Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest REACTION

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  1. Y,o, but for real, fuck the various East India Companies– the Dutch, the British, the French, and Portuguese versions of that outfit. Hope all of them are burning in their christian hells.

  2. Easily the best Pirates of the Caribbean movie Jack steals the show with Will and Elizabeth but Davey Jones is an incredible villain,the design and theme of the Kraken awesome,Bootstrap Bill is amazing but that ending with the return of Barbossa(Chefs kiss)

  3. I don’t know if anyone else noticed this but earlier in the movie when the guy said “long pork” I realized he’s been eating the meat prepared by the cannibals! I only found out what that meant recently

  4. I’ve actually been on the boats that they use in this movie . There’s some people who come to Oregon a lot on the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain, give a tour, do a mock battle. My sister sailed with them around the west coast for a couple months.

  5. The amount of actual building they did for Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 (filmed together) is astounding. I would wholeheartedly recommend watching the behind the scenes documentary in your free time. It’s the most honest, realistic, and dramatic behind the scenes feature I’ve seen. The fact that they got these films made and did such an incredible job is incredible.

  6. I miss the golden age of Pirate movies & that era of YouTube.

    Yeah, I can’t wait for World’s End, its so epic & Elizabeth is so kick ass in that one + I love all the new locations we get to see.

    Sad that the dog will most likely get eaten as that’s what the Island people planned to do to Jack when they were worshiping him.

    You’re right about wanting to have a convo with Tia Dalma. I was kind of obsessed with her as a kid. There’s just something so hypnotic about her (100% respect to Naomie Harris for her performance).

    Also, blown away by how good the special effects continue to look for how old the franchise is.

    Lastly, I’m hoping this is a safe space because I need to get something off my chest, I’ve always found Davey Jones kind of attractive (I think it’s mostly due to his voice but I also just think the way his tentacles wiggle is strangely endearing, like an upset cat lol) but only when he wears his hat as something about the top of his head just dosn’t look right to me.

  7. Other pirate films you should consider watching are Sea Beast on Netflix and Treasure Planet by Disney. If you like gold, sailing, good music, comedy, indigenous ppl, and Con Artists, watch El Dorado by Dreamworks!
    Hunchback of Notre Dame/ Prince of Egypt are more serious animated movies but really great(Characters/Villans/Songs)/underrated.

    If we lean in Dead Men territory, I agree you should watch “The Book of Life”! It’s an awesome movie, but you can also watch it in September for Hispanic Month.

    Finally: Dinasour, Atlantis, Spirit, Sinbad, Brother Bear, Rech it Ralph, Tarzan and The great Mouse Detective are movies you should also react too/add to your list of must watch

  8. These first three movies are excellent! This one was a bit slow, but it did a lot of world-building and character development/progression and really set a more serious tone. The fourth film is Okay but its tone or story is very different than the first three films. 5th film I wasn’t a big fan. It might be better than the 4th but I didn’t like Jake in that film. His character wasn’t the same, Same name and similar gestures, but the spirit and heart were different.

  9. Ruff, to explain, when the men in the ball are rushing to climb to the top, it is said – “We need all the men to sail the Black Pearl.” The other pirate said, “You don’t need everyone; about six should do.” So, both parties started rushing. One group thought they would be left behind if the second group made it. One group likes Jack, while the other could probably care less about Jack.

  10. this is a great video to suggest you watch Our Flag Means Death! it’s a romantic comedy about Stede Bonnet (the gentleman pirate) and Blackbeard! is very LGBT centric and has a great story! it’s on Max! 

    disclaimer: unfortunately it was canceled for really NO reason (max said they think it “ran its course” whatever tf that means) even though it was one of their top shows. only has 2 seasons, but i personally think season 2 wraps up the story nicely. 

  11. Dude! It’s soooo good to see these films again! Seeing you react to them made me realise I hadn’t seen the original Pirates Trilogy since I was a child.

    Love you reacted to the Why is the rum gone remix! Have you seen I’ve Got a Jar of Dirt remix?

  12. If you want more pirate shenanigans, check out Our Flag Means Death on Max. It was created by David Jenkins, and stars Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi as the historical pirates Stede Bonnet and Edward “Blackbeard” Teach. It has 2 seasons, and takes historical accuracy as a suggestion rather than a rule in the best ways. Think…office drama meets RomCom, meets Pirates.

  13. after that remix, now i need to go listen/watch to The Lonely Islands: Jack Sparrow MV. If you somehow haven’t, you need to. Anywhos, can’t wait till the next one!

  14. The foreshadow that most people miss is when the last sailor that Will talks to says he trades at that island for ‘delicious long pork’. Long pork is an old time term for human flesh. Meaning that not only is the island full of cannibals, but so is the sailor who told him. 😱

  15. Fun fact: the actors’ faces at the Barbosa’s reveal at the end were genuine because they actually were, the script named a different character and no one knew of his presence on-set until that very moment.

  16.  Also at 55:22 of this video, I just noticed that Monkey Jack seems to be crying at what appears to be the boots of Barbosa’s lifeless body lying in a bed.

  17. Once you finish movie 3, you all need to watch the deleted scenes of these movies. Many of these scenes are great and would’ve added to the movie if included. Great stuff nontheless and stuff I think you three would really like.

  18. I highly recommend you check out “the book of life”. It’s really good but often overshadowed by coco despite being different and came out earlier

  19. Movie suggestions
    Finding Nemo
    Inside out
    Monsters inc
    Maze runner trilogy
    Hopefully you’ll do one of these movies for Monday or next Friday 

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