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5 months
The og line up was robin, aqua lad, wonder girl, speedy and kid flash
8 months
I love the dcau. But I will never forgive it
1 replies
6 months
Forgive it for what 🤔?
8 months
Thanks to Boom, when it's time for new live action show choices: Stargate! At least the movie reaction for a 90's scifi throwback, but committing to the show would be amazing! I love Stargate more than Star Wars and Star Trek combined!
8 months
To CLARIFY only… Superman is consistently not WEAK to magic, he just doesn’t have any resistance towards it like every other hero, unlike his resistance to quite literally everything else. Just to clarify. It’s not a weakness like kryptonite which debilitated him within proximity of it, it’s more of a “I’m not indestructible to magic like I am to everything else”
8 months
This really makes me excited for Young Justice Season 2 lol
8 months
Never mind. just saw the post. Please disregard previous post
8 months
I think you guys missed throne of Atlantis. I believe that's supposed to come before Justice League VS team Titans. That's probably why it feels like it's a jump ahead. Or rather , i'm not sure if I saw it posted. If you did See it then kudos , but if you didn't , it's supposed to be Before versus teen titans.
8 months
Superman VS The Elite is an amazing movie. You'll get to see Superman just absolutely cut loose but learn to love him even more as a character.
8 months
You guys should watch the live action Blue Beetle movie, delves into his origin and answers a lot of questions you have here
8 months
if you guys want a good "superman cuts loose" story, check out superman vs the elite. also, ninja batman, no superman in that one, but lots of lols and great animation
8 months
Batman: Assault on Arkham I'm very tempted to say a lot about it, but even the tiniest hint is borderline spoiler (at least by my standards) But I can say this with confidence... It should have had a different title. Also, it's not part of this continuity, but the story is also so independent from this that it really doesn't matter. Like, the story could take place litterally anytime during this continuity, and you still wouldn't find a plot hole.
8 months
Finally Constantine coming up some super hero rated R
8 months
My Adventures With Superman or The Harley Quinn show if you want more DC. The first is more wholesome fun and the latter is definitely more adult
8 months
Superman's magic weakness depends on who's writing him. Some writers treat magic the same way they treat kryptonite. Other writers state he just doesn't have any special resistances to magic. More along the lines of, if Batman and superman both got hit by a spell that specifically kills people, like Avada Kedavra, they'd both die. But if Batman and superman both got hit with Shazam's magical Lightning, Batman would die, but superman, like he's done a bunch of times before, would probably walk it off.
8 months
starfires real name is kori anndr which is basically the spice coriander
8 months
btw trigon is voiced by punisher and superman was voice by jerry o connel
8 months
also as someone who grew up with teen titans i FUCKING HATE the damian and raven ship, garfield FOUGHT to get on ravens good side raven and BB forever
8 months
when you're scientifically a super being the only bs that can hurt you has to be magic so yes supermans weakness is kryptonite and magic
8 months
as much as i love these movies (or any teen titans content, i’m an absolute sucker for them) there is one thing i’m VERY against: the damian/raven relationship, or raven with any robin in general. never been a fan tbh, especially when i was younger as i have always preferred raven’s relationship with beast boy in both the original show and the comics. however, i enjoy these dcau titans movies because they bring these iconic comic storylines to life in a way the original show was never able to— down to the nitty gritty, which is what dc is all about. plus i adore the nightwing and starfire moments we get from these movies! loved your reaction guys can’t wait for my favorite of the series: the judas contract!!
1 replies
8 months
It's one of those weird things in that the Raven Beast Boy thing was an invention of the cartoon. So comic fans found it strange. And then after the popularity of the show they made them a thing in the comics for a while.
1 replies
8 months
oh for sure! i know it stems from the og show, but there a huge reason for it: their dynamic was always such a refreshing relationship in all the doom-and-gloom we see in DC pairings. they were genuinely good together, and beast boy let raven feel the bad *and* the good. their relationship allowed raven to feel joy and goofiness which imo was always great for her character. and beast boy always knew when to be his silly-self and when to get serious, which is important when it comes to raven’s story arcs. i just adore them a lot, their dynamic is peak to me LOL <3 so sad they’re always on/off, but i’ll always be happy with what we got!
8 months
8 months
8 months
I'm curious if you're actually halfway. We've now hit where I stopped watching back in October (I binged all these movies up to this point in a week), and at the time, the wikipedia page I looked at listed it as the halfway mark. Today, however, I checked it again and it's got so many added, with this all being part of the "First Story Arc" and the Second Story Arc starting in 2020, with the 26th and (currently listed) final one coming out...tomorrow, apparently, July 16th. So, I have no idea what list you guys are looking at, if it's the same one, or when my list got updated, but...hell, if there's more of these movies, I'm down for it.
1 replies
8 months
They are halfway through this series of movies. There are 3 separate series when it comes to the DC Animated Movies. The Original Series that starts with Superman Doomsday and ends with Superman Unbound. That series is 17 movies long and the movies are mostly stand alone. The second series is the DC Animated Movie Universe which they are doing now. It is 22 movies long and it starts with Flashpoint Paradox and ends with Apokolips War. Only 16 movies are part of the same universe. The rest are standalones. The third series is the Tomorrowverse. It is 15 movies long and it starts with Superman Man of Tomorrow and ends with Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3. Only 10 of the movies are part of the same universe. 5 of them are standalone. There is some story connections between the DCAMU and the Tomorrowverse. Which is why the Tomorrowverse is listed as the second story arc.
1 replies
8 months
Thank you for the clarification.
I decided to pick up where I left off with the next one, Justice League Dark, so I can focus on their reactions as I've been doing...4 minutes in and holy crap, I need a minute. I'm even more excited for their reaction now, and I felt compelled to come back here to express it.
8 months
So fun fact, raven actually has a lot of siblings, due to trigon being around for such a long time, with six of them being six of the deadly sins, and Raven being the seventh, aka pride. There is a chance, however, that that is no longer canon, but I know in the current continuity, she has a few brothers, with one of them being the father of Etrigan, who you'll meet in the next movie. Just don't expect them to acknowledge it.
8 months
The DC Animate Universe is not a linear line, it wasn't until like eight or so years ago that they started stringing them together cohesively. If you feel like you're missing something, you're not.
8 months
There gonna love the next few I cant wait for Justice League Dark and Constantine City of demons
8 months
Yall should watch "The Batman" as a comic fan, i still say robert pattinson does the best job playing comic book batman in live action.
8 months
In the beginning I think you were confusing this timeline of movies with Young Justice, Candela Savage hasn't appeared here while he has in YJ
Residentfan 1
8 months
0:19:14 says the man who puts the bat logo on everything he owns
8 months
Watch Constantine: City of Demons BEFORE Justice League Dark, it makes more sense in that order than in the release order.
8 months
magic can ignore hsi general invulnerability, its less of an achilles heel and more a work around that can affect people equally including kryptonians
8 months
love this incarnation of the titans and theres lots of other fun dc animated movies like batman gotham by gaslight,superman red sun, superman doomsday
8 months
The teen titans movies were the first ones I saw in the new DCAU, so excited for the next one of them! (After Red Hood, but that was sort of its own thing before, but is now considered the DCAU, right?)
8 months
The only thing that really bugs me about this film is Damian Wayne. Yeah I'm one of the people who dislikes Damian at least in this continuity of the direct to dvd dc films. He ranges from tolerable to insufferable, and the first half of this film he is the latter. Not to mention disrespectful, acts like he's better than everyone, and the film kind of takes his side on that rather than him really getting humbled.
This series of films I think are trying to make Damian likable and go through an arc, and it seemed like we were getting there until this film which seems to regress him for the sake of the plot. Batman vs Ninja Turtles and animated Injustice are the only versions I've seen where he is likable and worthy of being a Robin. However, in these films I'm often less rooting for him to be Robin and more eager to see blue beatle blow his face off 🤷🏾♂.
Sidnote: before people try to defend this character by brining up his backstory, just remember it explains why he is the way he is but it doesn't excuse it. Have a blessed one everyone.
2 replies
8 months
Finally. Been waiting on this reaction since they started the DCAU. I'm still holding out for Assault on Arkham, despite the fact that it's not in the continuity of the DCAU.
2 replies
8 months
That was supposed to be a comment on the vid, not a reply to this comment....but I don't know how to undo it. While I'm here though, I like Damien's character mainly for the potential of development. That being said, these movies do tend to flip flop back and forth with him being reasonable, to him being a very skilled brat. His vibe in this movie feels like it should have come somewhere between Batman vs Robin, and Batman Bad Blood. Although, Talia did drop some massive bombs on him in Bad Blood. If we're saying this movie followed relatively shortly after that one, his moodiness is understandable, though still not excused.
1 replies
6 months
Agreed wholeheartedly here 🤔.
8 months
Yeah I want them and other reactors to react to that and more pre-flashpoint stuff that isn't the popular Batman Under the Red Hood or Batman vs Ninja Turtles 🤔.
8 months
i love him and honestly hes right he is better then the other titans generally in terms of skill. Hes beaten deathstroke single handidly in this canon and as far as hes concerned hes like red arrow in young justice
1 replies
8 months
Then perhaps Damian shouldn't be on the team like red arrow wasn't at first. This film probably should have had Damian kicked off the team and go solo 🤔.
Moreover, even if Damian is more skilled: one the writers are making him too OP when he goes up against Deathstroke, and two it once again doesn't excuse his rude and disrespectful behavior.
Now perhaps you're not defending that, but again him behaving that way is what makes him unlikable. Unlike Red Arrow in young justice who has many traits that made him likable. For example, despite his bad temper at times he showed respect to the team and considered them friends, and would ask for help when he knew he was in over his head 🤔.
8 months
its fine for hitting the pre-watch gong but when they go too crazy it gets to be too much
8 months
I always forget how good Jon Berenthals Trigon voice is
8 months
Simplest way to put it is that Superman can be hurt by magic, but it's not a weakness per se. Kryptonite is like Superman's peanut allergy, any amount of the shit hurts him, whereas magic is just regular damage and a weaker magic user wont hurt superman as much as say Shazam or Doctor Fate could.
8 months
Superman magic weakness is less like Kryptonite and more of a vulnerability. He doesn't take any extra damage from magic, but he doesn't resist it like he does non-magical forces so it hits him as is he were some mortal. Same with the Trident in Thrown of Atlantis. The Trident of Atlantis being able to cut Superman was because it was mystical. Anyone else without magical resistance would have been cut too.
8 months
Superman isn't so much weak to magic like Kryptonite as he is vulnerable to it. He doesn't take any extra damage from magic, but he doesn't resist it like he does non-magical forces. Same with the Trident in Thrown of Atlantis. The Trident of Atlantis being able to cut Superman was because it was mystical. Anyone else without magical resistance would have been cut too.
8 months
if i remember right theres a story in the comics where damian sells his soul after bruce dies so he can protect gotham forever
8 months
28:00 Dude Boom's "These comments are gonna eat us alive" face is priceless when he realized neither of them remembered Beast Boy's name from Teen Titans. Tight lips and wide eyes lmao
1 replies
8 months
btf its probably only the doom patrol ep that had mentioned his name is garfield logan
8 months
tri going , tri going ,trigon! city of demons is not technically part of the continuity but i recommend watching it somewhere between justice league dark and dark apocalypse war
2 replies
8 months
City of Demons is in continuity. its between death and reign
8 months
City of demons is officially apart of the DCAMU continuity.
1 replies
8 months
thanks, ,sorry for my mistake, it did not appear on my list and did not com with the collection i got so it did not seam to be in continuity ,
The og line up was robin, aqua lad, wonder girl, speedy and kid flash
I love the dcau. But I will never forgive it
Forgive it for what 🤔?
Thanks to Boom, when it's time for new live action show choices: Stargate! At least the movie reaction for a 90's scifi throwback, but committing to the show would be amazing! I love Stargate more than Star Wars and Star Trek combined!
To CLARIFY only… Superman is consistently not WEAK to magic, he just doesn’t have any resistance towards it like every other hero, unlike his resistance to quite literally everything else. Just to clarify. It’s not a weakness like kryptonite which debilitated him within proximity of it, it’s more of a “I’m not indestructible to magic like I am to everything else”
This really makes me excited for Young Justice Season 2 lol
Never mind. just saw the post. Please disregard previous post
I think you guys missed throne of Atlantis. I believe that's supposed to come before Justice League VS team Titans. That's probably why it feels like it's a jump ahead. Or rather , i'm not sure if I saw it posted. If you did See it then kudos , but if you didn't , it's supposed to be Before versus teen titans.
Superman VS The Elite is an amazing movie. You'll get to see Superman just absolutely cut loose but learn to love him even more as a character.
You guys should watch the live action Blue Beetle movie, delves into his origin and answers a lot of questions you have here
if you guys want a good "superman cuts loose" story, check out superman vs the elite. also, ninja batman, no superman in that one, but lots of lols and great animation
Batman: Assault on Arkham I'm very tempted to say a lot about it, but even the tiniest hint is borderline spoiler (at least by my standards) But I can say this with confidence... It should have had a different title. Also, it's not part of this continuity, but the story is also so independent from this that it really doesn't matter. Like, the story could take place litterally anytime during this continuity, and you still wouldn't find a plot hole.
Finally Constantine coming up some super hero rated R
My Adventures With Superman or The Harley Quinn show if you want more DC. The first is more wholesome fun and the latter is definitely more adult
Superman's magic weakness depends on who's writing him. Some writers treat magic the same way they treat kryptonite. Other writers state he just doesn't have any special resistances to magic. More along the lines of, if Batman and superman both got hit by a spell that specifically kills people, like Avada Kedavra, they'd both die. But if Batman and superman both got hit with Shazam's magical Lightning, Batman would die, but superman, like he's done a bunch of times before, would probably walk it off.
starfires real name is kori anndr which is basically the spice coriander
btw trigon is voiced by punisher and superman was voice by jerry o connel
also as someone who grew up with teen titans i FUCKING HATE the damian and raven ship, garfield FOUGHT to get on ravens good side raven and BB forever
when you're scientifically a super being the only bs that can hurt you has to be magic so yes supermans weakness is kryptonite and magic
as much as i love these movies (or any teen titans content, i’m an absolute sucker for them) there is one thing i’m VERY against: the damian/raven relationship, or raven with any robin in general. never been a fan tbh, especially when i was younger as i have always preferred raven’s relationship with beast boy in both the original show and the comics. however, i enjoy these dcau titans movies because they bring these iconic comic storylines to life in a way the original show was never able to— down to the nitty gritty, which is what dc is all about. plus i adore the nightwing and starfire moments we get from these movies! loved your reaction guys can’t wait for my favorite of the series: the judas contract!!
It's one of those weird things in that the Raven Beast Boy thing was an invention of the cartoon. So comic fans found it strange. And then after the popularity of the show they made them a thing in the comics for a while.
oh for sure! i know it stems from the og show, but there a huge reason for it: their dynamic was always such a refreshing relationship in all the doom-and-gloom we see in DC pairings. they were genuinely good together, and beast boy let raven feel the bad *and* the good. their relationship allowed raven to feel joy and goofiness which imo was always great for her character. and beast boy always knew when to be his silly-self and when to get serious, which is important when it comes to raven’s story arcs. i just adore them a lot, their dynamic is peak to me LOL <3 so sad they’re always on/off, but i’ll always be happy with what we got!
I'm curious if you're actually halfway. We've now hit where I stopped watching back in October (I binged all these movies up to this point in a week), and at the time, the wikipedia page I looked at listed it as the halfway mark. Today, however, I checked it again and it's got so many added, with this all being part of the "First Story Arc" and the Second Story Arc starting in 2020, with the 26th and (currently listed) final one coming out...tomorrow, apparently, July 16th. So, I have no idea what list you guys are looking at, if it's the same one, or when my list got updated, but...hell, if there's more of these movies, I'm down for it.
They are halfway through this series of movies. There are 3 separate series when it comes to the DC Animated Movies. The Original Series that starts with Superman Doomsday and ends with Superman Unbound. That series is 17 movies long and the movies are mostly stand alone. The second series is the DC Animated Movie Universe which they are doing now. It is 22 movies long and it starts with Flashpoint Paradox and ends with Apokolips War. Only 16 movies are part of the same universe. The rest are standalones. The third series is the Tomorrowverse. It is 15 movies long and it starts with Superman Man of Tomorrow and ends with Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3. Only 10 of the movies are part of the same universe. 5 of them are standalone. There is some story connections between the DCAMU and the Tomorrowverse. Which is why the Tomorrowverse is listed as the second story arc.
Thank you for the clarification.
I decided to pick up where I left off with the next one, Justice League Dark, so I can focus on their reactions as I've been doing...4 minutes in and holy crap, I need a minute. I'm even more excited for their reaction now, and I felt compelled to come back here to express it.
So fun fact, raven actually has a lot of siblings, due to trigon being around for such a long time, with six of them being six of the deadly sins, and Raven being the seventh, aka pride. There is a chance, however, that that is no longer canon, but I know in the current continuity, she has a few brothers, with one of them being the father of Etrigan, who you'll meet in the next movie. Just don't expect them to acknowledge it.
The DC Animate Universe is not a linear line, it wasn't until like eight or so years ago that they started stringing them together cohesively. If you feel like you're missing something, you're not.
There gonna love the next few I cant wait for Justice League Dark and Constantine City of demons
Yall should watch "The Batman" as a comic fan, i still say robert pattinson does the best job playing comic book batman in live action.
In the beginning I think you were confusing this timeline of movies with Young Justice, Candela Savage hasn't appeared here while he has in YJ
0:19:14 says the man who puts the bat logo on everything he owns
Watch Constantine: City of Demons BEFORE Justice League Dark, it makes more sense in that order than in the release order.
magic can ignore hsi general invulnerability, its less of an achilles heel and more a work around that can affect people equally including kryptonians
love this incarnation of the titans and theres lots of other fun dc animated movies like batman gotham by gaslight,superman red sun, superman doomsday
The teen titans movies were the first ones I saw in the new DCAU, so excited for the next one of them! (After Red Hood, but that was sort of its own thing before, but is now considered the DCAU, right?)
The only thing that really bugs me about this film is Damian Wayne. Yeah I'm one of the people who dislikes Damian at least in this continuity of the direct to dvd dc films. He ranges from tolerable to insufferable, and the first half of this film he is the latter. Not to mention disrespectful, acts like he's better than everyone, and the film kind of takes his side on that rather than him really getting humbled.
This series of films I think are trying to make Damian likable and go through an arc, and it seemed like we were getting there until this film which seems to regress him for the sake of the plot. Batman vs Ninja Turtles and animated Injustice are the only versions I've seen where he is likable and worthy of being a Robin. However, in these films I'm often less rooting for him to be Robin and more eager to see blue beatle blow his face off 🤷🏾♂.
Sidnote: before people try to defend this character by brining up his backstory, just remember it explains why he is the way he is but it doesn't excuse it. Have a blessed one everyone.
Finally. Been waiting on this reaction since they started the DCAU. I'm still holding out for Assault on Arkham, despite the fact that it's not in the continuity of the DCAU.
That was supposed to be a comment on the vid, not a reply to this comment....but I don't know how to undo it. While I'm here though, I like Damien's character mainly for the potential of development. That being said, these movies do tend to flip flop back and forth with him being reasonable, to him being a very skilled brat. His vibe in this movie feels like it should have come somewhere between Batman vs Robin, and Batman Bad Blood. Although, Talia did drop some massive bombs on him in Bad Blood. If we're saying this movie followed relatively shortly after that one, his moodiness is understandable, though still not excused.
Agreed wholeheartedly here 🤔.
Yeah I want them and other reactors to react to that and more pre-flashpoint stuff that isn't the popular Batman Under the Red Hood or Batman vs Ninja Turtles 🤔.
i love him and honestly hes right he is better then the other titans generally in terms of skill. Hes beaten deathstroke single handidly in this canon and as far as hes concerned hes like red arrow in young justice
Then perhaps Damian shouldn't be on the team like red arrow wasn't at first. This film probably should have had Damian kicked off the team and go solo 🤔.
Moreover, even if Damian is more skilled: one the writers are making him too OP when he goes up against Deathstroke, and two it once again doesn't excuse his rude and disrespectful behavior.
Now perhaps you're not defending that, but again him behaving that way is what makes him unlikable. Unlike Red Arrow in young justice who has many traits that made him likable. For example, despite his bad temper at times he showed respect to the team and considered them friends, and would ask for help when he knew he was in over his head 🤔.
its fine for hitting the pre-watch gong but when they go too crazy it gets to be too much
I always forget how good Jon Berenthals Trigon voice is
Simplest way to put it is that Superman can be hurt by magic, but it's not a weakness per se. Kryptonite is like Superman's peanut allergy, any amount of the shit hurts him, whereas magic is just regular damage and a weaker magic user wont hurt superman as much as say Shazam or Doctor Fate could.
Superman magic weakness is less like Kryptonite and more of a vulnerability. He doesn't take any extra damage from magic, but he doesn't resist it like he does non-magical forces so it hits him as is he were some mortal. Same with the Trident in Thrown of Atlantis. The Trident of Atlantis being able to cut Superman was because it was mystical. Anyone else without magical resistance would have been cut too.
Superman isn't so much weak to magic like Kryptonite as he is vulnerable to it. He doesn't take any extra damage from magic, but he doesn't resist it like he does non-magical forces. Same with the Trident in Thrown of Atlantis. The Trident of Atlantis being able to cut Superman was because it was mystical. Anyone else without magical resistance would have been cut too.
if i remember right theres a story in the comics where damian sells his soul after bruce dies so he can protect gotham forever
28:00 Dude Boom's "These comments are gonna eat us alive" face is priceless when he realized neither of them remembered Beast Boy's name from Teen Titans. Tight lips and wide eyes lmao
btf its probably only the doom patrol ep that had mentioned his name is garfield logan
tri going , tri going ,trigon! city of demons is not technically part of the continuity but i recommend watching it somewhere between justice league dark and dark apocalypse war
City of Demons is in continuity. its between death and reign
City of demons is officially apart of the DCAMU continuity.
thanks, ,sorry for my mistake, it did not appear on my list and did not com with the collection i got so it did not seam to be in continuity ,