Pirates of the Caribbean REACTION

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  1. Juju’sWrld
    18 days

    love these movies 

  2. Pangurban
    1 month

    I recommend Cutthroat Island (1995)

  3. Swedwin
    7 months

    I do love pirates. 

  4. ShoheiTora
    11 months

    Super Excited to see Y’all’s reactions to my family’s favorite series!

  5. cade-carter
    11 months

    I have always loved this movie, but yall pointed out several things I have never noticed. I realized like 7 new things about this movie, 2 on my own based on things yall pointed out. Mostly the call backs to earlier scenes.

    The movie did the work to show them all as competent so you don't judge Will throwing the sword at the end, but its a call back to earlier when the stakes weren't as big and was easier believed. Also the governors speech at the end shows that even he grew from the journey, but its another call back to earlier when he says "the wrong thing done for the right reason is still wrong."

  6. Sean
    1 year

    Interesting thing about this movie is that the ride at Disneyland actually came first. They made a movie just for their popular ride, and that song they keep singing is the song from the ride. It kind of makes me wonder what a Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain movie would be like

    1 replies
    1. matthew
      1 year

      Jungle cruise became a movie

      A bad movie but a movie none the less

      1 replies
      1. LaLa
        11 months

        *whispers guiltily* i liked jungle cruise. ?

  7. Pip
    1 year

    If you guys want more pirate stuff, "Our Flag Means Death" is a great series. Would love to see you guys react to it.

  8. Zoe
    1 year

    I'm excited for the 2nd & 3rd movie. I can't speak on the 5th as I havn't seen it but the 4th was unfortunately just ok, in my opinion, which is a shame because it has Sam Claflin (AKA Finnick Odair from Catching Fire) who I love. I think the plot wasn't too bad (from what I can remember anyway) but while the humour of the franchise is definitely carried by Jonny, the heart is definitely carried by Keira & Orlando & they're characters relationship with eachother so Jack becoming the MAIN character in the 4th movie with a whole new crew (when audiences had got so attached to all the goofy, degenerates of the first 3 films) is why I think the 4th installment just didn't have the same charm & iconic-ness that the first 3 had. I will admit however that its kind of hard too out do the plot of the 3rd film in terms of the sheer scope, stakes & craziness of the adventure. Like they went so big that anything after that was bound to feel like a let down. I also just think that the person they chose to play opposite Johnny just wasn't a good fit (no hate to them). Of course I know that they couldn't go for another Will or Elizabeth type when Jack was supposed to be the main character this time (tottally different vibe to the movie, tottally different dynamic) but I think they made the mistake of having the new character be too similar to Jack (in all the worst wise & non of the good) like I don't want to see Jack & Jack in a different font & where Orlando, Johnny & Kiera felt like a well oiled team (even when they were supposedly working against eachother) the 4th film just gave off the vibe of two people constantly trying to outdo eachother which led to the story not feeling cohesive as instead of Jack & Co feeling like equal main characters at times it came across as if they were staring in completely separate movies where THEY were the sole lead. The first 3 films had a dark/grimey atmosphere to them which really added some believability & horror to the story which I think the 4th film didn't nearly have enough of (there's like one creepy scene but that's about it from what I can remember). I think the female characters where done (not perfect obviously as it's an old franchise but) better in the the first 3 movies compared to the 4th as Elizabeth goes on her own personal journey outside of Will where she shows a lot of skill & courage & the few other women shown are allowed to be angry (& not the kind that's just supposed to be sexy), tough (again not necessarily always in a sexy way) & free, not to be held down by men regardless of how they feel about them & the 4th doesn't do that as much (in my opinion). Lastly it wasn't funny, again I only saw it once & that was quite a while ago but the first 3 movies have such iconic gags & lines so quotable they were turned into hour long remixes whereas I litrually can't remember a single joke from the 4th movie + I look back at the first 3 movies with nothing but love yet I never once think about the 4th one unless someone brings it up. Sorry rant over. Watch what you want & hope you enjoy yourself.

  9. Juan
    1 year

    Also, I hope you add Treasure Planet (Pirates & Space), Dinasour 2000, and Atlantis to your list of must watch from Disney. Then Prince of Egypt, Spirit, and Sinbad (Pirates in Animation) from Dreamworks, truly underrated movies.

  10. Juan
    1 year

    Pirates of the Caribbean? Where did this come from?! Great reaction, you guys, and I can't wait to see you guys watch the rest of the films. 2 & 3 are good, in my opinion, but 4 and 5 are okay but not as strong as the others.

  11. Cloud
    1 year

    I love this movie, but I was never a fan of any of the sequels.

    1 replies
    1. cade-carter
      11 months

      bro... 2 is an amazing movie... I get this has insane dialogue and character work, BUT 2 IS ALSO WILDLY CLEVER, to say it doesn't is a WRONG and a lie

  12. iron pirate
    1 year

    boom love your hat, i actually used the same thing for my jack sparrow cosplay i did for a costume bday party also please for the love of god can you guys please react to kingsmen

  13. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    "You wanna watch pirates 2?  Nah, how about Miraculous Ladybug?"  Bro, that show is such a hot mess, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies...that said, any chance it could be added to the list of shows?

  14. Fish
    1 year

    The one thing that has always intrigued me about Pirates of The Caribbean, is how Mr. Gibbs and Jack Sparrow met. I know it's implied either one (most likely Jack) saved the other, but it's a cool bit of backstory that just doesn't get explored, and I both so wanted to see that and don't feel mad about not seeing it, at the same time.

  15. TradeMarkedTMTM
    1 year

    yall ever gonna watch the other evil deads? excited for army of darkness

  16. bertzieblu
    1 year

    So happy you guys reacted to this :) Hope you guys are going to react to all of them, I love the dead man's chest the most!

  17. Hellfire69
    1 year

    it sucks that disney wont just say sorry to Johnny and get him back for the next movie

    1 replies
    1. EverlastingGrace
      1 year

      He probably wouldn't even if they did, they pooped the bed real bad siding with a bed pooper without knowing the details. Even if disney were to apologize it would only be to make money.

  18. Stash
    1 year

    As someone who loves historical fashion, I just wanna say that Boom is

    right. :) Corsets were the bras before the modern bra was invented. They were

    meant to carry and balance the weight of layers of skirts (petticoat(s),

    crinoline, under skirt, dress, etc.) while also keeping breasts in

    place. As with many articles of clothing, there are wrong ways and right

    ways to wear a corset. Like with a bra, a corset should be snug without

    impeding airflow and causing discomfort. The reason why corsets are

    portrayed as torture devices in this movie (and in a lot of misinformed

    media) is because it's a very common misconception that corsets existed

    to warp a woman's body shape (or, on a metaphorical level, fit a woman

    into a specific shape the patriarchy wanted them to fit into). In

    reality, corsets were/are fashion statements (and, again, bras before bras).

    Paired with crinolines, petticoats, and bum pads, a woman's shape would

    change with that decade's trendy shape, but only in the sense that 80's shoulder pads "changed" a

    woman's shoulder shape.

    2 replies
    1. Billie
      1 year

      Hell yeah corset talk!

      I’d also add that m

      odern corsets are actually worse because they’re mass made, as opposed to being hand made to fit the person exactly. 

      Also, no one is saying that they were as comfortable as being naked, but have you ever seen a woman take her bra off the second she gets home? Yeah that shit ain’t exactly a dream to wear either… doesn’t mean it’s a torture device 

      The solidarity is appreciated Boom ?

    2. Stash
      1 year

      I have no idea why my comment is spaced like that, apologies. Additionally, I love this movie! I think it had a great chance to be as good as it was because it was the first of its kind (a Disney's low-key grim dark pirate movie). All they had to do was relate it vaguely to the Pirates of the Caribbean Disney ride (dog with the keys + other little callbacks) and make it a good movie on its own merit (which it very much is).

  19. Jazz
    1 year

    I love the new set up! Looks awesome ?

  20. TheLastRunicorn
    1 year

    the second i saw y'all in your pirate getups i knew this was gonna be a good time

  21. sceden
    1 year

    Im so glad u reacted to this one. its literally my favorite movie ever.

  22. Gabriel
    1 year

    Im so happy you guys are going on this journey and we get to watch along with you. These are some of my favorite movies, also i hope Ruff showed Boom the Why is the Rum gone remix

  23. ernestova891
    1 year

    Please do all of these!!!

  24. theater_grandpa
    1 year

    I was hoping you guys would react to this. One of my favorite franchises that I got into at an early age.

  25. Hellfire69
    1 year

    Finally I was waiting for so long to get to this

  26. NickLay
    1 year

    Great timing i was abiout to rewatch those movies myself

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