1 month

    I didn't realize how much of a sonic nerd i am until my friends pointed out how much I was raving and spitting out lore after we came out the theatre. I havent played a game since generations but all through childhood I played them all and watched all the shows available on tv. I went nuts seeing amy...although my major critique is sonic needs to stfu, they try way too hard to make him funny but tbf this is also appealing to kids so my non-kid ass needs to shut up...and keanu needs voice acting lessons, zero emoting in his voice

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      1 month

      Also knuckles has a bunch of halloween levels and fights ghosts in the many goldmine level references in this movie

  67. Rian
    1 month

    Congrats, you have witnessed peak fiction

  68. NebulaNyx
    1 month

    This movie is so fun. Cant wait for more. 

  69. melokat
    1 month

    Metal Sonic and Amy both debut in Sonic CD, one of the classic games that was being worked on alongside Sonic the Hedgehog 2. That game's whole plot AND gameplay revolved around time travel. In the game's story, a mysterious planet with strange time travel anomolies called Little Planet suddenly appears and gets chained down to Earth(?) by Dr Robotnik. Sonic, of course, intends to stop Eggman but gets followed by fangirl Amy Rose. Eggman debuts a robot that to this day in Sonic lore, is one of his most powerful, and is so far the only one to truly rival Sonic himself. That robot being Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic kidnaps Amy and now Sonic has to rescue both the planet, and Amy. In gameplay there are FOUR variations of each zone. Present, Past, Bad Future, and Good Future. You pass a sign post, similar to a checkpoint, that says Past or Future, then maintain a high speed to travel to the past or future of a level. If you travel to the future straight away, it will always be a Bad Future, ravaged by Dr Robotnik. To get a good future, you have to travel to the past to destroy Metal Sonic holograms and other Robotnik machines you have to find in the level. Then after traveling to the present, then to the future again, you will end up in the good future of that zone. An alternative way to obtain the good future, is by collecting all of the Time Stones (Sonic CD's equivalent of the Chaos Emeralds) in each of the special stages. Very very good game though it isn't quite as beloved as Sonic 2 is. Sonic 2 had a much greater emphasis on speed in its level design after Sonic 1 felt a bit too sluggish. Sonic CD opts to instead make very large and open levels that can be easy to get lost in. The levels are essentially just, "What if Sonic 1 levels were larger and had more room for exploration?". 

    Definitely recommend checking it out. It being an older Sonic game it doesn't have too much of a story. But the lore of Little Planet is really neat and it's a bit of a shame it hasn't been brought up again in future games. The ongoing theory for the fourth Sonic movie, is that we're going to end up with a time travel story with the events of the movie being loosely based on Sonic CD, just as Sonic movie 3 was based on Sonic Adventure 2.

  70. Kory
    1 month

    I’m was blown away by the 3rd Act Fuck Peck Cinema!!! It’s like watching a Dragonball Fight. 

    2 replies
    1. Alex
      1 month

      Or Mark vs Omni-Man and angstrom levy, MAWS Clark Vs Kara, and of coarse Superman vs Zod.

      1 replies
      1. Alex
        1 month

        And of course, Neo vs Smith

    2. justajinx
      1 month

      Except it's actually good

  71. winderstorm
    1 month

    let's go!!!!!!!

    1 replies
    1. Alex
      1 month

      Get your special sock out, Billys and Sega Nerds.This one’s gonna cooooooooook!

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