Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End REACTION

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  1. Fish
    22 days

    Also on Will and Elizabeth being married under a pirate Captain was a thing that existed back then in 17th-18th century Europe and it was called a 'matelotage.' But it was usually conducted among same-sex sailors, or in other cases pirates, to which they would become "matelots"/economic partners (basically, gay pirate married, though there were no doubt quite a lot of straight men that did this ofc) and share their incomes or inherit property in case of their partner's death.

  2. Fish
    23 days

    The thing about Davy Jones being pissed off about crying at around 28:57, is that because of the tear that fell from him feeling sad/heartbroken still (which, by all intents and purposes it's supposed that he really doesn't feel anything emotionally after taking out his heart and it being previously buried), he knew that his heart was near and that Lord Beckett was coming to see him. So, whenever his heart is close is when he starts to feel again and he was pissed off because that only Beckett was coming to talk to him.

  3. RufusPr1me
    11 months

    I'm not sure if anyone's made this comment yet, you can see that "green flash" in Sea of Thieves as well. Climb up to your crows nest or any high point and enjoy the sunset. Right at set's end, you'll see the green flash.

    I've so dearly missed these uncut reactions and I'm happy to be at a point in life where I can be subbed again. Cheers gents?

  4. Wolfbane37
    11 months

    Fun fact, during the scene between 1:06:54 and 1:07:19, they actually changed it to what it really was. The original scene went about like this;

    Becket: Remarkable. The last I saw of that ship, she was on fire. The blackened hulk sinking beneath the waves. We had a deal Jack. I contracted you to deliver cargo on my behalf. You chose to liberate it.

    Jack: People aren't cargo mate.

    Becket: and you encured a heavy debt to raise her up again, didn't you?

    This adds soooo much lore to Jacks back story and why he was a pirate. He liberated 100 slaves that Becket wanted and that's where the irony comes from with Jones saying "100 souls and the Black pearl for your soul"

    1 replies
    1. Wolfbane37
      11 months

      Please react to this to complete the At World's End movie. Cause it feels incomplete at the moment


  5. Msr9272tce
    11 months

    jack is a minor mischief god

  6. Sean
    1 year

    Also, the two old guys bringing in the code were named Morgan and Bartholomew, as in Henry Morgan and Bartholomew Roberts, two of the most successful pirates in history. Makes sense that if they’re talking about the First Brethren and including legend Davy Jones, these movies are just all based on the next generation of pirates of piracy continued afterwards. Looks like it might also make BlackBeard Jack’s grandpa, since that guy was too young for it

  7. Sean
    1 year

    I think y’all should get to that one Disney animation team that made the best movies and the worst sales. Treasure Planet or Atlantis:The Lost Empire. Amazing movies that Disney tries to bury because they did horrible at the box office

  8. MegumiMary
    1 year

    when y'all are done with the Pirates movies how about a trip though one of the greatest Sci-Fi Trilogies of all time?

    Back to the Future

  9. Jamie
    1 year

    If you want to keep the Pirate themes going after these movies, please consider checking out Our Flag Means Death!! it's only 2 seasons, so not a long commitment show! (not getting any more seasons, either, unfortunately, but the show wraps up really nicely) its such a good show and deserves more reactions to it! and it also has Blackbeard in it. :D (it's more a romantic comedy with pirate shenanigans.)

  10. jdetoro
    1 year

    The real Blackbeard was Edward Teach (most likely, historians are a little split). Oda split him up into Whitebeard (Edward Newgate) and Blackbeard (Marshal D Teach).

    1 replies
    1. sombra_hacker09
      9 months

      Tech is my ancestor my family changed their name as to not be associated with him and we have tried looking for his gold over the years

  11. Rowan
    1 year

    My favorite part of this series is the dichotomy between Jack and Will, and Barbossa and Elizabeth. I saw a meta post once that talked about how Will was Jack's protege from the first film, and this movie really highlights that - especially the scene between Beckett, Will, and Jones. Meanwhile, the captain Elizabeth sailed under the most wasn't Jack, but Barbossa, and we see how her style of piracy differs from Will and Jack in how ruthless she can be, and her striving for the big picture victories.

    1 replies
    1. Rowan
      1 year

      Addition: If you watch Barbossa's speech to the Brethren Court at 1:40, there's a shot of Elizabeth watching SUPER intently. She even ends up using the same words in her "Hoist the Colors" speech later in the movie. She very clearly learned piracy from him more than she did from Jack. I blame it on a common sense of entitlement that Barbossa and Elizabeth share. I don't mean it negatively, they just both have a sense that they have a right to leadership that Jack and Will don't quite have. It's fascinating.

  12. mcwilson_1
    1 year

    The music is always just so amazing in these movies.

  13. COREY
    1 year

    Black Sails is a great Pirate show.

  14. Sly
    1 year

    If youre looking for other good Johnny Depp movies to react to you should check out Blow. He plays a real life drug smuggler that worked for Pablo Escobar.

  15. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    I'm so glad yall liked it so much. This one is my favorite of the franchise, but a lot of people pan it as the worst of the original trilogy. I've never seen 4 or 5, so I'm excited to watch those with yall.

  16. Pat
    1 year

    From what I could tell, the story is; Davy Jones (a once human man) fell in love with Calypso (an ancient god and personification of the sea) and she fell in love with him. She gave him a boon to sail her waters forever so long as he sailed those who passed at sea to the other side in exchange for his literal heart (as she already had his love). He (a human man) expected the same devotion to him from her (a literal god) and she could not give him that, as she is fickle as the sea is ("It is my nature." line). He did the job, faithfully, for ten years and she did not come to meet him for that singular day when they could be together. So Davy went to the First Brethren Court to tell them the secret of how to bind her in a singular form, and the Brethren Court bound her into the form we knew as Tia Dalma. Tia Dalma lived as a human for years/decades (a century, possibly? considering the years of the crew of the Dutchman) as Davy, out of spite, refused to ferry the souls to the other side, becoming increasingly corrupted in the process. Fast forward to when we meet Tia Dalma in the second movie! She can tell that Will has a "touch of destiny" about him, and that he "wants to know [her]." as one of her first lines to him. Funny how destiny works, eh?

    1 replies
    1. Pat
      1 year

      Also, not so fun fact: Every man who loves or kisses Elizabeth ends up dead at sea. Her father, killed on Beckett's order; James Norrington, smooched her then killed by Bootstrap; Captain Sao Feng, smooched and immediately killed by debris; Captain Jack, kissed to distract him and then fed to the Kraken; and finally William Turner, marriage kiss then immediately killed by Davy Jones (and by the sword he forged as well). Only, Jack and Will came back from death though (as their destinies did not end at death)

  17. Joseph
    1 year

    next movie is a little different in cast so be warned

  18. nightwolf4397
    1 year

    Hey guys Idk if anyone has said anything and the movies don't say anything but beckett gave jack orders to make a cargo delivery but when he found out the delivery is 100 slaves well jack freed them and beckett had branded him a pirate and sank his ship then jack made a deal with jones to raise his ship but the ship is stained black as a reminder of him basically betraying beckett and Jones said that jack owes him 100 souls further reminding him of the slaves

    1 replies
    1. Wolfbane37
      11 months

      They actually deleted that scene from the original cut because, and this is according to a Google search "Likely deemed too dark for a Disney movie, the omission of Beckett's involvement in the slave trade gives a whole new perspective to both characters. Not only do the villainous Beckett and the East India Trading Company seem unspeakably evil, but Jack wasn't always resigned to a life of piracy."

  19. Cole
    1 year

    This movie has maintained being my favorite Pirates movie and just watching is enough to see why.

  20. Gabriel
    1 year

    Finished watching the reaction man i love these movies and also your reactions. Cant wait to see what you guys think of the next 2. Keep up the great work guys!

  21. BlueFanfictionInc
    1 year

    Great stuff, still recommend a video watching the deleted scenes, many should've stayed and I think we're cut for time. If there us way to commission that, someone let me know.

  22. jetstorm98
    1 year

    To clear up your confusion a "Piece of Eight" what's the name of a type of coin that existed back then.

  23. theater_grandpa
    1 year

    YES!!! My favorite one.

  24. Crusty
    1 year

    And the trilogy is complete... No more Pirates after this unfortunately. I mean why would there be? I'm sure there are more folklore and pirate legend they could write upon, but with the wrong people behind the scenes it would probably be a total mess. Fortunately this is the last Pirates film. Thank god for that. (The last two honestly suck so bad my god, very interested to see your reactions nevertheless this comment aint that seris)

  25. Internet Zing
    1 year


  26. Curtis
    1 year

    Can't wait to watch this.

  27. Gabriel
    1 year

    Yes! At Worlds End, Im so happy! these first 3 movies are my favorites of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the last 2 are my least favorite but i still cant wait to watch those with you guys aswell.

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