Reign of the Supermen Reaction

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  1. adacor
    3 months

    I can't believe they did a homage to the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman transformation... that's so lovely

  2. Thomas_Stilinski
    5 months

    love how sean tried SO hard not to say "the black dude" but it just did not work lol

  3. Cameron
    6 months

    Have to throw out the honorable mention “Superman/Batman Apocalypse” introduction to supergirl, Clark’s cousin, darksied ominous asf and it’s really just the big 3… WW her amazons, Superman and Batman. Also we see the furies and apocolypse more! Probably my favorite DC animated. If yall haven’t watched it pleaseeee add it as well! Amazing reaction!

  4. Christopher
    6 months

    Personally I prefer the Hush comic to the Hush Movie, so I definitely recommend giving it a read after you watch the movie, Hush. Also, you've guys GOTTA circle back to Batman Assault on Arkham

  5. devontetheenigma
    6 months

    If they're going to be watching live action DC, always start with the or

    1 replies
    1. devontetheenigma
      6 months

      Original Superman movie from 1977

  6. Charles
    6 months

    Surprised nobody has mentioned this. When Superman climbs out of the ship in the black suit, long hair, and beard shadow. That's the Nicolas Cage Superman.

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      6 months

      no, thats what he looked like in the comics when he was revived, mullet and all. 

  7. Miracle
    6 months

    Yall gotta react to the live action DCEU movies from Zack Synder starting with Man of Steel 

  8. Swordfish
    6 months

    I mean, for better or for MOST likely worst, you gotta do the Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern! But on top of that, there is early 2000's animation movies Green Lantern: First Flight and Green Lantern: Emerald Knights! Both great ways to get into Green Lantern lore without the shitty live-action movie...but still watch the ass-and-a-half live action film to learn/suffer like the rest of us did lmao!

  9. endymion619_96433
    6 months

    You guys should watch "Reel Steel" with Hugh Jackman

  10. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    There’s a Superman game for N64. It’s critically acclaimed, you’d love it!

  11. WhateverIFeelLike
    6 months

    So yeah that was one of the most famous story arcs in comic history because it was the first time a publisher killed one of their main heroes and had them stay dead. The 6 month time skips are a reference to the actual 6 months of comics where Superman was dead, and unlike the movies they didn’t hint at or suggest he was coming back. As far as readers knew Superman was really dead and not coming back

    1 replies
    1. Mr
      6 months

      Its actually famous for the opposite reason. Superman death being reversed so quick was one of the first times it was done with a major character like that. It is what opened the floodgates to many comics killing and reviving their characters so quickly. Since prior to that when a superhero died it was an impact that would last for years if not forever with often time having some new character pick up the mantle instead. When Flash (Barry Allen) died and his character remained dead for years it was kid flash who took on his mantle to carry on his legacy and did so for many years. 

  12. Ashes2Ash
    6 months

    So happy to see you guys love this Superboy.

    This Superboy is the original concept. He has a leather jacket, a sick undercut, and is a total ladies man (boy). He's cocky and a bit of a cheesy idiot, but I ADORE him. He's most prevelent in his own solo run (Superboy 1994) which is a treat! Unfortunately, it runs the course that Superboy, who is a kid, is repeatedly put into relationships with adult women, which is. Not great!

    This version of Superboy is affectionately referred to as 90's Superboy, and he recently has made a comeback as a design, which I'm so happy about.

    Young Justice (Show) Superboy is more based off New 52 (kinda). I don't hate that Superboy, but I'm disappointed moreso they didn't follow the Young Justice Comics.

    Someone else recommended you guys watch My Adventures with Superman. I feel you all would enjoy it (it's animated by the same team who animated Korra), and it will be releasing its 3rd season soon, which actually has been teased to have 90's Superboy in it! You also get to enjoy characters like Kara (Supergirl) and so on! I feel it's actually pretty fun for a more modern take on Superman, and highly recommend it when yall have the avaliability in your schedules.

    2 replies
    1. Orlando
      6 months

      Brave and the bold has all the characters in it. It is a good intro to dc if you want backstory on all the new characters coming down the line. Also prefer older styles of layout 

    2. Ashes2Ash
      6 months

      Fun Fact, Young Justice (Show) being based loosely off New 52 Superboy is pretty. Funny considering in that iteration his name, Kon, is a SLUR on Kyrpton. It means Abomination. like.... Damn! 

  13. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    44:36 they were the couple who’s purse was stolen earlier in the intro. Eric was immediately shoved into the wall and wasn’t strong enough to fight back. That’s why he so eagerly volunteered to become a cyborg.

  14. Petrichor12
    6 months

    I really liked this one! Never saw it before.

    Also, you guys are absolutely not allowed to watch RWBY vs Justice League until after you finish the series through volume 8, and even then I'd say wait until after 9.

  15. lightning132ttv
    6 months

    Make sure you guys watch the Constantine film House of Mystery, it's part of the DCAMU and it's after Apokolips War

  16. matthew
    6 months

    if you guys watch live action stuff i would love constatine dark knight trilogy and id even love suicide squad will smith (and the other)

  17. Saphthings
    6 months

    I'm sure someone's told you, but there's something important to know for this show, that if you don't know, you'll laugh about.   Lex Luthor is literally based on Trump.   Like really.   The original Luthor in the comics was more of a scientist, and decades and decades ago this "businessman Luthor" was reinvented, and they literally based Luthor on Trump.   So... in this show, many of the phrases he uses, and the quotes he says, are literally taken from Trump.   A _LOT_ of people got pissed at them for picking on Trump or making the show "political"  :X   But really they just didn't like seeing his famous quotes and sayings being used by a villain lol.   You'll be seeing a lot of stuff that's like, "Wait... isn't that what..."

    1 replies
    1. Saphthings
      6 months

      Oh, by "in this show", I actually mean Young Justice btw, it's even more noticeable there lol, no spoilers here, but once you see it you can't unsee it lol. 

  18. lightning132ttv
    6 months

    His name isn't Darkseed... It is spelled Darkseid and pronounced Darkside

  19. WerewolfF14
    6 months

    at the time of death of superman in the comics superman had 4 different ongoing comics: Superman, Man of Steel, Action comics and Adventures of Superman. Following death of superman instead of cancelling the books they created 4 new supermen and gave each of them one of the superman ongoings. Cyborg Superman was in Superman, Steel was in Man of Steel, Eradicator was in Action Comics and Superboy was in Adventures of Superman. These 4 titles told the adventures of each induvial  Superman replacement but were also connected as part of an ongoing narrative referred to as "the reign of the supermen" , all leading up to the real Superman's return.

  20. SPhantom
    6 months

    I don't usually comment on any of your posts, but this time I wanted to say how much I enjoy watching you guys react to all the DC animated stuff (and any other thing really). I also wanted to recommend "My Adventures With Superman" as a show you could maybe watch in the future, seeing as you seem to enjoy the character. The show is its own thing and tells the story of Superman from the start in a new way. The animation is also amazing. The second season finished airing like a month ago and its third season is already in production. I think you would really like the show if you decided to watch it and it is fairly short. Anyway, I don't know if you'll ever read this but, if you do, I wanted to add that you really help me get through the days and you guys are awesome. Keep up the great work.

  21. Johnny
    6 months

    There's Green Lantern: First Flight and Green Lantern: Emerald Knights both stand alone DC animated movies not connected to any DC animated universe. There is also Green Lantern the animated series. 

    1 replies
    1. WhateverIFeelLike
      6 months

      Emerald Knights is one of my favourite Green Lantern movies. I can’t wait to see Nathan as Green Lantern in the new Superman movie 

  22. idziman
    6 months

    Lex: "I have more money than you."

    Batman: "I wouldn't count on it."

  23. Khaled
    6 months

    Finally noticed the new chairs. But prefer the older screen layout. But experimenting is cool too. 

  24. Down
    6 months

    You guys could always watch Green Lantern: The Animated Series It's an amazing show, you'll learn a lot about the vast Green Lantern lore and its loosely related to Young Justice. GL:TAS only had one season because of the live action movie's poor performance, but there is a crossover in S4 in Young Justice.

  25. Khaled
    6 months

    Maybe dc got too dark? Try brave and bold. It’s outrageous 

    2 replies
    1. Brandon
      6 months

      if they want more plastic man, thats where they need to go

    2. Petrichor12
      6 months

      Do love Brave and the Bold! It is fun and the perfect informative gateway into the DC universe through Batman interactions.

  26. Some
    6 months

    When you guys finished this universe,i kinda hope you check out the old dcau universe stuff batman:animated series,Superman:animated series,Justice league unlimited,Batman beyond

    Even if its only one of them(Out of all of them i wanna see you react to justice league unlimited the most) i want see you react to one

    2 replies
    1. Cadent
      6 months

      See to watch Justice League Unlimited, they must first watch the first 2 seasons of Justice League (I know it's weird to rebrand Unlimited as a separate show.) As Unlimited is heavily influenced by multiple events in the 2 JL seasons.

    2. Petrichor12
      6 months

      I am a simple Billy. I see Justice League Unlimited mentioned and I have to back it up with a "I second this!"

  27. striker
    6 months

    Yeah green lantern has a movie in the Tomorrowverse  and his own stand alone show that's actually set in the same universe as Young justice 

    1 replies
    1. Khaled
      6 months

      And an older movie with mini stories. 

  28. DRedd
    6 months

    So! Young Justice Superboy is patterned off an amalgam of the then unlaunched New 52 version and his personality after finding out he had Luthor's DNA. His design is based off on what he started wearing when he, ironically, left Young Justice and joined the Teen Titans. The Superboy in this movie is a slightly modernized take on Superboy as he originally appeared.

  29. Joseph
    6 months

    in case you're interested there are a few MARVEL animated movies you should watch, ultimate avenger 1 & 2, next avengers, hulk vs wolverine, planet hulk, except for ultimate avengers 1 and 2 the rest are unconnected stand alone films

  30. Joseph
    6 months

    there are several stand alone dc animated movie that aren't connected to the dcamu you should check out. justice league crisis on two Earths - superman/batman apocalypse - superman vs the elite - superman; doomsday - justice league gods and monsters

  31. Brandon
    6 months

    the 4 supermen arc is probably one of my favorite superman story concepts/arcs of all time. one of my least favorite things about his death in BvS is that they didn't introduce any of the 4 supermen.

  32. Down
    6 months

    47:40 Yes he is who Shaq played in the 90s

  33. cznquest
    6 months

    i think you Guys would like The man of Steel DCEU movie. should watch the live action Movie it's on of my favorite live action Superhero movies with an amazing theme

  34. sguy90
    6 months

    Funny enough since you mentioned how Superman gets a haircut, in the 90s cartoon Superman The Animated Series there is a scene of him shaving and he uses his lasers reflecting of a mirror to shave

  35. Sammy
    6 months

    So in this universe, the New 52, Hawkman, or Carter Hall, is an archaeologist who discovers his true identity as Katar Hol, a warrior from the planet Thanagar. He bonds with the powerful Nth metal, which grants him the ability to fly, enhanced strength, and regenerative abilities. Unlike previous versions, this Hawkman is more focused on his alien heritage and warrior instincts, battling threats from both Earth and beyond.

    She isn't shown but Hawkgirl, or Shayera Hol, is a fierce warrior from Thanagar, equipped with Nth metal wings and weapons. In the New 52, she is more closely tied to her alien roots and is portrayed as a strong, independent hero. Her relationship with Hawkman centers on their shared Thanagarian origins, making them partners in battle rather than reincarnated lovers.

    They have 2 origins: one where they're aliens from Thanagar and the classic origin:

    They were originally Prince Khufu and Princess Chay-Ara in ancient Egypt. They were murdered by a jealous priest with a weapon made of Nth metal. Because of this, they were cursed to be reincarnated throughout time, always finding each other in new lives.

    In the modern era, they are reborn as Carter Hall (Hawkman) and Shiera Sanders (Hawkgirl). Upon discovering their past lives and the properties of Nth metal, they take on their superhero identities, using their powers to fight evil while continuing their timeless love story.

  36. Down
    6 months

    I really hope you guys watch Superman vs The Elite, All-Star Superman, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, and Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths

  37. Charlie
    6 months

    i will say i do prefer superman doomsdays take on the story to the two parter here in the dcau,that doomsday was incredibly brutal and amazing

  38. Joseph
    6 months

    this version of superboy is described as being what if superman was raised by the kardashians

  39. cznquest
    6 months

    Great reaction been loving watches these movies with you guys

  40. cznquest
    6 months

    "dark-seed" lmao 

  41. Jeffery
    6 months

    Next movie is gonna be pretty good too but that Apokolips War is gonna be crazy lol

  42. Brandon
    6 months

    I like Young Justice Connor enough but nothing will ever top the leather jacket fuckboy that is classic Connor 

  43. Charlie
    6 months

    defintely should check out the lionsgate marvel movies and the older stand alone dc animated films,theres alot of standalone batman ones that are really cool like gotham by gaslight

  44. Brandon
    6 months

    If you guys love Hal, you have to check out Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

  45. Down
    6 months

    Day 1 of asking for Project Shadow(30 mins) and Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie(1996)(54 min OVA) (both are available for free on YouTube)

    1 replies
    1. maskedmagician
      6 months

      they don't like comments like this btw (the day 1 bit)

      1 replies
      1. Down
        6 months

        damn. Thanks for letting me know.

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