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1 month
Fun Fact: Its revealed in one of the later books(I dont think it ever comes up in the movies) Norbert the dragon Hagrid "wins" from the "stranger" at the pub was actually female and later renamed Norberta by the people who run the sanctuary she was sent to
1 month
They explain quidditch real bad.Wood and McGonagall talked about what broom would be best for Harry as a seeker. They chose the nimbus 2000 because of its speed. They also do get house points for winning games. It's part of why Wood is so crazy for quidditch. They don't show it much but it's a meme how crazy obsessed he is with the game.
2 months
The Harry Potter story takes place 1991-1998
2 months
"I hope they scream when they burn." Bree (19:55)
I don't remember laughing this hard ever xD
2 months
Part 1 of Deathly Hallows is only movie that I'd say is not good. But for today's standards it would be good so tough to say since it's all subjective anyway.... & J.K Rowling can be a great author & have controversial view points. & someone can like her without supporting those views
2 months
Lord of the rings is by far superior. But Harry Potter is still legendary.
2 months
Call me a Tunnel Snake, 'cause I'm Slytherin', baby!
2 months
If y'all like wizard schools you should watch little witch academia ims sure you'll love it
2 months
i'm a slytherin!
2 months
Bro he didnt say school shootings would be funny, he said MORE funny
2 months
McGonagall is the Head of GryffindorHouse, and a former quidditch player. She gave Harry the broom because she wants her house team to win again. McG is solid.
2 months
2 months
Ruff is 100% a Slytherin
2 months
I'm a Slytherin and I wouldn't want it any other way
2 months
Im a hufflepuff and im proud of it
2 months
Choosing the color potion bottle you like the most is such a Hufflepuff move, I can't believe Sean got Ravenclaw. LOL
2 months
I never saw any of the movies until this reaction, I enjoyed it so much though that I started listening to the audio books, I'm already on book 7. But why does no one ever talk about how shafted Neville gets in the movies, or that everyone in Slyrherin is at least a little racist
1 replies
2 months
People do talk about it but only those who have read the books and watched the movies and sadly, most people have only ever watched the movies and the author JK Rowling is a piece of shit so most avoid the books now which is sad (when she wrote the books, she wasn't NEARLY as bad as she is today)
1 replies
1 month
At the very least she was still trying to hide it
2 months
i love that they got the extended version
2 months
This movie is different than the way I watched. It has deleted scenes into the movie
3 months
Slytherin and happy about it. My favorite movie is hard to decide, I have not watched these movies for about six years or so, from what I remember I really liked the fifth and sixth ones. Its been even longer since reading the books but I think I liked the fourth, fifth and seventh the most-- seventh just because of the sheer amount of lore, revisiting content and wrap up on story lines, there was a lot more in that book than the rest.
3 months
They explain how the Snitch in Quidditch works really badly. Catching it doesn't automatically mean that team wins. Yes catching the Snitch ends the game, but it also gives the team that caught it 150 points. So in theory, if the other team is up by 160 or more points, the other team could still catch the Snitch and lose the game. THAT'S why sometimes games can go for so long. The teams have to wait until the points are in their favor to catch the Snitch or they could wind up inadvertently ending the game but still lose.
3 months
even though I am a transgirl these books still hold a nostalgic place in my heart and the same with the movies, so I still enjoy them, but it is so sad to see what Rowling has needlessly turned herself into. She completely missed the moral of her own story, though when you read her other books she wrote under another name, her bigotry for many different groups of people becomes apparent. Not to mention her traditional British bigotries toward the irish. like even during the making of these movies, the writers where shocked by the lack of diverse students in Hogwarts in the books and took it upon themselves to add more diverse students to atleast some degree. But anyways, I do still love these movies up to part 4. After that they start to suck pretty hard in my opinion.
1 replies
2 months
With utmost respect for you, can you please tell me what has she turned herself into? Can you please give me some real evidence and sources of her transgressions because other than a few remarks on woman's rights vs trans rights, I have never seen any other proof of what you are accusing her of
1 replies
2 months
Watch Shauns videos on Youtube about J.K. Rowling.
He also did one on Harry Potter.
3 months
Hufflepuff and proud.
3 months
3 months is the longest Quidditch game lore-wise. There were lots of subs and sleep, but it was the same game haha
3 months
See? This is why those online quizzes don't work. They only know the answers given not the REASONS behind those answers XD
3 months
If you're a Slytherin, Rowling thinks you're a bad person. But that means you're actually a good person.
1 replies
2 months
There are plenty of good people she wrote that are in or from Slytherin
1 replies
2 months
Barely, and she refused to give Malfoy a proper redemption arc.
3 months
I might be wrong and full of oxygen, but isn't the original book called The Philosopher's Stone? Idk its ringing a bell for me.
1 replies
3 months
The UK title was Philosopher's Stone, everywhere else it was Sorcerer's Stone. This is true for the books, movies, and video games.
3 months
Why is it so bad, to ask who has seen these? Never asked, but I didn't like the stfu comment. I like knowing. Ofc, I could get it after some time who hasn't seen it, but you guys are a tat forgetful here and there, so one can't never be sure.
3 months
Griffy boy
3 months
3 months
I got Gryffindor. I was gonna assume Hufflepuff for Eric based on puns alone.
3 months
I saw the Train Set in england in person very impressive however the train car was tiny I barely fit in it.
3 months
3 months
3 months
Boom got that roblox noob drip
3 months
Im Hufflepuff
3 months
I took the quiz and got slytherin as a teen. retook it until I got ravenclaw. Got told that’s why I’m a slytherin
3 months
wyverns are dragons dumbass
1 replies
2 months
They are a subspecies of dragons but not the same thing
3 months
I love that you guys are doing this, I am a Hufflepuff and am fully into it
3 months
BOOM I need you to know Wyverns ARE dragons. Its a square rectangle scenario, all wyverns are dragons but not all dragons are wyverns
1 replies
3 months
That depends entirely on the mythology or world that you're talking about. They are dragons in Harry Potter because Harry Potter says they are dragons, same with Skyrim. However, if you go back to the oldest mythologies, they are distinctly separate creatures.
3 months
In regards to Ravenclaw representation in this specific movie, Quirrell (the villain) is a Ravenclaw
3 months
isnt that old guy with the cat the same actor that plays walder frey from game of thrones?
1 replies
3 months
Yes, it is
3 months
Funny you mentioned FMA because Philosopher's Stones were important in that show
3 months
Ravenclaw!!! lets goooooo!
3 months
Sad fact: none of the adult actors in that opening scene are with us now
3 months
I really hope you guys make these movies a sort of mini-series and continue watching with the rest of them! It was really cool to see Boom's genuine reactions to everything, his excitement for discovering the way the world works is so pure. (Can't wait for him to meet Buckbeak lol)
3 months
“I’m gonna steal some of this shit Harry”Why is that line so funny
3 months
i found it funny that Hermoine was like "You're a great wizard harry." When he hadn't cast a single spell in the entire movie.
3 months
My favorite book is the Deathly Hallows but my favorite movie is Goblet of Fire. The budget/cinematography is insane.
3 months
Actually, that's a common misconception about Quidditch! While catching the Golden Snitch does end the game, it’s not the only way the game can theoretically end. According to the rules in the Harry Potter universe, a Quidditch match could go on indefinitely if neither team catches the Snitch, but in practice, teams or captains often agree to end games after a certain point if exhaustion sets in.There have been games lasting for months, but these are extremely rare. For instance, a legendary game between teams from Patagonia and Outer Mongolia reportedly lasted about three months. In such cases, players are substituted to avoid total exhaustion. Catching the Snitch awards 150 points and ends the game, but the team catching it doesn't always win—what matters is the overall score!
3 months
please for the love of god do the twilight movies
3 months
same thing happened with my last ex on one hand i loved it but on the other hand it was kind of annoying
3 months
see i cant even blame sean for missing the defense against the dark arts thing because yall talked all over it lol
3 months
They don't really explain Quidditch well in the films. particularly the snitch. Catching the snitch does not guarantee victory. Catching it ends the game and awards 150 points to the team that catch it. so for example, if a team is up 170 points to 0 and the team with 0 catch the snitch then end score would be 170 to 150. And the team with 170 points would still win despite not catching the snitch.
3 months
Ruff gives Gryffindor and Slytherin vibes, like a Gryffindor with Slytherin traits or vice versa and i can def see Boom as a Ravenclaw lol if not Ravenclaw than maybeee Hufflepuff
3 months
I called that Boom would be Ravenclaw broo. (even tho he picked the colour for the drink question lol)
3 months
3 months
I can't sat I agree at all with there being a movie that isn't good, they are pretty consistently good all the way through. In fact I'd say if anything the first two are weaker just for the fact they are far lighter in ton but it makes sense since it's the start and they are still kids
1 replies
3 months
Yeah I’m not sure which movies she’s referring too. I think Half Blood Prince kind of drags sometimes and the first part of Deathly Hallows but other than it’s all pretty solid movie wise.
3 months
Yes I am excited to watch with you all!
3 months
I hope, when the youtube edit comes out, you guys add a disclaimer about denouncing JK Rowling's financial backing of groups that seek to recriminalize homosexuality and supporting private policies wherein *victims of abuse* can't enter shelters for victims if they're AMAB, and also the holocaust denial.
I do understand the risk involved in doing so, and why reactors don't do so, but reactions to the Harry Potter movies often reach a large audience, and a lot of the problem with Rowling's influence is that most people don't actually understand the measures she's taken in trying to combat queer rights, so it's something I hope you guys consider.
1 replies
2 months
Please add sources and proof of this becuase I have found no such evidence. Thank you
1 replies
2 months
You found no evidence because you didn't look. If you don't know what she is by now, you don't want to know.
3 months
This takes place 1991-1992
3 months
Bro I forgot how much the Greengots goblins look like Nazi propaganda.
3 months
YES OMG ive been really wanting yalls to watch this series of movies sooo much this is the best news ToT
3 months
If you want more visit supercarlinbros on youtube, they have deep dives and theories. (they're the hp version of matPat's FNAF) there also have a pod cast of them reading so you don't have to actually read the books.
3 months
My all time favorite movie always switches between The Sorcerer's Stone, Goblet of Fire, and The Half Blood Prince. The only movie in the franchise that feels like a drag to me is the first part of The Deathly Hallows. I hope you guys check out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them after Harry Potter, it's set before the events of Harry Potter and takes place in America. It's a good watch and I can't wait to watch you guys react to the Chamber of Secrets.
3 months
They don't give all the details in the movie, but catching the snitch isn't an instant win. It ends the game, and gives 150 points, but if the other team still has more points than you even after those 150 points are added, then they win the game, not you. So, early in the game, catching it is an instant win, but if the other team is ahead by enough, the strategy would actually be to stop the snitch from being caught until your team can manage to catch up enough.
Not that there's really much reason to say this, though, since all evidence suggests that you never read any of the comments on the site, just ones on YouTube.
2 replies
3 months
They do read the comments on the website😊
3 months
well, now I really wish his website had the ability to delete comments, since Eric talked about it later
3 months
My complicated negative view of Harry Potter and all of the world building (and the author), I do think the Hogswart Houses mean absolutely nothing. But I do think that Boom should be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw fr. Ruff is definitely NOT Slytherin, and Gryffindor absolutely fits him. Sean definitely could be Slytherin
1 replies
3 months
Learn to cry
3 months
I'm sorry, but whenever this whole "wyvern vs dragon" debacle comes about, I can't fucking contain myself.
Wyverns ARE dragons. They are as much dragons as the Long Dragons (or Eastern dragons) or wurms (legless dragons) are dragons. Dragons with four legs, sometimes called Western dragons or "True Dragons", are not the definitive identity of the dragon as a concept -- just a common type of such in European folklore.
1 replies
2 months
I have always been under the impression they are sla subspecies of dragons but not exactly they same thing. Yes, all of those creatures you have listed are considered dragons but they are not all the same. All wyverns are dragon but not all dragons are wyverns.
3 months
I like how Harry and Ron defeating a troll is equivalent to a score in Quidditch lmao
1 replies
3 months
In terms of house points, that is.
1 replies
3 months
Oh wait I'm dumb when the kid says "10 points to X" it just meant game points. But bruh they say the same shit for house points.
3 months
I didn’t realize this until now, but the Golden Snitch isn’t as game-breaking as I thought. Considering those hoops were 10 points each, that means the Snitch is worth 15 hoops. It’s hard, but you can definitely attempt a 16 hoop spread when the game can last for literal days.
3 months
Favorite Movie- Prisoner of Azkaban (3rd) Favorite Book- Goblet of Fire (4th)
3 months
Centers are psychic, they know the future
3 months
Harry Potter with Guns (also known as Harry Potter and the Deathly Weapons) is something I’ve always wanted to watch. It’s a complete edit of this movie but every wand is replaced with a Gun and all spells are just edited gunshots. It looks incredibly well made, but unfortunately it gets taken down everywhere for obvious reasons
3 months
i love bri's blanket i love it bri
3 months
My favorite book is Half-Blood Prince and they murdered that movie is so horrible. My favorite movie is definitely Prisoner of Askaban love Sirius and Lupin and the whole Marauders.
3 months
i'm in the lion squad
3 months
A decent bit of every book gets cut except the fourth one because so much of it is relevant to the plot. Not sure if the movies explain why he has to stay with the blood relatives but it has to do with the love thing
3 months
PLEASE watch A Very Potter Musical after you get through all of these movies, I know you guys would get a kick out of it!
3 months
Bree seemed so easy to pocket into Hufflepuff, but after her unveil of being a Slytherin, makes super sense considering her hate on fellow women and fun and hating fairly made score keeping (I'm kidding mostly, I know she's actually a good person who cares) Big misunderstanding is that all Slytherin are ineptly evil, when they're just project focus that may put others to the wayside for their own venture.
Ruff also seemed easy to say Hufflepuff (more like HuffleRuff haha...sigh). But seriously, I can see why Slytherin by outsiders, but yeah, Gryffindor can make sense: Ambitious, Head-Strong, a lot of the traits Slytherin also contains, hence the back and forth between the two.
Sean was setup to be Gryffindor, natural leadership quality, head-strong, no-nonsense of the world; even Hufflepuff seemed ok, but a bit of a misnomer on his part. Ravenclaw does fit him best, long-term, with his astute perception of the world and want to find reasons from the unknown and balance from the chaos. That all being said, I bet the hat sat for hours trying to figure out who this motherfucker was lol
Eric, sweet Eric, he would be Gryffindor. I thought Ravenclaw just because despite his goofy-ass nature, he's still a well-rounded, grounded human brain of greater understand and exploration. Won't lie, though, he (like the whole cast) feels Hufflepuffy as fuck! lol
3 months
According to the Google, Harry Potter Part 1 take place in the year 1991.
3 months
It's philosophers stone in Australia and I think the uk, it's the name I grew up with lol
3 months
Boom as a fellow ravenclaw, we are the secret best house
3 months
I am shocked we are doing harry potter before lord of the rings ngl
3 months
i thought the Philosopher's Stone was a Sr. Pelo joke lol
"stovon onovors and the philosopher's stone"
3 months
Holy shit a half hour in and I'm dying already. This movie series is about to be so good
3 months
Bree complaining about the Golden Snitch is sooooo Slytherin of her lol
3 months
The final movie is my favorite so you better commit to these!! xD
3 months
I've always liked Ron and the Weasley family the most, and had a hard time liking Harry and (movie) Hermoine. It's also just frustrating knowing that movie!Hermoine stole a lot of Ron's *smart* lines, to make her more of a girl boss when it doesn't make much sense when you know she doesn't come from a wizard family, but Ron does... =/ He should know a LOT more then either Harry or Hermoine, even if she reads a lot about it, books versus experience is different. But, that's just my nitpick to the movies. XD Watching this reaction has been a joy, despite how this is prob one of my least favorite in the series (next to the 6th and 7th movies). As for my favorites, it was between movie 2 and 4.
I also remember taking the Hogwarts test twice, and the first time I did, I got Griffindor, which I was super bummed about. XD But the second time I took it, I got Hufflepuff, and rejoiced, haha!
1 replies
3 months
To be fair m, I think your referring to devil’s snare thing and how Ron was the one to say that relaxing was the best way to go about it. However, you have to remember in the movie they cut Hermione’s test with the potions and fire and stuff but Harry and Ron got to keep theirs.
Hermione saving the day with the devil’s snare was to make up for that. So she got to have a moment during the finale.
3 months
They definitely have the extended or ultimate version as I don’t remember a lot of these scenes & they look like they were re introduced into the movie
3 months
@4:54 I’m a proud and astute ravenclaw
3 months
The major problem with the movies mostly ends up being that they started making them before the series ended, and Rowling was extremely fond of making the tiniest little things mentioned in previous books end up being major plot points in later ones. So some very important information ended up being left out solely because the movie's creators didn't know what needed to be left in, though they do make some, err...interesting choices in what to spend run time on here and there.
My personal opinion is that this is the best movie, with the second being solid, and the third being a lot of peoples' favorite. They're all pretty good though. The soundtrack goes hard in every single one as well. My biggest complaint is the color grading gets really shit, which probably sounds like a bizarre priority to anyone who hasn't watched them recently.
I also like the first Fantastic Beasts, and think it's worth a watch. The sequel is a hideous mess that I'd never recommend to anyone, though it does have the most batshit convoluted backstory reveal I think I've ever seen in a movie, and I genuinely cackled at the ending.
1 replies
3 months
How interesting how opinions can vary, because i personally find the first and second to be the worst ones, still good but worst. interested to see what the guys think by the end
Mike Dark
3 months
you guys should do a reaction to the audio books after watching the movie by narrator "Jim Dale"
3 months
The 3rd movie is one of my favorites and I'm a Hufflepuff💛🖤💛🖤
3 months
My favorite movie is the 3rd movie (introduces one of my fave characters) with the 5th movie (introduces one of my other fave characters) being a very close second place. I enjoy all of them except for 7 and 8. I think I watched each of them at least one time, but I've watched 1-6 many, many times. The...mood takes a turn in 7 and 8 to a place I don't enjoy/to a place so different than what I come to the world of HP for that I just skip 7 and 8 on my rewatches. Excited to see y'all's reaction to the other movies!
Mike Dark
3 months
what would be the point spread on a quidditch game
1 replies
3 months
I'd say it depended on the two team's seekers. If they're good, like Harry was here, it would aim -170 (20 points they put on the board, plus the 150 Snitch), otherwise maybe -175 or more if they keep scoring forever until someone catches the snitch. The over-under on whether the Snitch is caught or a tie is called due to attrition would be another interesting bet.
3 months
3 months
Oh i cant wait to see this full journey this is my favorite movie series of all time the first is my 3 lowest goblet of fire is 2nd half blood is bottom but thats not cause i dont like them i like every film for what they did just some are kinda meh
Order of phinox is the best film XD
3 months
Really hope you guys continue watching these movies. It has been my favorite since childhood.
3 months
I will say the third movie is my favorite. There's a lot of fun intrigue. It's also really funny because it's the last movie before puberty hit ron's actor like a semi truck. He looks very different between 3 and 4.
3 months
I have never actually seen any HP movies so this is gonna be cool, looking forward to this journey!
3 months
I am unsure what is being talked about when talking about some of the books/movies are hard to get through. Outside of 2 which is usually regarded as the worst the rest are good. 3 and beyond are all good. Maybe not great adaptations at times (looking at you #6 especially) but they are all still good.
1 replies
Joe Ruffler
3 months
The last book was hard to get through for me, personally. - Bree
1 replies
3 months
That makes sense. It can drag on a bit at times. 2 and 7 are my 2 lowest of the series for sure.
Halcyon Days
3 months
We're entering the Wizarding World LFG!
3 months
Found it interesting that Quidditch wasn't segregated by gender given how Rowling is as a person (which is a shame. this franchise was a huge part of a lot of people's childhoods and it sucks that the creator turned out to be a complete pos). Also Bree should see the part in Wing It Like Witches from The Owl House where they make fun of Quidditch.
Also I would love for you guys to finish the Twilight saga!
2 replies
3 months
I stand with JK Rowling. She is a brave advocate for women and has done more good in this world than you or I ever will. There's nothing wrong with saying sex is different from gender and that sex is what needs to be considered in many social situations. Unfortunately, the intolerant left has led us to our second Trump presidency.
2 replies
2 months
She's done more bad in this world than most people ever will. To the point that no amount of good can redeem her.
3 months
You support being a bigot and the continued effort of JK and transphobic people like yourself to kill trans people like myself.
3 months
Oh my god, can we just STOP with this crap already?!
1 replies
3 months
Yes, Rowling is a shit person. We don’t need to keep bringing it up EVERY TIME some HP related comes up
3 replies
2 months
We'll stop bringing it up when she's no longer a concern.
3 months
Another person replying in this very thread proves why it should always be brought up that JK is a terrible person and if you support her you are as well.
3 months
I will keep bringing it up as long as she keeps using her profits from the franchise to fund policies that hurt trans people. She goes way further than the usual twitter nonsense.
3 months
As for what year this takes place…. It was 1981 when Harry’s parents died and he was left with the Dursleys… and it’s 1991 when he first goes to Hogwarts… so the main bulk of the series is set between 1991 and 1998
Residentfan 1
3 months
The thing with the last movie being two parts is that that final big is HUGE and there’s a lot of pieces moving in the plot at that stage in the story to the point that I’d argue that it should’ve been three parts.
3 months
Book 6 is my favorite book but my 2nd last favorite movie in the serious except for the bits towards the end of the movie lol.
3 months
To this day, I cannot watch the scene where Lily gets killed. I avoided it ever since I first watched it in theaters. I know I'm alone here but her scream haunted me. Excited for you guys to watch the others! Please don't kick Bree out! (Referencing them talking at the end)
3 months
You guys should play Hogwarts Legacy! The game takes place 100 years before Harry Potter so there won't be any spoilers!
3 months
There is a reason harry has to go back to the dursleys. But that's spoilers
3 months
First time I watched this in a extended version tbh! So much fun, especially with You guys ✨ Best regards to my fellow Slytherin 💚
3 months
House Ravenclaw over here baby!!
3 months
a proud Gryffindor here :) hope you guys watch all the movies! It's not a perfect adaptation, but still good and nostalgic on its own
1 replies
3 months
also, fun fact: the first two Harry Potter movies are directed by Chris Columbus, who also directed Home Alone! I never realised how cozy this movie looks and how similar the 'christmas' vibes it gives off with Home Alone
3 months
Pre Knowing Guess- Gotta think that Eric is a Hufflepuff. Im gonna Guess that Ruff is a Gryffindor, and Shawn is probably a Slytherin.
Residentfan 1
3 months
The troll was in front of the bathroom exit. Where was she supposed to run?
3 months
3 months
No but once upon a time on one of those quiz sites (Quizilla? Maybe Quizilla adjacent?) they had one of those like 120+ fanmade questionnaires to sort you into a house. I'm talking like "Do you feel X often" and you'd have to answer from Never, Rarely, Somewhat Rarely, Sometimes, Somewhat Often, Often, Always. Some were True or False questions, others were about levels of importance.
120 questions.
And they would give you the percentage you'd fall into each house.
That's how we spent our weekends in High School.
That's what the theatre kids did.
RIP that quiz.
3 months
as far as why there's no tech: it's never mentioned in the movies but in the books it is explain that Hogwarts is "Muggel-Proof"
No tech can be used within a certain radius- this includes things like cameras and overhead satelites- and if a muggle gets near the area they will suddenly feel the urge to turn around and go back the way they came
They're low tech because they have to be- it is to keep the muggles from finding them or being able to record/document their existance
3 months
pretty sure he only goes to the mirror twice in the book, after the second time Dumbledore puts it down in the third floor chamber
1 replies
3 months
Yeah I will say they really didn’t miss much from the original book as it wasn’t as long as some of the others. Most stuff that was cut was pretty much just fluff.
3 months
Ooo yes! Been wanting this series done for a while! I only got up to the 3rd to last one but maybe I can finish it with you guys! And after the series is done you guys should try playing Hogwarts Legacy, I'd love to see that.
On separate note, could you guys react to this new Indie Animation pilot called The Art of Murder? I'm dying for more reactions to it, thanks again!
3 months
I got sorted into Gryffindor, which I find surprising cause I am not that brave and courageous
1 replies
Residentfan 1
3 months
It’s not about being brave. It’s about valuing courage and WANTING to be brave. That’s how Neville got in and how a certain character from the third movie got in.
3 months
I am with Sean on the Wyvern/dragon argument. two legs and two wings=wyvern, 4 legs, two wings=dragon, 4 legs=drake
3 months
My house is Gryffindor
3 months
it's cool how they did hagrid in the movie most of the time it was just camera angles made him look bigger other times they had a tall guy with a mask on in the later movies they had an animatronic head for him
3 months
damn this movie is older than me
3 months
you should play Quidditch Champions!
3 months
Its weird. Hermione is a muggle born mage. Meaning her parents have no magic connection at all. Yet she somehow knows more magic than other kids without even going to a magic school
4 replies
3 months
She probably knew that she would be different thats why she tried harder
3 months
She was facinated by this new world she never knew existed
they'll constantly tell us that muggle borns are always top of the class and quick learners and I think it has a lot to do with the sheer level of excitment that comes with learning that magic exists
Meanwhile those from Magic families are so used to all this that is the equivilent of a regular school for them and they aren't as inspired to learn magic because magic is their norm
3 months
its weird that people learn stuff more than others?
1 replies
3 months
She learned more between learning she was magic and going to school than most other kids learn in a year. That is pretty bizarre
3 months
She studies. A lot. She said she spent ALL SUMMER reading up on magic, magical history, spells, potions, etc.
3 months
So in the books they actually say that the golden snitch doesn't win the game automatically, it gives 150 points to your team and ends the game, which in most cases would be a win. So you could still win even if you don't catch it you just need to be 160 points ahead
1 replies
3 months
I commented too early in the video haha
3 months
Hagrid is half giant on his mothers side work that one out
3 months
gryffindor and slytherin are pretty similar to be honest
3 months
Welp, haven't watched this in 5+ years (iirc), I'm excited, particularly for the later movies.
3 months
gotta go watch "you're a wizard Harry".
3 months
if I remember correctly, one of the World Cup Quiddich games lasted 3 full days before the Snitch was caught
3 months
Harry Potter is born in 1980, so the year he start hogwarts is 1991. Hope that’s helps, with when this is supposed to be happening:)
3 months
You're probably going to get a few comments about how watching this is supporting transphobia and I'm going to stop that here: It doesn't!
There's a lot of great themes and morals in this series and at the time it was made the author was not a well known bigot.
Enjoy these movies tot he fullest!
Rowling is heavily involved and is rumored to be making Dumbledore incredibly transphobic!!
The games Quiddich Champions and Hogwarts Legacy are both good and have positive trans rep- rowling was not involved at all (which is obvious given the positive trans rep).
For the record I'm a Gryffindor.... No matter how many times I retake it I am Gryffindor.... I think my loyalty or creativity would have landed me in Ravenclaw or Huffelpuff but I digress.... I'm in the house of most likley to die first...
3 replies
2 months
I would like to ask you to for proof and sources on your opinions on these subjects. I don't think you can co sideline you have already discredited yourself once already. Why is it that people can't look up things themselves instead of blinding following haters that spread half-truths and flat out lies? Anyone I have ask to give me evidence of her doing any of this, simply can not.
1 replies
2 months
Because all the evidence is public and easily found. You don't actually want us to give you evidence. You're not here to learn the truth. You're here to shut down the truth because you can't accept it.
3 months
Where did you hear that rumor?
1 replies
3 months
after looking into it myself it does appear to be from a satire site but the fact remains Rowling is playing a massive role in the production of the upcomming series
If you have any love for trans people then avoid this one Harry Potter Project
You can still enjoy the movies and games
You can even enjoy the books if you want since those were written years ago!
But this new series will determine whether or not she will have a platform moving forward and if this series fails while HL and QC didn't then this will prove to WBD that the thing hurting their finacial prospects with HP is Rowling herself instead of the IP as a whole and ask Rooster Teeth what happens to things WBD deems "unprofitable"
I have been of the mindset that Harry Potter is too big to fail but Rowling is not- please don't let her win
1 replies
3 months
it still bums me out she uses her money to fund anti trans politics. I felt real guilty buying the game if even one cent went to that garbage
1 replies
2 months
I feel you. I was lucky enough to know someone who worked on the game. They got me a free copy, so I didn't have to worry about where my money was going.
3 months
Side note: Despite the Author of said book being a bigot "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is still my favorite book to this day and I will go into detail as to why when you get there....
3 months
The first movie is set in 1991.
3 months
someone reverse engineered the test. So if you all think you need to retake it you can do it that way without having to make a new account.
3 months
I'm a proud hufflepuff and I'm not scaried to say it out loud.
2 replies
3 months
💛🖤 Hufflepuffs unite!!!💛🖤
3 months
Same! Puff Power!
3 months
never seen the bule ray or extended versions so there are many scenes ive never seen
1 replies
3 months
Same! Like the scene with Snape telling Harry what the things he asked him are. I don’t remember that at all.
3 months
Every time I take the sorting test I'm constantly swapped between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but if I had a say in it......which I do, I would rather go with Hufflepuff 🤗
3 months
is this an extended version or did you guys get extra scenes that were cut out of the philosophers stone version?
3 months
yeah, Boom is my spirit animal..
3 months
The series takes place in the 90’s. Whatever number movie you’re on, it’s 199X (the school year in this one is 91 into 92).
3 months
Honestly im more impressed that the snake managed to defy his biology and wink at Harry, cause they don't have eyelids
3 months
McGonagall is head of Gryffindor, snape is head of Slytherin, Flitwick (the wingardium leviosa teacher) is head of Ravenclaw house and a teacher known as professor sprout is head of hufflepuff
3 months
Lol The joke in the beginning they make because of who replaces who later
3 months
I hope to see you guys watch the Harry potter series such great movies rip for the actors and actresses of these films
3 months
That house thing is just another thing on the list of astrology BS where people think something determines your whole personality. Well guess what bitches I took two separate quizzes and I got both ravenclaw and hufflepuff.
3 months
the enthusiasm about owl legs made my week
3 months
Yesss love Harry Potter sm and Ron and hermoine my children 🥹🤗
3 months
Patiently waiting for you guys to get to HP 3-5… then ready to cry with everyone through 6-8 🥲
3 months
Boom is definitely a hufflepuff. Man didn't even read he just drank a color lmao
I'm Hufflepuff.
3 months
PuffinStuff unite
2 replies
3 months
The movie does such a poor job at explaining what catching the snitch means. Essentially, catching the snitch ends the game and awards 150 points to the team that caught it, but it doesn't mean that they win. If the other team was ahead in points (10pts each goal) then they would still win over the team that got the snitch.
Let's say Slytherin had 170 pts and Gryffindor was way behind with only 10pts, but caught the snitch, adding 150 pts, they would still lose by 10 pts.
3 months
YOOO Im Ravenclaw aswell.
3 months
As a Ravenclaw that cosplays slytherin mentality I’m hyped for this journey
3 months
Especially given Booms reasoning I disagree that mans a Hufflepuff
3 months
knowing that I'm not paying to give that woman any money but I can watch cool people watch it instead>>>
2 replies
3 months
So weird how she's a standard lib on everything except the one thing leftists actually care about lol
3 replies
2 months
She's surrounding herself with more and more far right types these days. It seems that she hates trans people more than she cares about any cause.
3 months
Well that's just not true, her gender critical views are her ONLY views. If she was a standard lib, she wouldn't be financially backing anti-abortion activists like Posie Parker and legal defense groups like the Alliance for Defending Freedom which advocates for the recriminalization of homosexuality. Not to mention the holocaust denial.
3 months
Not even republicans agree 100% on everything.
3 months
I was thinking the same thing. I hope they do the entire series.
3 months
On December 6, can you guys watch the Small soldiers that’s my birthday
3 months
The first 2 movies pretty book accurate it come book 3 there gone be alot of comments
3 months
Slytherins rise🐍🐍🐍
Cannon Fire
3 months
Hufflepuff squad arise!
3 months
Yessss I will watch Harry Potter a million times over with new reactors because I just love the journey
3 months
England doesn't have H.O.A
3 months
You guys are in for a fun time with these movies, honestly my guesses for the houses before yall said your results was-
Ruff: Gryffindor
Boom: Gryffindor
Eric: Hufflepuff
Bree: Ravenclaw.
Honestly I think your results are pretty accurate. My result was Ravenclaw and I'm real proud of it!
3 months
Hufflepuff Lets Go
3 months
Damn.... this is how I'm learning that Maggie Smith died .
3 months
Fun fact: The Harry Potter movie franchise is one of the first film series that's based off of a book series that wasn't written by any known author, one other example is Ender's Game.
1 replies
3 months
13:45 "The real magic is that kid didn't get hit!" -Boom
3 months
This is the most excited i have been for a movie reaction ever. LETS GOOO!
3 months
>Sorcerer's Stone
*Screams in FMA*
3 months
RavenClaw for the win boys
3 months
I'm Slytherin house and im happy with it
3 months
I'm a hufflepuff
3 months
Oh we are so back
1 replies
3 months
Boom: "The real magic is that kid didn't get hit!" 😂
3 months
Please watch all of these movies, they're honestly really good. (Feel free to ignore fantastic beast if you want)
Fun Fact: Its revealed in one of the later books(I dont think it ever comes up in the movies) Norbert the dragon Hagrid "wins" from the "stranger" at the pub was actually female and later renamed Norberta by the people who run the sanctuary she was sent to
They explain quidditch real bad.Wood and McGonagall talked about what broom would be best for Harry as a seeker. They chose the nimbus 2000 because of its speed. They also do get house points for winning games. It's part of why Wood is so crazy for quidditch. They don't show it much but it's a meme how crazy obsessed he is with the game.
The Harry Potter story takes place 1991-1998
"I hope they scream when they burn." Bree (19:55)
I don't remember laughing this hard ever xD
Part 1 of Deathly Hallows is only movie that I'd say is not good. But for today's standards it would be good so tough to say since it's all subjective anyway.... & J.K Rowling can be a great author & have controversial view points. & someone can like her without supporting those views
Lord of the rings is by far superior. But Harry Potter is still legendary.
Call me a Tunnel Snake, 'cause I'm Slytherin', baby!
If y'all like wizard schools you should watch little witch academia ims sure you'll love it
i'm a slytherin!
Bro he didnt say school shootings would be funny, he said MORE funny
McGonagall is the Head of GryffindorHouse, and a former quidditch player. She gave Harry the broom because she wants her house team to win again. McG is solid.
Ruff is 100% a Slytherin
I'm a Slytherin and I wouldn't want it any other way
Im a hufflepuff and im proud of it
Choosing the color potion bottle you like the most is such a Hufflepuff move, I can't believe Sean got Ravenclaw. LOL
I never saw any of the movies until this reaction, I enjoyed it so much though that I started listening to the audio books, I'm already on book 7. But why does no one ever talk about how shafted Neville gets in the movies, or that everyone in Slyrherin is at least a little racist
People do talk about it but only those who have read the books and watched the movies and sadly, most people have only ever watched the movies and the author JK Rowling is a piece of shit so most avoid the books now which is sad (when she wrote the books, she wasn't NEARLY as bad as she is today)
At the very least she was still trying to hide it
i love that they got the extended version
This movie is different than the way I watched. It has deleted scenes into the movie
Slytherin and happy about it. My favorite movie is hard to decide, I have not watched these movies for about six years or so, from what I remember I really liked the fifth and sixth ones. Its been even longer since reading the books but I think I liked the fourth, fifth and seventh the most-- seventh just because of the sheer amount of lore, revisiting content and wrap up on story lines, there was a lot more in that book than the rest.
They explain how the Snitch in Quidditch works really badly. Catching it doesn't automatically mean that team wins. Yes catching the Snitch ends the game, but it also gives the team that caught it 150 points. So in theory, if the other team is up by 160 or more points, the other team could still catch the Snitch and lose the game. THAT'S why sometimes games can go for so long. The teams have to wait until the points are in their favor to catch the Snitch or they could wind up inadvertently ending the game but still lose.
even though I am a transgirl these books still hold a nostalgic place in my heart and the same with the movies, so I still enjoy them, but it is so sad to see what Rowling has needlessly turned herself into. She completely missed the moral of her own story, though when you read her other books she wrote under another name, her bigotry for many different groups of people becomes apparent. Not to mention her traditional British bigotries toward the irish. like even during the making of these movies, the writers where shocked by the lack of diverse students in Hogwarts in the books and took it upon themselves to add more diverse students to atleast some degree. But anyways, I do still love these movies up to part 4. After that they start to suck pretty hard in my opinion.
With utmost respect for you, can you please tell me what has she turned herself into? Can you please give me some real evidence and sources of her transgressions because other than a few remarks on woman's rights vs trans rights, I have never seen any other proof of what you are accusing her of
Watch Shauns videos on Youtube about J.K. Rowling.
He also did one on Harry Potter.
Hufflepuff and proud.
3 months is the longest Quidditch game lore-wise. There were lots of subs and sleep, but it was the same game haha
See? This is why those online quizzes don't work. They only know the answers given not the REASONS behind those answers XD
If you're a Slytherin, Rowling thinks you're a bad person. But that means you're actually a good person.
There are plenty of good people she wrote that are in or from Slytherin
Barely, and she refused to give Malfoy a proper redemption arc.
I might be wrong and full of oxygen, but isn't the original book called The Philosopher's Stone? Idk its ringing a bell for me.
The UK title was Philosopher's Stone, everywhere else it was Sorcerer's Stone. This is true for the books, movies, and video games.
Why is it so bad, to ask who has seen these? Never asked, but I didn't like the stfu comment. I like knowing. Ofc, I could get it after some time who hasn't seen it, but you guys are a tat forgetful here and there, so one can't never be sure.
Griffy boy
I got Gryffindor. I was gonna assume Hufflepuff for Eric based on puns alone.
I saw the Train Set in england in person very impressive however the train car was tiny I barely fit in it.
Boom got that roblox noob drip
Im Hufflepuff
I took the quiz and got slytherin as a teen. retook it until I got ravenclaw. Got told that’s why I’m a slytherin
wyverns are dragons dumbass
They are a subspecies of dragons but not the same thing
I love that you guys are doing this, I am a Hufflepuff and am fully into it
BOOM I need you to know Wyverns ARE dragons. Its a square rectangle scenario, all wyverns are dragons but not all dragons are wyverns
That depends entirely on the mythology or world that you're talking about. They are dragons in Harry Potter because Harry Potter says they are dragons, same with Skyrim. However, if you go back to the oldest mythologies, they are distinctly separate creatures.
In regards to Ravenclaw representation in this specific movie, Quirrell (the villain) is a Ravenclaw
isnt that old guy with the cat the same actor that plays walder frey from game of thrones?
Yes, it is
Funny you mentioned FMA because Philosopher's Stones were important in that show
Ravenclaw!!! lets goooooo!
Sad fact: none of the adult actors in that opening scene are with us now
I really hope you guys make these movies a sort of mini-series and continue watching with the rest of them! It was really cool to see Boom's genuine reactions to everything, his excitement for discovering the way the world works is so pure. (Can't wait for him to meet Buckbeak lol)
“I’m gonna steal some of this shit Harry”Why is that line so funny
i found it funny that Hermoine was like "You're a great wizard harry." When he hadn't cast a single spell in the entire movie.
My favorite book is the Deathly Hallows but my favorite movie is Goblet of Fire. The budget/cinematography is insane.
Actually, that's a common misconception about Quidditch! While catching the Golden Snitch does end the game, it’s not the only way the game can theoretically end. According to the rules in the Harry Potter universe, a Quidditch match could go on indefinitely if neither team catches the Snitch, but in practice, teams or captains often agree to end games after a certain point if exhaustion sets in.There have been games lasting for months, but these are extremely rare. For instance, a legendary game between teams from Patagonia and Outer Mongolia reportedly lasted about three months. In such cases, players are substituted to avoid total exhaustion. Catching the Snitch awards 150 points and ends the game, but the team catching it doesn't always win—what matters is the overall score!
please for the love of god do the twilight movies
same thing happened with my last ex on one hand i loved it but on the other hand it was kind of annoying
see i cant even blame sean for missing the defense against the dark arts thing because yall talked all over it lol
They don't really explain Quidditch well in the films. particularly the snitch. Catching the snitch does not guarantee victory. Catching it ends the game and awards 150 points to the team that catch it. so for example, if a team is up 170 points to 0 and the team with 0 catch the snitch then end score would be 170 to 150. And the team with 170 points would still win despite not catching the snitch.
Ruff gives Gryffindor and Slytherin vibes, like a Gryffindor with Slytherin traits or vice versa and i can def see Boom as a Ravenclaw lol if not Ravenclaw than maybeee Hufflepuff
I called that Boom would be Ravenclaw broo. (even tho he picked the colour for the drink question lol)
I can't sat I agree at all with there being a movie that isn't good, they are pretty consistently good all the way through. In fact I'd say if anything the first two are weaker just for the fact they are far lighter in ton but it makes sense since it's the start and they are still kids
Yeah I’m not sure which movies she’s referring too. I think Half Blood Prince kind of drags sometimes and the first part of Deathly Hallows but other than it’s all pretty solid movie wise.
Yes I am excited to watch with you all!
I hope, when the youtube edit comes out, you guys add a disclaimer about denouncing JK Rowling's financial backing of groups that seek to recriminalize homosexuality and supporting private policies wherein *victims of abuse* can't enter shelters for victims if they're AMAB, and also the holocaust denial.
I do understand the risk involved in doing so, and why reactors don't do so, but reactions to the Harry Potter movies often reach a large audience, and a lot of the problem with Rowling's influence is that most people don't actually understand the measures she's taken in trying to combat queer rights, so it's something I hope you guys consider.
Please add sources and proof of this becuase I have found no such evidence. Thank you
You found no evidence because you didn't look. If you don't know what she is by now, you don't want to know.
This takes place 1991-1992
Bro I forgot how much the Greengots goblins look like Nazi propaganda.
YES OMG ive been really wanting yalls to watch this series of movies sooo much this is the best news ToT
If you want more visit supercarlinbros on youtube, they have deep dives and theories. (they're the hp version of matPat's FNAF) there also have a pod cast of them reading so you don't have to actually read the books.
My all time favorite movie always switches between The Sorcerer's Stone, Goblet of Fire, and The Half Blood Prince. The only movie in the franchise that feels like a drag to me is the first part of The Deathly Hallows. I hope you guys check out Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them after Harry Potter, it's set before the events of Harry Potter and takes place in America. It's a good watch and I can't wait to watch you guys react to the Chamber of Secrets.
They don't give all the details in the movie, but catching the snitch isn't an instant win. It ends the game, and gives 150 points, but if the other team still has more points than you even after those 150 points are added, then they win the game, not you. So, early in the game, catching it is an instant win, but if the other team is ahead by enough, the strategy would actually be to stop the snitch from being caught until your team can manage to catch up enough.
Not that there's really much reason to say this, though, since all evidence suggests that you never read any of the comments on the site, just ones on YouTube.
They do read the comments on the website😊
well, now I really wish his website had the ability to delete comments, since Eric talked about it later
My complicated negative view of Harry Potter and all of the world building (and the author), I do think the Hogswart Houses mean absolutely nothing. But I do think that Boom should be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw fr. Ruff is definitely NOT Slytherin, and Gryffindor absolutely fits him. Sean definitely could be Slytherin
Learn to cry
I'm sorry, but whenever this whole "wyvern vs dragon" debacle comes about, I can't fucking contain myself.
Wyverns ARE dragons. They are as much dragons as the Long Dragons (or Eastern dragons) or wurms (legless dragons) are dragons. Dragons with four legs, sometimes called Western dragons or "True Dragons", are not the definitive identity of the dragon as a concept -- just a common type of such in European folklore.
I have always been under the impression they are sla subspecies of dragons but not exactly they same thing. Yes, all of those creatures you have listed are considered dragons but they are not all the same. All wyverns are dragon but not all dragons are wyverns.
I like how Harry and Ron defeating a troll is equivalent to a score in Quidditch lmao
In terms of house points, that is.
Oh wait I'm dumb when the kid says "10 points to X" it just meant game points. But bruh they say the same shit for house points.
I didn’t realize this until now, but the Golden Snitch isn’t as game-breaking as I thought. Considering those hoops were 10 points each, that means the Snitch is worth 15 hoops. It’s hard, but you can definitely attempt a 16 hoop spread when the game can last for literal days.
Favorite Movie- Prisoner of Azkaban (3rd) Favorite Book- Goblet of Fire (4th)
Centers are psychic, they know the future
Harry Potter with Guns (also known as Harry Potter and the Deathly Weapons) is something I’ve always wanted to watch. It’s a complete edit of this movie but every wand is replaced with a Gun and all spells are just edited gunshots. It looks incredibly well made, but unfortunately it gets taken down everywhere for obvious reasons
i love bri's blanket i love it bri
My favorite book is Half-Blood Prince and they murdered that movie is so horrible. My favorite movie is definitely Prisoner of Askaban love Sirius and Lupin and the whole Marauders.
i'm in the lion squad
A decent bit of every book gets cut except the fourth one because so much of it is relevant to the plot. Not sure if the movies explain why he has to stay with the blood relatives but it has to do with the love thing
PLEASE watch A Very Potter Musical after you get through all of these movies, I know you guys would get a kick out of it!
Bree seemed so easy to pocket into Hufflepuff, but after her unveil of being a Slytherin, makes super sense considering her hate on fellow women and fun and hating fairly made score keeping (I'm kidding mostly, I know she's actually a good person who cares) Big misunderstanding is that all Slytherin are ineptly evil, when they're just project focus that may put others to the wayside for their own venture.
Ruff also seemed easy to say Hufflepuff (more like HuffleRuff haha...sigh). But seriously, I can see why Slytherin by outsiders, but yeah, Gryffindor can make sense: Ambitious, Head-Strong, a lot of the traits Slytherin also contains, hence the back and forth between the two.
Sean was setup to be Gryffindor, natural leadership quality, head-strong, no-nonsense of the world; even Hufflepuff seemed ok, but a bit of a misnomer on his part. Ravenclaw does fit him best, long-term, with his astute perception of the world and want to find reasons from the unknown and balance from the chaos. That all being said, I bet the hat sat for hours trying to figure out who this motherfucker was lol
Eric, sweet Eric, he would be Gryffindor. I thought Ravenclaw just because despite his goofy-ass nature, he's still a well-rounded, grounded human brain of greater understand and exploration. Won't lie, though, he (like the whole cast) feels Hufflepuffy as fuck! lol
According to the Google, Harry Potter Part 1 take place in the year 1991.
It's philosophers stone in Australia and I think the uk, it's the name I grew up with lol
Boom as a fellow ravenclaw, we are the secret best house
I am shocked we are doing harry potter before lord of the rings ngl
i thought the Philosopher's Stone was a Sr. Pelo joke lol
"stovon onovors and the philosopher's stone"
Holy shit a half hour in and I'm dying already. This movie series is about to be so good
Bree complaining about the Golden Snitch is sooooo Slytherin of her lol
The final movie is my favorite so you better commit to these!! xD
I've always liked Ron and the Weasley family the most, and had a hard time liking Harry and (movie) Hermoine. It's also just frustrating knowing that movie!Hermoine stole a lot of Ron's *smart* lines, to make her more of a girl boss when it doesn't make much sense when you know she doesn't come from a wizard family, but Ron does... =/ He should know a LOT more then either Harry or Hermoine, even if she reads a lot about it, books versus experience is different. But, that's just my nitpick to the movies. XD Watching this reaction has been a joy, despite how this is prob one of my least favorite in the series (next to the 6th and 7th movies). As for my favorites, it was between movie 2 and 4.
I also remember taking the Hogwarts test twice, and the first time I did, I got Griffindor, which I was super bummed about. XD But the second time I took it, I got Hufflepuff, and rejoiced, haha!
To be fair m, I think your referring to devil’s snare thing and how Ron was the one to say that relaxing was the best way to go about it. However, you have to remember in the movie they cut Hermione’s test with the potions and fire and stuff but Harry and Ron got to keep theirs.
Hermione saving the day with the devil’s snare was to make up for that. So she got to have a moment during the finale.
They definitely have the extended or ultimate version as I don’t remember a lot of these scenes & they look like they were re introduced into the movie
@4:54 I’m a proud and astute ravenclaw
The major problem with the movies mostly ends up being that they started making them before the series ended, and Rowling was extremely fond of making the tiniest little things mentioned in previous books end up being major plot points in later ones. So some very important information ended up being left out solely because the movie's creators didn't know what needed to be left in, though they do make some, err...interesting choices in what to spend run time on here and there.
My personal opinion is that this is the best movie, with the second being solid, and the third being a lot of peoples' favorite. They're all pretty good though. The soundtrack goes hard in every single one as well. My biggest complaint is the color grading gets really shit, which probably sounds like a bizarre priority to anyone who hasn't watched them recently.
I also like the first Fantastic Beasts, and think it's worth a watch. The sequel is a hideous mess that I'd never recommend to anyone, though it does have the most batshit convoluted backstory reveal I think I've ever seen in a movie, and I genuinely cackled at the ending.
How interesting how opinions can vary, because i personally find the first and second to be the worst ones, still good but worst. interested to see what the guys think by the end
you guys should do a reaction to the audio books after watching the movie by narrator "Jim Dale"
The 3rd movie is one of my favorites and I'm a Hufflepuff💛🖤💛🖤
My favorite movie is the 3rd movie (introduces one of my fave characters) with the 5th movie (introduces one of my other fave characters) being a very close second place. I enjoy all of them except for 7 and 8. I think I watched each of them at least one time, but I've watched 1-6 many, many times. The...mood takes a turn in 7 and 8 to a place I don't enjoy/to a place so different than what I come to the world of HP for that I just skip 7 and 8 on my rewatches. Excited to see y'all's reaction to the other movies!
what would be the point spread on a quidditch game
I'd say it depended on the two team's seekers. If they're good, like Harry was here, it would aim -170 (20 points they put on the board, plus the 150 Snitch), otherwise maybe -175 or more if they keep scoring forever until someone catches the snitch. The over-under on whether the Snitch is caught or a tie is called due to attrition would be another interesting bet.
Oh i cant wait to see this full journey this is my favorite movie series of all time the first is my 3 lowest goblet of fire is 2nd half blood is bottom but thats not cause i dont like them i like every film for what they did just some are kinda meh
Order of phinox is the best film XD
Really hope you guys continue watching these movies. It has been my favorite since childhood.
I will say the third movie is my favorite. There's a lot of fun intrigue. It's also really funny because it's the last movie before puberty hit ron's actor like a semi truck. He looks very different between 3 and 4.
I have never actually seen any HP movies so this is gonna be cool, looking forward to this journey!
I am unsure what is being talked about when talking about some of the books/movies are hard to get through. Outside of 2 which is usually regarded as the worst the rest are good. 3 and beyond are all good. Maybe not great adaptations at times (looking at you #6 especially) but they are all still good.
The last book was hard to get through for me, personally. - Bree
That makes sense. It can drag on a bit at times. 2 and 7 are my 2 lowest of the series for sure.
We're entering the Wizarding World LFG!
Found it interesting that Quidditch wasn't segregated by gender given how Rowling is as a person (which is a shame. this franchise was a huge part of a lot of people's childhoods and it sucks that the creator turned out to be a complete pos). Also Bree should see the part in Wing It Like Witches from The Owl House where they make fun of Quidditch.
Also I would love for you guys to finish the Twilight saga!
I stand with JK Rowling. She is a brave advocate for women and has done more good in this world than you or I ever will. There's nothing wrong with saying sex is different from gender and that sex is what needs to be considered in many social situations. Unfortunately, the intolerant left has led us to our second Trump presidency.
She's done more bad in this world than most people ever will. To the point that no amount of good can redeem her.
You support being a bigot and the continued effort of JK and transphobic people like yourself to kill trans people like myself.
Oh my god, can we just STOP with this crap already?!
Yes, Rowling is a shit person. We don’t need to keep bringing it up EVERY TIME some HP related comes up
We'll stop bringing it up when she's no longer a concern.
Another person replying in this very thread proves why it should always be brought up that JK is a terrible person and if you support her you are as well.
I will keep bringing it up as long as she keeps using her profits from the franchise to fund policies that hurt trans people. She goes way further than the usual twitter nonsense.
As for what year this takes place…. It was 1981 when Harry’s parents died and he was left with the Dursleys… and it’s 1991 when he first goes to Hogwarts… so the main bulk of the series is set between 1991 and 1998
The thing with the last movie being two parts is that that final big is HUGE and there’s a lot of pieces moving in the plot at that stage in the story to the point that I’d argue that it should’ve been three parts.
Book 6 is my favorite book but my 2nd last favorite movie in the serious except for the bits towards the end of the movie lol.
To this day, I cannot watch the scene where Lily gets killed. I avoided it ever since I first watched it in theaters. I know I'm alone here but her scream haunted me. Excited for you guys to watch the others! Please don't kick Bree out! (Referencing them talking at the end)
You guys should play Hogwarts Legacy! The game takes place 100 years before Harry Potter so there won't be any spoilers!
There is a reason harry has to go back to the dursleys. But that's spoilers
First time I watched this in a extended version tbh! So much fun, especially with You guys ✨ Best regards to my fellow Slytherin 💚
House Ravenclaw over here baby!!
a proud Gryffindor here :) hope you guys watch all the movies! It's not a perfect adaptation, but still good and nostalgic on its own
also, fun fact: the first two Harry Potter movies are directed by Chris Columbus, who also directed Home Alone! I never realised how cozy this movie looks and how similar the 'christmas' vibes it gives off with Home Alone
Pre Knowing Guess- Gotta think that Eric is a Hufflepuff. Im gonna Guess that Ruff is a Gryffindor, and Shawn is probably a Slytherin.
The troll was in front of the bathroom exit. Where was she supposed to run?
No but once upon a time on one of those quiz sites (Quizilla? Maybe Quizilla adjacent?) they had one of those like 120+ fanmade questionnaires to sort you into a house. I'm talking like "Do you feel X often" and you'd have to answer from Never, Rarely, Somewhat Rarely, Sometimes, Somewhat Often, Often, Always. Some were True or False questions, others were about levels of importance.
120 questions.
And they would give you the percentage you'd fall into each house.
That's how we spent our weekends in High School.
That's what the theatre kids did.
RIP that quiz.
as far as why there's no tech: it's never mentioned in the movies but in the books it is explain that Hogwarts is "Muggel-Proof"
No tech can be used within a certain radius- this includes things like cameras and overhead satelites- and if a muggle gets near the area they will suddenly feel the urge to turn around and go back the way they came
They're low tech because they have to be- it is to keep the muggles from finding them or being able to record/document their existance
pretty sure he only goes to the mirror twice in the book, after the second time Dumbledore puts it down in the third floor chamber
Yeah I will say they really didn’t miss much from the original book as it wasn’t as long as some of the others. Most stuff that was cut was pretty much just fluff.
Ooo yes! Been wanting this series done for a while! I only got up to the 3rd to last one but maybe I can finish it with you guys! And after the series is done you guys should try playing Hogwarts Legacy, I'd love to see that.
On separate note, could you guys react to this new Indie Animation pilot called The Art of Murder? I'm dying for more reactions to it, thanks again!
I got sorted into Gryffindor, which I find surprising cause I am not that brave and courageous
It’s not about being brave. It’s about valuing courage and WANTING to be brave. That’s how Neville got in and how a certain character from the third movie got in.
I am with Sean on the Wyvern/dragon argument. two legs and two wings=wyvern, 4 legs, two wings=dragon, 4 legs=drake
My house is Gryffindor
it's cool how they did hagrid in the movie most of the time it was just camera angles made him look bigger other times they had a tall guy with a mask on in the later movies they had an animatronic head for him
damn this movie is older than me
you should play Quidditch Champions!
Its weird. Hermione is a muggle born mage. Meaning her parents have no magic connection at all. Yet she somehow knows more magic than other kids without even going to a magic school
She probably knew that she would be different thats why she tried harder
She was facinated by this new world she never knew existed
they'll constantly tell us that muggle borns are always top of the class and quick learners and I think it has a lot to do with the sheer level of excitment that comes with learning that magic exists
Meanwhile those from Magic families are so used to all this that is the equivilent of a regular school for them and they aren't as inspired to learn magic because magic is their norm
its weird that people learn stuff more than others?
She learned more between learning she was magic and going to school than most other kids learn in a year. That is pretty bizarre
She studies. A lot. She said she spent ALL SUMMER reading up on magic, magical history, spells, potions, etc.
So in the books they actually say that the golden snitch doesn't win the game automatically, it gives 150 points to your team and ends the game, which in most cases would be a win. So you could still win even if you don't catch it you just need to be 160 points ahead
I commented too early in the video haha
Hagrid is half giant on his mothers side work that one out
gryffindor and slytherin are pretty similar to be honest
Welp, haven't watched this in 5+ years (iirc), I'm excited, particularly for the later movies.
gotta go watch "you're a wizard Harry".
if I remember correctly, one of the World Cup Quiddich games lasted 3 full days before the Snitch was caught
Harry Potter is born in 1980, so the year he start hogwarts is 1991. Hope that’s helps, with when this is supposed to be happening:)
You're probably going to get a few comments about how watching this is supporting transphobia and I'm going to stop that here: It doesn't!
There's a lot of great themes and morals in this series and at the time it was made the author was not a well known bigot.
Enjoy these movies tot he fullest!
Rowling is heavily involved and is rumored to be making Dumbledore incredibly transphobic!!
The games Quiddich Champions and Hogwarts Legacy are both good and have positive trans rep- rowling was not involved at all (which is obvious given the positive trans rep).
For the record I'm a Gryffindor.... No matter how many times I retake it I am Gryffindor.... I think my loyalty or creativity would have landed me in Ravenclaw or Huffelpuff but I digress.... I'm in the house of most likley to die first...
I would like to ask you to for proof and sources on your opinions on these subjects. I don't think you can co sideline you have already discredited yourself once already. Why is it that people can't look up things themselves instead of blinding following haters that spread half-truths and flat out lies? Anyone I have ask to give me evidence of her doing any of this, simply can not.
Because all the evidence is public and easily found. You don't actually want us to give you evidence. You're not here to learn the truth. You're here to shut down the truth because you can't accept it.
Where did you hear that rumor?
after looking into it myself it does appear to be from a satire site but the fact remains Rowling is playing a massive role in the production of the upcomming series
If you have any love for trans people then avoid this one Harry Potter Project
You can still enjoy the movies and games
You can even enjoy the books if you want since those were written years ago!
But this new series will determine whether or not she will have a platform moving forward and if this series fails while HL and QC didn't then this will prove to WBD that the thing hurting their finacial prospects with HP is Rowling herself instead of the IP as a whole and ask Rooster Teeth what happens to things WBD deems "unprofitable"
I have been of the mindset that Harry Potter is too big to fail but Rowling is not- please don't let her win
it still bums me out she uses her money to fund anti trans politics. I felt real guilty buying the game if even one cent went to that garbage
I feel you. I was lucky enough to know someone who worked on the game. They got me a free copy, so I didn't have to worry about where my money was going.
Side note: Despite the Author of said book being a bigot "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is still my favorite book to this day and I will go into detail as to why when you get there....
The first movie is set in 1991.
someone reverse engineered the test. So if you all think you need to retake it you can do it that way without having to make a new account.
I'm a proud hufflepuff and I'm not scaried to say it out loud.
💛🖤 Hufflepuffs unite!!!💛🖤
Same! Puff Power!
never seen the bule ray or extended versions so there are many scenes ive never seen
Same! Like the scene with Snape telling Harry what the things he asked him are. I don’t remember that at all.
Every time I take the sorting test I'm constantly swapped between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but if I had a say in it......which I do, I would rather go with Hufflepuff 🤗
is this an extended version or did you guys get extra scenes that were cut out of the philosophers stone version?
yeah, Boom is my spirit animal..
The series takes place in the 90’s. Whatever number movie you’re on, it’s 199X (the school year in this one is 91 into 92).
Honestly im more impressed that the snake managed to defy his biology and wink at Harry, cause they don't have eyelids
McGonagall is head of Gryffindor, snape is head of Slytherin, Flitwick (the wingardium leviosa teacher) is head of Ravenclaw house and a teacher known as professor sprout is head of hufflepuff
Lol The joke in the beginning they make because of who replaces who later
I hope to see you guys watch the Harry potter series such great movies rip for the actors and actresses of these films
That house thing is just another thing on the list of astrology BS where people think something determines your whole personality. Well guess what bitches I took two separate quizzes and I got both ravenclaw and hufflepuff.
the enthusiasm about owl legs made my week
Yesss love Harry Potter sm and Ron and hermoine my children 🥹🤗
Patiently waiting for you guys to get to HP 3-5… then ready to cry with everyone through 6-8 🥲
Boom is definitely a hufflepuff. Man didn't even read he just drank a color lmao
I'm Hufflepuff.
PuffinStuff unite
The movie does such a poor job at explaining what catching the snitch means. Essentially, catching the snitch ends the game and awards 150 points to the team that caught it, but it doesn't mean that they win. If the other team was ahead in points (10pts each goal) then they would still win over the team that got the snitch.
Let's say Slytherin had 170 pts and Gryffindor was way behind with only 10pts, but caught the snitch, adding 150 pts, they would still lose by 10 pts.
YOOO Im Ravenclaw aswell.
As a Ravenclaw that cosplays slytherin mentality I’m hyped for this journey
Especially given Booms reasoning I disagree that mans a Hufflepuff
knowing that I'm not paying to give that woman any money but I can watch cool people watch it instead>>>
So weird how she's a standard lib on everything except the one thing leftists actually care about lol
She's surrounding herself with more and more far right types these days. It seems that she hates trans people more than she cares about any cause.
Well that's just not true, her gender critical views are her ONLY views. If she was a standard lib, she wouldn't be financially backing anti-abortion activists like Posie Parker and legal defense groups like the Alliance for Defending Freedom which advocates for the recriminalization of homosexuality. Not to mention the holocaust denial.
Not even republicans agree 100% on everything.
I was thinking the same thing. I hope they do the entire series.
On December 6, can you guys watch the Small soldiers that’s my birthday
The first 2 movies pretty book accurate it come book 3 there gone be alot of comments
Slytherins rise🐍🐍🐍
Hufflepuff squad arise!
Yessss I will watch Harry Potter a million times over with new reactors because I just love the journey
England doesn't have H.O.A
You guys are in for a fun time with these movies, honestly my guesses for the houses before yall said your results was-
Ruff: Gryffindor
Boom: Gryffindor
Eric: Hufflepuff
Bree: Ravenclaw.
Honestly I think your results are pretty accurate. My result was Ravenclaw and I'm real proud of it!
Hufflepuff Lets Go
Damn.... this is how I'm learning that Maggie Smith died .
Fun fact: The Harry Potter movie franchise is one of the first film series that's based off of a book series that wasn't written by any known author, one other example is Ender's Game.
13:45 "The real magic is that kid didn't get hit!" -Boom
This is the most excited i have been for a movie reaction ever. LETS GOOO!
>Sorcerer's Stone
*Screams in FMA*
RavenClaw for the win boys
I'm Slytherin house and im happy with it
I'm a hufflepuff
Oh we are so back
Boom: "The real magic is that kid didn't get hit!" 😂
Please watch all of these movies, they're honestly really good. (Feel free to ignore fantastic beast if you want)