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1 day
Ayo keep my houses name out your mouth- a hufflepuff 🥴
27 days
Sorry guys but she definitely said Avada Kedavra in the cut you watched lol
1 month
It’s actually kind of insane that you guys still haven’t learned about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
1 replies
1 month
cause its non canon garbage that retcons a bunch of stuff
1 month
Glad Boom mentioned the stuff about people waiting for Emma to turn 18 because that's exactly the crap she had to deal with, people having no respect for her boundaries. Objectification and sexualisation even though she was still a teenager
1 month
Primeval dinosaur series woth a pretty decent story
1 month
Try jumping into Supernatural, Not young adult but the fan base is still going crazy. A LOT of it is very cheesy in some areas but its worth a watch
2 replies
1 month
I WOULD LOVE a supernatural reaction series
1 month
Boom's favorite character is going to be Bobby, hands down.
1 month
If you want to se Daniel Radcliffe in other movies, I recommend Horns!
1 month
as a Hufflepuff I can say we pretty chill until you cross us and than we stabbing
1 month
the show with him and Steve Buscemi is called Miracle Workers Steve Buscemi actually plays God
1 month
the picture of Daniel Radcliffe with guns and bear shoes is from the set of Guns Akimbo it's a wild action movie
1 month
Sadly, Julie Walters(Ms. Weasely) couldn't make it to the reunion is due to cancer. I believe she had stage 3 bowel cancer, I could be wrong but sadly it is one of the reasons why she couldn't make it due to health reasons
1 month
If you guys decide to watch the cooking thing I'm super on-board! Sounds like fun :D
1 month
recommendation for them young adult movies, Percy Jackson, maze runner, and the fifth wave
1 month
might as well add to the choir of people asking for some Very Potter Musical reactions (but just know if you do watch those you will be flooded with SO MANY star kid recommendations)
1 month
Rupert was in the apple tv series Servant recently.
1 month
If yall would want to watch more things with Daniel, I'd definitely recommend the Woman In Black, Horns or Imperium. He mostly does stage plays and musicals.
1 replies
1 month
Maggie Smith was already sick and getting close to 90 when this was recorded, so she couldn't be there :(
1 month
@1:14:42 i completely understand Erik i was the tallest guy in my class honestly probably my grade. I capped out in height around 6ft/6’1 dad is 6’5 so I knew I’d get height just didn’t expect to be taller than or on eye level with most of the adult teachers by 5th grade
1 month
And the rest became legend <3
1 month
Hufflepuff will always stay winning because their common room is right by Hogwarts' kitchens
1 month
Hufflepuffs got roasted like a sack of chestnuts! Ha! I am one and I'm proud. Your jokes only make me stronger. Tbh I'm also Slytherin, but I like Hufflepuff's common room the most.
1 replies
1 month
Hufflepuff’s common room is the reason I’m fat 😂
1 month
Oh you need to watching the HP Wizarding Bake off My friend said it's good!
1 month
Daniel Radcliffes best movie since HP is called "Jungle"...I think its based on a true story if I remember correctly, about a group stranded in the jungle and trying to get back...seriously underrated. It really surprised me. Lets watch it!
1 month
I'll never forgive this series for what they did with Voldemort and Harrys Final battle. Love these movies, but Harry belittling Voldemort in front of everyone in the castle just felt so powerful. And the fact that he doesn't die by turning into a great cloud of dust or whatever the fuck, he just drops dead. Like everybody else does.
1 month
The baking show it’s interesting if you like baking competitions, but it’s not really as important as filmed things like this. You do get to see some of the actors be the guest judges, the Weasley twins actors as the hosts, and you do get to see some of the Hollywood sets.
I would like for you guys to watch some of the blooper reels from filming these Harry Potter films. Some of the shenanigans that happened during the filming process is very funny.
1 month
A very potter musical is so incredibly funny. I think you guys would love it
1 month
def watch the the very potter musicals. they're so good. honestly give all the starkid musicals a watch
1 month
You gotta watch the Weird Al "biopic" starring Daniel Radcliffe
1 month
i would love reactions to the very potter musicals parody series by star kid
1 month
I had never seen this before, but goddamn it got me a bit emotional at the end. Going on this journey of rewatching all the Harry Potter movies, rewatching the first two Fantastic Beasts movies, and watching the last FB movie as well as this special for the first time, AND watching the Hogwarts Legacy streams (though I'm far from caught up) has been awesome! It has renewed my love for the movies and the world, and prompted me to get Hogwarts Legacy and start playing it a few months back (still have only played a few 4-hour sessions though).
I'm down for honestly all there's left of HP content to react to, but still excited for what comes next in terms of movie series (if any).
1 month
You guys going through the Underworld movies would be dope to watch
1 month
Interesting fact, Michael Gambon as Dumbledore and Maggie Smith as McGonagall died a year apart. Michael Gambon (September 27, 2023) and Maggie Smith (September 27, 2024)
1 month
u guys have to watch the twilight bloopers and all that too see how they did everything and all and see how they did the wolf for jacob
1 month
u guys haveeee to watch beauty and the beast live action she does sooo good as a princess
1 month
idk if yhey know this but Chris Columbus's daughter is the only one of three Americans in the movies
1 month
1 month
PLEASE watch all of the deleted scenes!!!
1 month
You guys should watch Guns Akimbo, its that photo you saw at the beginning of the reaction where Daniel Radcliffe is in the Bath robes with guns in his hand
1 replies
1 month
Guns akimbo is badass and really goofy in a fun way.
1 month
Boom, don't be upset about dark blackish eyes, saiyans all have black eyes. Also this talk show Is pretty goooood.
1 month
You guys should check out the ones they did for Lord of the rings
1 month
If you want to see more Daniel Radcliffe magic acting, you should check out now you see me 2. But start with the first one of course.
1 month
1:08:55... It was always there. In the reaction, the "hell yeah dude" when Malfoy got stunned backward was louder than her saying the killing curse.
1 month
watch guardians of gahoole
1 month
yessssss do the baking show my mom lovessss that show they did for harry potters baking
1 month
yesssss i've been waiting foreverrrrrrrr for u guys to do the reunion <3
1 month
Ok another Movie franchise you can watch is The Chronicles of Narnia, it’s 3 movies that did alright( I like them). They’re based on really popular children books from the 50’s.Or watch the X-men franchise 👍👍
1 month
Yes the slippers and guns photo is from Guns Akimbo. IMDB gives it a 6.3. I've not seen it.
1 month
The picture of Radcliffe in the robe with the guns is from a movie called Guns Akimbo that you GOTTA react to it's hilarious
1 month
you can visit the sets theres a place in watford just outside of london where they filmed some of the films and have all the sets and props. Leavesden studios are used still to this day for other films when i went to the studio tour the king arthur film was being filmed there so they had some practical sets on the outside would recommend if you ever go to the uk ! (I was born 20 mins away from the studios still crazy to me)
1 replies
1 month
Was gunna say The Great Hall and Diagon Alley are still set up and part of the walk around. It was fantastic going there. Sat on Hagrids bike and stood on the Night Bus.
Residentfan 1
1 month
It’s true, the only English dark wizard we’ve seen that wasn’t a Slytherin was Peter Pettegrew who was Gryffindor
1 month
What’s really sad is that a couple months after this special aired Robbie Coltrane pared away.
1 replies
1 month
1 month
You can visit the studio the films was film in, at Warner bros. Studio tour London, the making of Harry Potter. It is of course much smaller than universal, but it all the authentic sets and stuff.So you walk in at the great hall they walk in to, it is a very surreal experience and the first time I visited it I got goosebumps and a little tear full 😉
Again sorry for bad grammar and spelling.
Happy Friday and weekend from Denmark.
1 month
This is so interesting even if you aren’t a huge Harry Potter fans. So few movie franchises if any others have a massive cast spend the entirety of their childhood or the better part of their adult life this way.
Ayo keep my houses name out your mouth- a hufflepuff 🥴
Sorry guys but she definitely said Avada Kedavra in the cut you watched lol
It’s actually kind of insane that you guys still haven’t learned about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
cause its non canon garbage that retcons a bunch of stuff
Glad Boom mentioned the stuff about people waiting for Emma to turn 18 because that's exactly the crap she had to deal with, people having no respect for her boundaries. Objectification and sexualisation even though she was still a teenager
Primeval dinosaur series woth a pretty decent story
Try jumping into Supernatural, Not young adult but the fan base is still going crazy. A LOT of it is very cheesy in some areas but its worth a watch
I WOULD LOVE a supernatural reaction series
Boom's favorite character is going to be Bobby, hands down.
If you want to se Daniel Radcliffe in other movies, I recommend Horns!
as a Hufflepuff I can say we pretty chill until you cross us and than we stabbing
the show with him and Steve Buscemi is called Miracle Workers Steve Buscemi actually plays God
the picture of Daniel Radcliffe with guns and bear shoes is from the set of Guns Akimbo it's a wild action movie
Sadly, Julie Walters(Ms. Weasely) couldn't make it to the reunion is due to cancer. I believe she had stage 3 bowel cancer, I could be wrong but sadly it is one of the reasons why she couldn't make it due to health reasons
If you guys decide to watch the cooking thing I'm super on-board! Sounds like fun :D
recommendation for them young adult movies, Percy Jackson, maze runner, and the fifth wave
might as well add to the choir of people asking for some Very Potter Musical reactions (but just know if you do watch those you will be flooded with SO MANY star kid recommendations)
Rupert was in the apple tv series Servant recently.
If yall would want to watch more things with Daniel, I'd definitely recommend the Woman In Black, Horns or Imperium. He mostly does stage plays and musicals.
Maggie Smith was already sick and getting close to 90 when this was recorded, so she couldn't be there :(
@1:14:42 i completely understand Erik i was the tallest guy in my class honestly probably my grade. I capped out in height around 6ft/6’1 dad is 6’5 so I knew I’d get height just didn’t expect to be taller than or on eye level with most of the adult teachers by 5th grade
And the rest became legend <3
Hufflepuff will always stay winning because their common room is right by Hogwarts' kitchens
Hufflepuffs got roasted like a sack of chestnuts! Ha! I am one and I'm proud. Your jokes only make me stronger. Tbh I'm also Slytherin, but I like Hufflepuff's common room the most.
Hufflepuff’s common room is the reason I’m fat 😂
Oh you need to watching the HP Wizarding Bake off My friend said it's good!
Daniel Radcliffes best movie since HP is called "Jungle"...I think its based on a true story if I remember correctly, about a group stranded in the jungle and trying to get back...seriously underrated. It really surprised me. Lets watch it!
I'll never forgive this series for what they did with Voldemort and Harrys Final battle. Love these movies, but Harry belittling Voldemort in front of everyone in the castle just felt so powerful. And the fact that he doesn't die by turning into a great cloud of dust or whatever the fuck, he just drops dead. Like everybody else does.
The baking show it’s interesting if you like baking competitions, but it’s not really as important as filmed things like this. You do get to see some of the actors be the guest judges, the Weasley twins actors as the hosts, and you do get to see some of the Hollywood sets.
I would like for you guys to watch some of the blooper reels from filming these Harry Potter films. Some of the shenanigans that happened during the filming process is very funny.
A very potter musical is so incredibly funny. I think you guys would love it
def watch the the very potter musicals. they're so good. honestly give all the starkid musicals a watch
You gotta watch the Weird Al "biopic" starring Daniel Radcliffe
i would love reactions to the very potter musicals parody series by star kid
I had never seen this before, but goddamn it got me a bit emotional at the end. Going on this journey of rewatching all the Harry Potter movies, rewatching the first two Fantastic Beasts movies, and watching the last FB movie as well as this special for the first time, AND watching the Hogwarts Legacy streams (though I'm far from caught up) has been awesome! It has renewed my love for the movies and the world, and prompted me to get Hogwarts Legacy and start playing it a few months back (still have only played a few 4-hour sessions though).
I'm down for honestly all there's left of HP content to react to, but still excited for what comes next in terms of movie series (if any).
You guys going through the Underworld movies would be dope to watch
Interesting fact, Michael Gambon as Dumbledore and Maggie Smith as McGonagall died a year apart. Michael Gambon (September 27, 2023) and Maggie Smith (September 27, 2024)
u guys have to watch the twilight bloopers and all that too see how they did everything and all and see how they did the wolf for jacob
u guys haveeee to watch beauty and the beast live action she does sooo good as a princess
idk if yhey know this but Chris Columbus's daughter is the only one of three Americans in the movies
PLEASE watch all of the deleted scenes!!!
You guys should watch Guns Akimbo, its that photo you saw at the beginning of the reaction where Daniel Radcliffe is in the Bath robes with guns in his hand
Guns akimbo is badass and really goofy in a fun way.
Boom, don't be upset about dark blackish eyes, saiyans all have black eyes. Also this talk show Is pretty goooood.
You guys should check out the ones they did for Lord of the rings
If you want to see more Daniel Radcliffe magic acting, you should check out now you see me 2. But start with the first one of course.
1:08:55... It was always there. In the reaction, the "hell yeah dude" when Malfoy got stunned backward was louder than her saying the killing curse.
watch guardians of gahoole
yessssss do the baking show my mom lovessss that show they did for harry potters baking
yesssss i've been waiting foreverrrrrrrr for u guys to do the reunion <3
Ok another Movie franchise you can watch is The Chronicles of Narnia, it’s 3 movies that did alright( I like them). They’re based on really popular children books from the 50’s.Or watch the X-men franchise 👍👍
Yes the slippers and guns photo is from Guns Akimbo. IMDB gives it a 6.3. I've not seen it.
The picture of Radcliffe in the robe with the guns is from a movie called Guns Akimbo that you GOTTA react to it's hilarious
you can visit the sets theres a place in watford just outside of london where they filmed some of the films and have all the sets and props. Leavesden studios are used still to this day for other films when i went to the studio tour the king arthur film was being filmed there so they had some practical sets on the outside would recommend if you ever go to the uk ! (I was born 20 mins away from the studios still crazy to me)
Was gunna say The Great Hall and Diagon Alley are still set up and part of the walk around. It was fantastic going there. Sat on Hagrids bike and stood on the Night Bus.
It’s true, the only English dark wizard we’ve seen that wasn’t a Slytherin was Peter Pettegrew who was Gryffindor
What’s really sad is that a couple months after this special aired Robbie Coltrane pared away.
You can visit the studio the films was film in, at Warner bros. Studio tour London, the making of Harry Potter. It is of course much smaller than universal, but it all the authentic sets and stuff.So you walk in at the great hall they walk in to, it is a very surreal experience and the first time I visited it I got goosebumps and a little tear full 😉
Again sorry for bad grammar and spelling.
Happy Friday and weekend from Denmark.
This is so interesting even if you aren’t a huge Harry Potter fans. So few movie franchises if any others have a massive cast spend the entirety of their childhood or the better part of their adult life this way.